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  1. #1
    Dioxic is offline New Member
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    I'm a wrestler and need to loose as much weight as possible.

    Originally posted in this topic:

    But it was suggest I post here. I'll just restate some of what was in the topic though.

    I'm 18, 160 lbs at 12-17% body fat. I want to loose as much weight as possible in as quick a time as possible. At the moment I'm considering taking a cycle of T3 + Clenbuterol for maximum weight loss. I was going to have a huge amount of protein + work out very hard to supplement muscle loss, but I'm unsure of how much muscle I'll loose. I refuse to take any steroids .

    As an alternative I'm considering intense cardio, weight lifting, and a E/C/A stack. Any tips or suggestions here for either option? In either scenario my diet is going to be high protein with some carbs, limited fat, some dairy, vegetables, and little fruit. I know that's a very summed up diet, but I could go into greater detail if anyone would like.

  2. #2
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Diet and cardio. If you're doing well in a couple weeks with those keys, we can consider clen . T3 however is a no-go unless you're on AAS because it will torch muscle for sure. Glad to see you're not looking to AAS for results. Also, ECA is basically the same as clen. I see the same results honestly.

    Once you read that and have your BMR/TDEE, post a proposed diet with macros and we'll get it in-check for you.

  3. #3
    Dioxic is offline New Member
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    Thanks Damienm05. I'll work on the proposed diet plan and get back to you guys when it's completely finished. Sorry, but I'm a scrub, what does the term macro refer to in this case?

    That aside, is there any guideline as to how much muscle mass I would loose with T3 or perhaps if I were to do not as intense of a dose for the same period of time? If it's minimal muscle loss I wouldn't mind dealing with it. I don't know if pure diet + cardio w/ possible clen or e/c/a will get the desired results within the time needed.

  4. #4
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    i have been a wrestler all my life... from a little boy, help kids all the time with loosing weight correctly, and not hurting them selves by loosing weight incorrectly, or too quick...

    i will say i did it totally wrong... all i would eat is peanut butter toast in am, lunch would be 16 oz of milk and dinner would be a grapfruit and a 12 oz coke. that is what i ate ever day with maybe a slice of pizza or a hot dog added here and there...

    im sure i hurt my ability to grow and gain good lean muscle... i was hurt all the time, ankles, wrists, elbos, shoulders... you get it...

    so the first thing is this: why do you think you need to be lighter, lower body fat? my guess is that you think you will be a better wrestler... not nessarily so - here is why, if you suck that much weight you are weaker, less lean body mass muscle, kill you cardio as you are eating up to 50 persent muscle in some studies by sucking weight as a wrestler...

    one hundred persent truth - at your level cardio is going to win 60 persent of you matches, ****pointer**** keep working on quickness and hand strength,,,

    what else will help is learning two take downs, single leg take down, double leg take down would be my suggestion. be deadly at them faster and quicker with better technique that any one.

    learn one thing from the bottom, stand up with hand control... again faster and quicker than any one else... with strong hands and hand control

    then on top learn only two things, one arm chop and run half and writs or bar arms and wrist

    one extra learn how to return ppl to mat when or if they hit a stand up ...

    dont practise reversals, you will be to fast and strong,,, get a stand up and take downs two points verse three (one escape two point take down)

    ok, so if you want to loose the weight... do it with cardio, long runs, and sprints, upper body work outs, and high protien diet

    good luck
    Last edited by amcon; 02-15-2011 at 01:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Dioxic is offline New Member
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    Feb 2011
    Amcon, it's great to meet a fellow wrestler on this board! There are several reasons for wanting to loose weight, partially for the team line up, and partially for myself. I understand that many wrestlers who cut weight dont wrestle optimally, however, if I'm at 6-7% body fat and have great cardio I'll much better off than if I was one or two weight classes up. I do agree a high number of matches are won purely on cardio and "heart" (no pun intended), but like I feel the most optimal place to wrestle is minimum body weight + maximum cardio.

    Another issue is that I currently hurt my knee and won't be able to go running until season starts. I can employ the elliptical, aerobic weight exercise, amongst other things to work cardio, but running really takes the cake in terms of shaving off fat; I feel I'd be hard pressed without running to cut to the wanted weight with in the allotted time.

    As for the techniques, there is a lot of truth to what you're saying. I've got several take downs that are my "bread and butter" shots, specifically high crotch, sweep single, double, and scoring off my opponents shots. I also agree with the escape + take down vs. reversals. I've trained with various state champs, world champs, olympic competitors, and there's just too much to go over and too many subtleties to reduce wrestling to just a few things like this. Thanks for the tips!

  6. #6
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    well you need to reduce wrestling to you match... wrestling with champs you will note they make there strenghts stronger and make up for there weaknesses by cardio and heart.

    look on youtube at top wrestlers now i be in all the matches you watch the top one hundred wrestlers dont use more than 5 moves in all of there matches... the rest will come naturally to you... that is the mat sence that camps wrestle with

    as for your knee - go ask coach to use the mats and just keep hitting your fav bread and buttter moves - till you can move a muscle then do a hundred more...

    diet diet... 5 and 6 persent body fat is very hard to matain over a long period of time... think body builders only keep that low body fat for a few months a year... just think about it im sure if you get down to that bf slowly you will be just fine with your cardio

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