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24 yrs old, 5'5 , 210 lbs, body fat is pretty high dont want to guess but around 18% honestly.
I've been concerned with only mass and strength for awhile now and have gained a nice amount of size/strength. However I am now a fat bastard. So I decided to switch things up and focus more on looks/bodybuilding and forget about how much weight I can move.
I am about to start a keto diet, I figured out all the macros. I enjoy these fatty foods and alot of times actually find it hard to eat non-liquid carbs. I am excited to start this!!
My question is I plan on running some AAS soon.[Test P, NPP and TBOL] As well as Albuterol and T3.
Is it ok for me to start my Keto diet and then jump on the AAS sometime shortly?? Should I just diet down first then go on AAS? Or would it be more beneficial to Run the AAS with T3/and Albuterol to avoid being catabolic??
I need help here, please give me your input. Thank you ahead of time.