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Thread: My current diet

  1. #1
    *Flex* is offline New Member
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    My current diet

    Jus wanted opinions on my diet!

    7.00am 30g whey in water

    7.30am 1 cup of egg whites, 1 cup of oats

    10.45am 8oz chicken breast, 100g basmati rice (uncooked weight)

    1.15pm 8oz chicken breast, 100g basmati rice (uncooked weight)

    3.30-4pm 8oz lean mince as a burger, wholemeal bun

    6.30pm 30g whey in water (preworkout)

    Drink 20g BCAA during training

    8.30pm 60g whey in milk with 50g oats (post-workout)

    9.30pm 8oz lean mince made into beef hash, 8oz sweet potato

    11.00pm 300g cottage cheese

    Would like to make my gains leaner so let me no your opinions.

  2. #2
    Gucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Flex* View Post
    Jus wanted opinions on my diet!

    7.00am 30g whey in water

    7.30am 1 cup of egg whites, 1 cup of oatsfirst and second meal to close, and how many egg whites is 1 cup? tht makes no sense man! i know loads of ppl take whye first thing in morning cause they freak about catabolism but u need 2 relax ont he protein in morning. eggs and oatmeal is enuf imo

    10.45am 8oz chicken breast, 100g basmati rice (uncooked weight)good, almost exact same as mine

    1.15pm 8oz chicken breast, 100g basmati rice (uncooked weight)

    3.30-4pm 8oz lean mince as a burger, wholemeal bun
    maybe not enuf carbs in bun, add some potatoes in there?
    6.30pm 30g whey in water (preworkout)

    Drink 20g BCAA during training

    8.30pm 60g whey in milk with 50g oats (post-workout)wtf is with this protein overload?! thats 110g grams of protein in the space of an hour! (bcaa's DO count as protein). no whey pre workout and 50g max PWO! use the bcaa pre workout aswell. and i only take 10g. not f'ing 20!

    9.30pm 8oz lean mince made into beef hash, 8oz sweet potato

    11.00pm 300g cottage cheese 300g?! i wuld vom man, respect to anyone who can stomach that shit! and tht way 2 much. no need 4 all that protein b4 bed. and get some carbs in there aswell! brown bread and PB is what i hae but use whatever u like

    Would like to make my gains leaner so let me no your opinions.
    firstly, where is ur fats?! there is basicly no fat at all in that diet. u need at least 50g, get some EFA's in there with breakfast. some almonds with a few meals. and lose some of that protein! thats over 500g at a glance. unless ur branch warren in disguse u dont need all that macros with diet please! cant critique properly if u dont. and body stats

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Whey is fine when u wake up bro.

    Its 25g of quick protein that is simply breaking the fast

    No problem with having ur first real food meal within 30 mins IMO

    Try changing the bun to rice, oats or spuds.. I know u bash this meal down while working but i had to mention the critique

    300g of cottage cheese is only 28g of protein and by this time u have eaten enough meat

    Ur protein is about 350-380g which is high but ok IMO

    Carbs are about 330-350

    Fat is about 40g ish....

    So i would drop the protein slightly, up thr carbs and fat a little

    Get ur bodyweight posted up bro, i cnt rememba what it was

    BF im gunna call it at 18%

    I rememba u saying u were round 220


    220 x 0.78 = 177 LBM

    177 x 15 = 2655

    2655 + 500 = 3155

    3155 x 0.4 = 1262 /4 = 316

    3155 x 0.2 = 631 / 9 = 70

    If ur thinking WTF that is me doing maths out loud LOL

    Basically i calling it at

    316g carbs
    316g Pro
    70g fat
    3155 cals

    I get u currently at 3160 so ur abou there on the cals but just need to switch things up a bit

    Get on nutrientfacts dot com

    Or for macros

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Keep it simple with adding fats

    Just have some almonds and munch on them all day

    Or make up some guacomole to mix into ur rice

    Pretty simple to make

    Red onion
    Salt, pepper
    Lemon juce

    I will make u a batch next week

  5. #5
    *Flex* is offline New Member
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    Sound bro gna use nuts for fats easy to eat while I'm working. Ino the bun is shit carbs bro but ain't a sit down meal so cnt do much with it rely. I myt up the carbs wit them oat biscuits u make

  6. #6
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    I agree with base. I always drink a scoup of whey as soon as i wake up just to stop the catabolism that happens overnight while you sleep. Hell if i wake up at 2am to piss, sometimes I'll gulp down a scoup of whey before i go back to bed

  7. #7
    Gucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Keep it simple with adding fats

    Just have some almonds and munch on them all day

    Or make up some guacomole to mix into ur rice

    Pretty simple to make

    Red onion
    Salt, pepper
    Lemon juce

    I will make u a batch next week
    didnt realise 300g of cottage cheese was only about 30g protein, posting without thinking sorry! and the sight i use for my macros is its easy 2 use and i havemt looked 4 anything they dont have yet! still think tht 1 scoop whey pre and 2 scoops whey PWO is insane...

  8. #8
    Gucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    I agree with base. I always drink a scoup of whey as soon as i wake up just to stop the catabolism that happens overnight while you sleep. Hell if i wake up at 2am to piss, sometimes I'll gulp down a scoup of whey before i go back to bed
    im not that experienced ill grant u, but i think people freak out about catabolism during sleep 2 much. i know guys who get up at 3am 2 take a shake and go back 2 bed...unjustified from wht ive read ur bodys metabolism is so slow while u sleep that even if u dont eat b4 bed and do go into a catabolic state its minimal. glass of OJ in the morning 4 fast carbs and job done, if its good enough for branch warren its good enuf 4 me!

  9. #9
    *Flex* is offline New Member
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    1 scoop of my whey is 25g protein so I take 1 scoop b4 to stop catabolic effects during training and 50g afta training. ino 50g is a lot for the body to digest bt minimum I wud take afta training would be 40g and 50g is 2scoops and more practical to weigh out

  10. #10
    Gucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Flex* View Post
    1 scoop of my whey is 25g protein so I take 1 scoop b4 to stop catabolic effects during training and 50g afta training. ino 50g is a lot for the body to digest bt minimum I wud take afta training would be 40g and 50g is 2scoops and more practical to weigh out
    the point of bcaa's is to stop catabolism. 1 or the other pre workout. no need 4 both. and if 50g is easier 2 weigh out then fair enuf :P i go 1 and a half scoops and it works out in and around 40g

  11. #11
    *Flex* is offline New Member
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    Dnt reli count BCAAs bt I the whey is calories lol

  12. #12
    Gucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Flex* View Post
    Dnt reli count BCAAs bt I the whey is calories lol
    theres no convincing u :P not gonna argue. use whey pre workout if u like!

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