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Thread: Please working hard on this help!

  1. #1

    Please working hard on this help!

    Meal 1 Pre

    8 Egg Whites 135 24 0 0
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 5
    2 cups broccoli

    Supplements: Multi V, Fish Oil, Vit C, Creatine, Bcaas

    Jack3d 3 Scoops + Bcaas

    Intra: BCAAS + 1 Scoop whey 130 24 0 0

    Meal 2 PWO

    2 Scoops Whey 260 48 8 3
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 5

    Supplements: Vit C, Creatine, bcaas

    Meal 3

    8oz Chicken 240 40 0 5
    1.5 Cup Brown Rice 225 5 67.5 0
    2 Cups Broccoli

    Meal 4

    8oz Tuna 200 40 0 0
    1 Cup Brown Rice 150 5 45 0
    2 Cup Broccoli

    Supplements: Fish Oil

    Meal 5

    6oz Flank Steak 360 46 0 18
    1 Cup Brown Rice 150 5 45
    2 Cup Broccoli

    Meal 6

    1.5 Cup Cottage Cheese 200 39 15 0
    1/4 Cup Almonds 180 6 6 17

    Meal 7

    2 Scoop Casien 260 48 8 3
    2 Tbsp Peanut Butter 200 8 5 16

    Supplements: Multi V, Fish Oil, Vit C

    3300 350 310 75

    ** This is my training day diet.. if it is good how would u change if it is good how would u change it on off days, considering i need to remove intra protein and pwo whey since i need something slow acting.

    Training split

    Monday: Chest Triceps Abs

    Flat 3 x 5-7

    Incline 3 x 5-7

    Dips 3 x 10-12

    Skull Crushers 3 x 10-12

    20-30min cardio

    Tuesday: Back Biceps

    Chin Ups 4 x 5-7

    Barbell Row 3 x 5-7

    Deadlifts 3 x 5-7

    Barbell Curl 4 x 5-7

    20-30min cardio

    Wendsday: 45min empty stomach cardio

    Thursday: Legs Abs

    Back Squat 3 x 5-7

    Leg Press 3 x 5-7

    Front Lunges 3 x 10-12

    Leg Extentions 3 x 10-12

    Hamstring Curls 3 x 10-12

    20-30min cardio

    Friday: Shoulders

    Seated DB shoulder press 3 x 5-7

    Standing Mili Press 3 x 5-7

    lying side laterals 3 x 10-12

    Seated rear delt flys 3 x 10-12

    20-30min cardio

    Saturday: off

    Sunday: off

    Is it a strong plan or do I still need to work at fixing it been at it for days =\

    and im not counting warm up sets either. what u see for the compounds are my working set numbers will be keeping a log book with me to progress week to week.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    not that I cannot comment on your training here but post it up in the workout section to get a better idea.

    As far as the diet.....well done! Looks solid! Great food choices with nice variety.

    what are your stats btw?

  4. #4



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by lonelysoldier1988 View Post


    up your cardio wherever/whenever possible and youll do fine...20 min is not enough..30 min atleast

  6. #6
    I agree about the cardio - IMHO 20min of low/med intensity cardio is not even worth doing.

    Diet looks really good - much better than before. Just stick to it 100%!!

    And closely monitor your body weight and how you look in the mirror to make any necessary adjustments to total cals/macros.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lonelysoldier1988 View Post
    Meal 1 Pre

    8 Egg Whites 135 24 0 0 add 2 yokes into this, need some fat
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 5
    2 cups broccoli

    Supplements: Multi V, Fish Oil, Vit C, Creatine, Bcaas

    Jack3d 3 Scoops + Bcaas

    Intra: BCAAS + 1 Scoop whey 130 24 0 0next time buy eaa's rather then bcaa's

    Meal 2 PWO
    2 Scoops Whey 260 48 8 3ur having 1 scoop whey during workout and 2 scoops pwo? completely unneseccasry. 1/2 scoops PWO. ditch during workout.
    1 Cup Oats 300 10 54 5

    Supplements: Vit C, Creatine, bcaas

    Meal 3

    8oz Chicken 240 40 0 5
    1.5 Cup Brown Rice 225 5 67.5 0
    2 Cups Broccoli

    Meal 4

    8oz Tuna 200 40 0 0
    1 Cup Brown Rice 150 5 45 0broccoli every meal? wuld drive me crazy, u can leave them there if u like but i think its over the top 2 have the same vege 4 times a day...try some fruit(blueberries/strawberries etc.)
    2 Cup Broccoli

    Supplements: Fish Oil

    Meal 5

    6oz Flank Steak 360 46 0 18
    1 Cup Brown Rice 150 5 45
    2 Cup Broccoliagain with all the f'ing broccoli...i h8 tht sh1t :P personal choice though!

    Meal 6

    1.5 Cup Cottage Cheese 200 39 15 0
    1/4 Cup Almonds 180 6 6 17

    Meal 7

    2 Scoop Casien 260 48 8 3
    2 Tbsp Peanut Butter 200 8 5 16

    Supplements: Multi V, Fish Oil, Vit Cu take in a sh1t loaf of multi V and fish oil supps. i only take once a day not with every meal! there is such a thing as 2 much vitamins!

    3300 350 310 75 u didnt give ur body stats but if this is for bulking, not quite enuf calories. try reach 3500-4000, up the carbs and u culd drop tht protein a bit if ur under 200ibs

    ** This is my training day diet.. if it is good how would u change if it is good how would u change it on off days, considering i need to remove intra protein and pwo whey since i need something slow acting.

    Training split

    Monday: Chest Triceps Abschest and triceps in same day? bad idea. i wuld put triceps with shoulders.

    Flat 3 x 5-7

    Incline 3 x 5-7

    Dips 3 x 10-12wheres the flys?! cable crossover or pec dec! and do those dips weighted!

    Skull Crushers 3 x 10-12

    20-30min cardio

    Tuesday: Back Biceps back is a huge area, needs to be done on its own for proper workout, put biceps in with legs or chest

    Chin Ups 4 x 5-7r u doing these wighted? u shuld be if only 5-7 reps. or else lat pull down

    Barbell Row 3 x 5-7

    Deadlifts 3 x 5-7re-order these in first exercise.

    Barbell Curl 4 x 5-7

    20-30min cardio

    Wendsday: 45min empty stomach cardio

    Thursday: Legs Abs

    Back Squat 3 x 5-7

    Leg Press 3 x 5-7

    Front Lunges 3 x 10-12

    Leg Extentions 3 x 10-12no hamstrings in there. ditch curls and get leg curls in there! maybe calves aswell lunges r bit unnecessary if u do presses and squats already.

    Hamstring Curls 3 x 10-12

    20-30min cardio

    Friday: Shoulders

    Seated DB shoulder press 3 x 5-7

    Standing Mili Press 3 x 5-7

    lying side laterals 3 x 10-12

    Seated rear delt flys 3 x 10-12not enuf exercises, add in arnold press/front raises/shrugs. something extra anyway

    20-30min cardio

    Saturday: off

    Sunday: off

    Is it a strong plan or do I still need to work at fixing it been at it for days =\i do arms on their own day, its up 2 u though. definately dont do triceps with chest or biceps with back though!

    and im not counting warm up sets either. what u see for the compounds are my working set numbers will be keeping a log book with me to progress week to week.
    suggestions in bold, plus u shuld post workout in workout section 4 better feed back. my split is:

    what my trainer suggested, i like it. lets me hit everything properly without DOMS, good luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    wtf? my off days showed up with emotes, donw know why. not ment2 be there anyway!

  9. #9
    I think recovery and nutrition is more important. hmm I think you need a minimal 3 days recovery. I have the scoop of protein intra to help with canablism during cardio, just my preference doesnt matter either way if I do or dont dont think it will make to big of a difference. Broccoli is something I love to eat, just because it really helps me go after eating so much food.

    Hmmm anyone that is well imputed give second opinion?

  10. #10
    I dont like to train arms on there own day cause basically they dont need to be. Biceps only really require 4 sets to stimulate growth. Triceps are the same way.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by lonelysoldier1988 View Post
    You don't need help bro - you're good to go. There is no perfect diet or WO program that suits everyone. There are several fundamental principles regarding both and you're following them with what you posted above. Every body responds differently to different stimuli and you know better than anyone else how your body responds. If you want to eat brocolli 4 times a day then do it - you'll probably have the healthiest immune and digestive systems around. If you need a shake PWO before cardio (I do the same thing) then do it. If you only need 4 sets to stimulate growth in bi's and tri's (I wish that worked for me) then do it. The point is to pick a program/diet and stick to it 100% and make adjustments based on results. Just start it and go from there.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lonelysoldier1988 View Post
    I think recovery and nutrition is more important. hmm I think you need a minimal 3 days recovery. I have the scoop of protein intra to help with canablism during cardio, just my preference doesnt matter either way if I do or dont dont think it will make to big of a difference. Broccoli is something I love to eat, just because it really helps me go after eating so much food.

    Hmmm anyone that is well imputed give second opinion?
    pretty sure u ment catabolism...unless u eat ppl during cardio? and 3 days? 48 hours max. and the bcaas pre workour stop catabolism u dont need 2 worry about that. u can eat all the protein u liek but u wont utilise it. i think u take way 2 much for ur workouts. and ye u can grow ur arms with 1 exercise, but untill i have 24" arms that dont need 2 get any bigger im gonna do them on their own day 2 grow as much as possible. at least change wht days u do them on then. u use ur triceps doing bench alot, and u use ur biceps doing rows and chin ups alot. ur diet is pretty good. theres small things like what i said tht i wuld change (more carbs, less protein) but it doesntneed 2 much reworking.

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