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  1. #1
    little p is offline Junior Member
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    typical diet day when using clen?!

    this is my typical diet day when running clen for 2 weeks while trying to cut weight
    ive been in and out off gym since im 18 and hitting 28 in a few weeks. i started back training may of last year and was over weight, story cut short have lost over 75lbs and gained some muscle mass also.. ive always been a big guy and look in great shape now with every person commenting on how well i look and trained looking also makes me laugh.. im looking to maybe shake of another 10lbs give or take from midsection and chest area, all other areas are well toned.
    i do cardio every morning monday-friday and weights in the evening time.. sometimes heavy weight or low weight, depends on what programme im running at certain time..
    27, tipping 28 soon
    weight 220 lbs
    never cycled before only on clen now but planning on running test E when happy with body
    BF.. not sure
    8.00 up outta bed 160mcg clen glass of water
    8.30 gym. 60-90mins
    10.30 porridge, green tea, one slice brown bread
    12.00 2 ryvita with tomato on phily spread
    2.00 chicken salad
    4.00 bowl of rice crispys
    6.30 2 whole eggs 3 whites and 2 slices bread
    7.30 gym weights..
    8.30 pwo protein shake
    9.00 porridge

    i do eat small amounts of fruits and drink alot of water and odd cup of green tea..

    is this diet ok when using clen? trying to cut carbs but love bit of bread.. it vaires different days so...

  2. #2
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Jesus Christ...

  3. #3
    little p is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Jesus Christ...
    i no its bad but that was one day i just picked out..

  4. #4
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    First off, how are you cycling/dosing your clen ? What's your cardio and lifting schedule? How tall are you and what's your estimated body fat percentage?

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    What are you getting, 50g protein/day tops? I have no idea how you maintained, let alone gained LBM with this diet. No offense but i'd like to see some pics of this 'great shape' you're in at 220lbs. You better be a tall mofo, and/or jacked.

    So what are you looking for, to 'clean up' this diet? Not being a dick here, but it's pure trash, there's nothing worth keeping about it.

  6. #6
    little p is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    What are you getting, 50g protein/day tops? I have no idea how you maintained, let alone gained LBM with this diet. No offense but i'd like to see some pics of this 'great shape' you're in at 220lbs. You better be a tall mofo, and/or jacked.

    So what are you looking for, to 'clean up' this diet? Not being a dick here, but it's pure trash, there's nothing worth keeping about it.
    im only using this diet while on clen for 2 weeks mate.. im diet is different when not on it.. i was taking 3-4 protein shakes a day while eating alot of clean meat..
    im 6 2.. im trying to get max results from the clen so im on a cal deflict diet.. this is why i posted diet to see if it was right while running clen for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

  7. #7
    little p is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    First off, how are you cycling/dosing your clen? What's your cardio and lifting schedule? How tall are you and what's your estimated body fat percentage?
    i run 2 weeks on off..
    cardio consist of hiit, low intense training, boxing, road running, soccer. i lift weight 3-4 times a week also depending on how sore i am. usually run 6 week of heavy weights then 2-3 weeks of low weight high reps circuits etc.. it works for me and have got good results this way..
    a mate of mine is gonna check my body weight at weekend..

  8. #8
    Failure's Avatar
    Failure is offline Associate Member
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    Have you ever run Clen before? Just wondering why you are starting off with 4x the typical starting dose.

    NVM, just reread your post.
    Last edited by Failure; 02-16-2011 at 10:40 AM.

  9. #9
    little p is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failure View Post
    Have you ever run Clen before? Just wondering why you are starting off with 4x the typical starting dose.

    NVM, just reread your post.
    i started first ever 4 weeks ago so took break after 2 weeks and now just back on next 2 weeks.. started of slowly on first 2 weeks and finished on 160mcg so just starting on 160mcg now

  10. #10
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by little p View Post
    i started first ever 4 weeks ago so took break after 2 weeks and now just back on next 2 weeks.. started of slowly on first 2 weeks and finished on 160mcg so just starting on 160mcg now
    youre wasting youre time with that clen bro. You need to fix that diet asap and drop the clen for now..

    And btw, the only things that I see good are the eggs/whites and 1 pro shake......THATS IT!! Everything else has to go!!

  11. #11
    little p is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by POPS View Post
    youre wasting youre time with that clen bro. You need to fix that diet asap and drop the clen for now..

    And btw, the only things that I see good are the eggs/whites and 1 pro shake......THATS IT!! Everything else has to go!!
    whats wrong with porridge for breakfast? or chicken salad?

  12. #12
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by little p View Post
    whats wrong with porridge for breakfast? or chicken salad?
    I dont know what porridge is and whats in the chic salad?

    Unless porridge is another name for oats and the chicken salad is made the correct way without any garbage in it, they do not belong in a bodybuilding diet...

  13. #13
    little p is offline Junior Member
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    yes sorry porridge is oats and chicken salad is clean enough! not looking to be a bodybuilder as im trying to cut weight.. just wanna tweek a few things in my diet like cutting out bread and i drink too much milk even tough its slim milk!

  14. #14
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by little p View Post
    yes sorry porridge is oats and chicken salad is clean enough! not looking to be a bodybuilder as im trying to cut weight.. just wanna tweek a few things in my diet like cutting out bread and i drink too much milk even tough its slim milk!
    here are the bascis its up to you..

    Acceptable proteins for your healthy lifestyle diet:

    The goal is to eat lean protein. Meats/other sources low in fat/carbs.
    Ground beef (93% lean or better)
    Lean steak (Flank, flat iron, or top sirloin)
    Bison sirloin (the highest quality red meat)
    Chicken breas
    Turkey breast
    Tuna (canned or sushi grade)
    Tilapia (mostly all white fish)
    All shellfish
    Whey protein (post-workout recovery purposes only)
    Casein/Cottage cheese (before bed only)

    Black-List Protein sources. Do not eat these because they are high in fat. And not the
    good kind we find in nuts and olive oil – I’m talking about cholesterol raising saturated
    1 Bacon
    2 Sausage
    3 Expensive fat-marbled Steaks (Ribeye, Strip, Filet)
    4 Pork and beef ribs
    5 Pork/Lamb chops
    6 Restaurant ground beef (80/20 fat – most burgers)
    7 Duck
    8 Chicken legs/thighs
    9 Chicken skin
    10 Cheese

    Acceptable Carbs for your healthy lifestlyle:
    Complex carbs are now your creed. These are slower-digesting, natural, low on the glycemic index carbohydrates that digest slowly and provide us with sustained energy. They do not drastically affect our blood sugar and do not cause insulin spikes. Thus our body sees no reason to store them as fat, it would rather burn them for energy. Simple carbs such as enriched white breads/pastas/rice/potatoes/sugars (including most fruit) cause insulin spikes and are high GI foods. They should not be eaten when on a strict diet. Fruit can be consumed early in the day or pre/post-workout because of it’s high nutritional value but should usually be avoided due to being a form of simple sugar. Remember, healthy, low-calorie foods aren’t always the correct foods and such is the case with fruit.
    1 Oats/Oatmeal
    2 Grits/Cornmeal
    3 Unsalted/non-buttered popcorn (great, low-cal snack)
    4 Sweet potato (the best choice)
    5 Butternut squash
    6 Whole wheat pasta (not enriched)
    7 Organic whole wheat bread (not enriched wonder bread crap)
    8 Brown rice
    9 Ezekiel bread
    10 Swedish grain bread
    11 Gluten free bread
    12 Wheat couscous
    13 Corn
    14 Quinoa
    15 Lentils
    16 Beans
    17 Many more, look up the GI (glycemic index) for healthy choices

    Black List:
    1 White pasta
    2 White bread
    3 Baguette
    4 Bagels
    5 Cookies, cake, muffins, cupcakes, all sweets basically.
    6 White couscous
    7 White rice
    8 You get the idea…

    Don’t get discouraged upon reading this list. I still make desserts all the time with whole
    grain flour and splenda. I buy bagels and baguettes at the health food store that use
    complex carbs as a base. If you’re dedicated, you don’t have to miss out 100%

    Acceptable fats for your healthy lifestyle:
    We look for fat sources that are high in omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Also, many are high in protein. We do not want saturated fats such as butter, cream, meat fat. We don’t want test tube fats like trans (the worst). We want mono/polyunsaturated fats that our body can use for something other than calories. Remember, even good fats are high in calories.
    1 Natural peanut butter (no sugar added, just roasted peanuts)
    2 Natural almond butter
    3 Cashews
    4 Almonds
    5 Peanuts
    6 Flax seeds
    7 Flax seed oil
    8 Salmon and Trout (great fatty proteins)
    9 Fish oil
    10 Extra virgin olive oil (should be used on all veggies/salads)
    11 Chia seeds
    12 Grapeseed oil
    13 Macadamia nut oil

    Acceptable miscellaneous foods:

    These foods don’t provide much as far as macronutrients but are great for adding vitamins/minerals and taste. Notice some of these other foods are dairy. Dairy is another animal’s milk. We lack the enzymes to digest it as they do and it’s high in fat/sugar. It should only be eaten early in the day for nutrient purposes with the exception of whey and casein (cottage cheese).
    1 Skim milk (Hood brand is only 45 calories and 3g of sugar per cup)
    2 Greek yogurt (no sugar added)
    3 Berries (all berries are much lower in sugar than other fruits and packed with fiber/nutrients – eat berries)
    4 Green Vegetables. These are technically carbs but they are packed with fiber (a type of carb that isn’t used as energy or stored). In bodybuilding/nutrition – we refer to most vegetables as fibrous carbohydrates. While a serving of Broccoli may have 6g of carbs, 5 are from fiber. Meaning that it contains only 1g of storable carbohydrates. In addition, green vegetables are a calorie neutral/negative food (our body uses more calories to digest them than they contain – think celery). Veggies should be eaten with every meal. Every day. If you do this, you can become almost impervious to getting sick. Some vegetables are better than others for healthy diets.
    5 Many non-green vegetables. Most are fine – just check labels, some have a good bit of sugar and should be eaten in moderation only (carrots)

  15. #15
    little p is offline Junior Member
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    thanks papa

  16. #16
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by little p View Post
    thanks papa
    actuall thank Damien, this is his info...

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