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Thread: bulk diet critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    bulk diet critique

    Well, I've been cutting for 4 months now, and I've made some nice progress. Now, I just want to bulk for a long time to try and put on 13-15 lbs of lbm. I am going to try to manage this within 13-14 months......we'll see Anyways, I put a bulk diet together and would like a critique. Overall, I'm happy with the amount of cals and the split of the macros; I'm sure some, or most, of you will not agree with the times between some of my meals. It's going to be very difficult to get a large meal in at work, but I'm open for suggestions. I know I can do something simple like munch on a couple ounces of almonds throughout the day, but I don't know if it would be a good idea to have a 'meal' that is mostly fat with limited protein. I also don't know if by adding nuts, it would increase my fat intake too much. Here it is:

    meal 1 (7:30)
    12 egg whites
    130 g oats

    meal 2 (1:30)
    10 oz. lean beef
    100g (1/2 cup) brown rice
    f-20 (could someone please check the fat in 10 oz. 93/7 lean minced beef for me?)

    meal 3 (6:00)--preworkout
    12 egg whites
    130g oats

    meal 4 (7:30) PWO-----I'm going to try and skip the whey and keep it to real food as protein shakes are not readily available in this country. Also, I have used whey before, and i would like to see the difference in keeping it to real food.

    12 egg whites
    130g oats

    meal 5 (10:00)
    10 oz. lean beef
    f-18---Again, could someone please check the fat in 10 oz. for me??

    daily totals:

    Open to all suggestions for improvements...thanks!!

  2. #2
    fat is fine! need stats first. Could you provide?

  3. #3
    And you need fat, for growth its more important then you think. Saturated fat in beef and or steak is important in moderation.

  4. #4
    I also think egg whites for three meals, if this is a convenience thing for you I suppose, but lets get the stats up there. And we will fix this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Oh, forgot about stats!

    165 lbs.
    around 14.5% bf (this is what my manual caliper reads; judging by my pics and other members' pics, I'm probably actually closer to 13%......just wish I could figure out how to post a pic!!!)
    26 years old

    I have an 18 month goal: bulk for the first 12-14 months and put on as much lbm as possible, then take the last few months to cut as much bf as I can. Would like to be around 175lbs at 11-12%bf (reading on my caliper). It's a big goal, but I don't see any reason it can't be done if things are dialed in properly. I am leaning on doing all of this naturally as well, FYI.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Well, I've been cutting for 4 months now, and I've made some nice progress. Now, I just want to bulk for a long time to try and put on 13-15 lbs of lbm. I am going to try to manage this within 13-14 months......we'll see Anyways, I put a bulk diet together and would like a critique. Overall, I'm happy with the amount of cals and the split of the macros; I'm sure some, or most, of you will not agree with the times between some of my meals. It's going to be very difficult to get a large meal in at work, but I'm open for suggestions. I know I can do something simple like munch on a couple ounces of almonds throughout the day, but I don't know if it would be a good idea to have a 'meal' that is mostly fat with limited protein. I also don't know if by adding nuts, it would increase my fat intake too much. Here it is:

    meal 1 (7:30)
    12 egg whitesdescent, if anythign too much protein, maybe a big more carbs and more fat! have some efa's with breakfast
    130 g oats

    meal 2 (1:30)
    10 oz. lean beef
    100g (1/2 cup) brown riceagain i wuld say increase ur p:c ratio, for bulking 1:1 is no good. try 50/60g p 100g c, what is with the 4 hour gap? 3 hours max between meals!
    f-20 (could someone please check the fat in 10 oz. 93/7 lean minced beef for me?)

    meal 3 (6:00)--preworkouttime gap is rediculous! 3 hours max! and terrible pre workout imo,i culdnt have all tht siting in my stomach pre workout, this meal shuld be about an hour b4 workout and then some creatine, eaa's pre workout.
    12 egg whites
    130g oats

    meal 4 (7:30) PWO-----I'm going to try and skip the whey and keep it to real food as protein shakes are not readily available in this country. Also, I have used whey before, and i would like to see the difference in keeping it to real food.wht country r u in tht u cant veen get whey..? its btr then whole food for absorbtion rate aswell as convenience.

    12 egg whitesrellying too much on egg whites, surely u can get chicken breasts or come type of fish? mix it up!
    130g oats

    meal 5 (10:00)
    10 oz. lean beefbeef is good night time meal! same time gap problems though. and u shuld have a few carbs aswell
    f-18---Again, could someone please check the fat in 10 oz. for me??

    daily totals:for ur weight way 2 much protein, stick 2 250g p 400-500g c. fat is ok, 80g optimal i think

    Open to all suggestions for improvements...thanks!!
    ur diet is ok, doesnt need a huge amount of work. my biggest problem is the times, too big time gaps and not enuf meals. times i wuld suggest and aim for these macros:

    7:30am - 100g c 50g p 10 g f
    10:30am - 75g c 40g p 15 g f
    3:30pm - same as 10:30
    6:30pm - same as 10:30
    9:30pm - 50g p 50g c doesnt really matter how much fat.

    as well as this, have ur PWO and something 30mins pre workout what ever time that is, pre and post count together as 1 meal 4 me.

    pre workout have some fast carbs, and im guessing if u cant get whey im guessing u cant get amino acids? ur PWO meal above is ok though. good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    for get to mention this site, i use it 4 all my macros so it will tell u macros for anything u want to know

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    for meal 5, there isnt really a way of knowing how much fat is in the 10oz of beef without knowing the %. It should say on the label what % lean the meat is.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanks guys. I will try to incorporate some changes and get back to you. Anyone else have any other input?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Okay, I've made a few changes. I've incorporated a meal at 10:00 and 3:30. They're not big meals; more like a snack so I don't go catabolic throughout the day. I made them small so it wouldn't interfere with my work schedule. I just scarf down the chicken breast and throw the oats in water and drink it. Please tell me what you think of the changes I made:

    meal 1
    10 egg whites
    130g oats

    meal 2
    4 oz. chicken breast
    25 g oats

    meal 3
    7 oz. lean minced beef
    140g brown rice

    meal 4
    4 oz. chicken breast
    25g oats

    meal 5
    7 oz. lean minced beef
    140g brown rice

    meal 6 (PWO)
    10 egg whites (unless I can find whey here or buy it online)
    130g oats

    meal 7
    7 oz. lean minced beef
    1 can green beans

    daily totals:

    Too many carbs? Macros look okay? Please help! I really want to get this right! I should add that I have a hard time putting on muscle, which is why the cals are so high for my stats. Should I bring them down a bit?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Okay, I've made a few changes. I've incorporated a meal at 10:00 and 3:30. They're not big meals; more like a snack so I don't go catabolic throughout the day. I made them small so it wouldn't interfere with my work schedule. I just scarf down the chicken breast and throw the oats in water and drink it. Please tell me what you think of the changes I made:

    meal 1
    10 egg whitesi like it! add some efa's though. not enuf fat. and dont JUST use whites, add 2 yokes in there.
    130g oats

    meal 2
    4 oz. chicken breastthis a snack? its ok 4 a snakc but not enuf 4 a meal. ill assume its a snack! some more carbs i think
    25 g oats

    meal 3
    7 oz. lean minced beefnice 1! ur getting the hang of this :P
    140g brown rice

    meal 4
    4 oz. chicken breastanother snack? same commments as last 1. bit more carbs needed
    25g oats

    meal 5
    7 oz. lean minced beefsame as b4, i like it alot
    140g brown rice

    meal 6 (PWO)
    10 egg whites (unless I can find whey here or buy it online)gd PWO meal. whey is btr and more convenient then egg whites if u can get it! if not, this is pretty gd. i culdnt stomach all those oats PWO but them back a bit. maybe 75g-100g
    130g oats

    meal 7
    7 oz. lean minced beefshuld have a little bit of complex carbs here, some brown bread and PB is what i use but its personla choice. as long as theres not sugar!
    1 can green beans

    daily totals:
    split-35/45/19pretty good. if anything a bit 2 much protein 4 ur weight. culd replace 50g of p with 50g of c.

    Too many carbs? Macros look okay? Please help! I really want to get this right! I should add that I have a hard time putting on muscle, which is why the cals are so high for my stats. Should I bring them down a bit?
    massive improvement from last diet! u forgot the times though! if ur having 7 meals they should be well spaced though so im not 2 worryed. looking good 2 go! y cant u get any supps btw?

    just a suggestion 4 the oats, on their own with water is nasty i think. i buy them ground and pt them in milk. pretty tasty! if u cant get them ground what u can do is buy a coffee bean grinder and grind them urself in the morning. not a neccessity but its much easier then chewing on whole oats like a f'ing horse...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanks, Gucks! Times for the meals are 7:30, 10:00, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 7:30 (PWO), and 10:00. I would like to keep protein as close to 2g per lb of body weight as possible unless you can justify a reason not to. You don't think the carbs are too high? I've never read any studies on the matter, but have heard very negative things about carbs right before bed, even when bulking.....I'm trying to stay as lean as possible during this bulk, which is why I'm asking if carbs are too high. Keep in mind that my TDEE is around 2100-2200, but I AM a hard gainer. Also, can you please check my macros for the lean minced beef (it's 93/7)??

    Thanks for all the help! Anyone else who would like to chime in, please feel free to do so!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Thanks, Gucks! Times for the meals are 7:30, 10:00, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 7:30 (PWO), and 10:00. I would like to keep protein as close to 2g per lb of body weight as possible unless you can justify a reason not to. You don't think the carbs are too high? I've never read any studies on the matter, but have heard very negative things about carbs right before bed, even when bulking.....I'm trying to stay as lean as possible during this bulk, which is why I'm asking if carbs are too high. Keep in mind that my TDEE is around 2100-2200, but I AM a hard gainer. Also, can you please check my macros for the lean minced beef (it's 93/7)??

    Thanks for all the help! Anyone else who would like to chime in, please feel free to do so!
    sugar carbs b4 bed are bad, complex carbs not as much but i like 2 get some in and some fats. and as for the 2g per ib, that was started by pro bodybuilders because their reason was, they needed to get calories so clean protein is a good source of calories. honestly, i dont think anyone unless ur a serious pro on grams of test a week needs 2g per ib. i stick with 1.5g per ib. u just want 2 make sure ur body has enough at all times (hence the close meals). all excess protein just gets converted to carbs and used for energy so u can go 4 2g if u like, but its an expensive solution. i compare it to using whiskey in ur car :P it will do the job but its an expensive solution to a simple problem. personal choice though. and those times r perfect! good job m8. theres raw macros for 95/5 beef mince. they dont have 93/7 lol.

    1 oz is:
    38 cals
    6g p
    1g f
    0g c

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