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Thread: Starting KETO and questions

  1. #1
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    Question Starting KETO and questions

    24 yrs old, 5'5 , 210 lbs, body fat is pretty high dont want to guess but around 18% honestly.

    I've been concerned with only mass and strength for awhile now and have gained a nice amount of size/strength. However I am now a fat bastard. So I decided to switch things up and focus more on looks/bodybuilding and forget about how much weight I can move.

    I am about to start a keto diet, I figured out all the macros. I enjoy these fatty foods and alot of times actually find it hard to eat non-liquid carbs. I am excited to start this!!

    My question is I plan on running some AAS soon.[Test P, NPP and TBOL] As well as Albuterol and T3.
    Is it ok for me to start my Keto diet and then jump on the AAS sometime shortly?? Should I just diet down first then go on AAS? Or would it be more beneficial to Run the AAS with T3/and Albuterol to avoid being catabolic??

    I need help here, please give me your input. Thank you ahead of time.

  2. #2
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    Feb 2011
    There is a lot of good information on this site explaining this but long story short you shouldn't run a keto diet on aas. Your body needs the carbs in order to function and gain the proper muscle while on aas considering you should be working out more intensely. I would recommend going on a diet for sure with carbs / proteins / fats being around a 40% / 50% / 10% split. So just fix up your diet to where you get that kind of macro split and you should be set. The keto diet is more for cutting after a cycle or getting ready for a contest but not recommended while on aas.

  3. #3
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by shortybrolick View Post
    24 yrs old, 5'5 , 210 lbs, body fat is pretty high dont want to guess but around 18% honestly.

    I've been concerned with only mass and strength for awhile now and have gained a nice amount of size/strength. However I am now a fat bastard. So I decided to switch things up and focus more on looks/bodybuilding and forget about how much weight I can move.

    I am about to start a keto diet, I figured out all the macros. I enjoy these fatty foods and alot of times actually find it hard to eat non-liquid carbs. I am excited to start this!!

    My question is I plan on running some AAS soon.[Test P, NPP and TBOL] As well as Albuterol and T3.
    Is it ok for me to start my Keto diet and then jump on the AAS sometime shortly?? Should I just diet down first then go on AAS? Or would it be more beneficial to Run the AAS with T3/and Albuterol to avoid being catabolic??

    I need help here, please give me your input. Thank you ahead of time.
    Obviously it's your decision, but I wouldn't run a keto diet at your current bodyfat, considering you have alot of LBM you want to preserve. I would switch things up and run a proper cutting diet for 3 months and see where that takes you. With all things dialed in, you should do well, and still have time before the summer hits.

    IMO you're trying to do too many things at once. You want to lose weight (bodyfat) but are proposing a bulk cycle. On top of that, you are talking about running compounds to do the exact opposite. If I were you, i'd drop the AAS idea for now, stick with the Albuterol or Clen, drop the T3 (you can fvck yourself up if you don't know what you're doing, this is straight thyroid hormone) as you increase the chances of burning LBM (T3 doesn't discriminate, it just torches everything), add ketotifen so you can run alb/clen without cycling it, and get your diet and cardio in check relative to your new goal. My .02

  4. #4
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    I see nothing wrong with doing keto first ..then cycle. It will prime you for your cycle...your body will respond exceptionally well coming off a cut. Keto will help preserve lbm and any you lose you will far more than make up for when you start your cycle. JMO....
    Revisit your cycle plan AFTER or later in your your cut...then decide what compounds etc to run....again JMO....

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I see nothing wrong with doing keto first ..then cycle.
    This is key. It sounded to me like the OP would be running keto and cycling at the same time... I don't feel that would be very productive. You could run a keto diet first then cycle after (I wouldn't start DURING the keto diet though, jmo) as jimmy mentioned, however IMO the OP would fare better running a keto diet to get really shredded once he's at an appreciable bodyfat. I think a 'standard' diet would be more beneficial right now. Not saying either is right or wrong, just my .02.

    If you decide to stick with the keto idea, take a look at the Palumbo diet. One of the better ones out there IMO.

  6. #6
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    I have to admit i spent way too much time in the AAS and Profile section, rather than the diet section where i belonged!!
    Anyway this is where ill be for awhile.
    So no way to the t3. One of my biggest fears was transforming from a fat bastard to a skinny bastard.
    Ill stick with the Clen or Albuterol with the ketof.

    Your completely right Gbrice. I'm trying to do too much at once. For now I have to focus on just dropping bodyfat. So now I must make the decision. Keto or 'standard' diet. Hrmm what to do.. Thanks Jimmy also.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortybrolick View Post
    I have to admit i spent way too much time in the AAS and Profile section, rather than the diet section where i belonged!!
    Anyway this is where ill be for awhile.
    So no way to the t3. One of my biggest fears was transforming from a fat bastard to a skinny bastard.
    Ill stick with the Clen or Albuterol with the ketof.

    Your completely right Gbrice. I'm trying to do too much at once. For now I have to focus on just dropping bodyfat. So now I must make the decision. Keto or 'standard' diet. Hrmm what to do.. Thanks Jimmy also.
    Glad to see you taking the advice, I think you'll be much happier with the outcome. No matter which way you go in regards to the diet, you'll reach your goals as long as you are intelligent about it and more then anything else, dedicated. We'll be here to help along the way!

  8. #8
    Hey brother, I might be able to help a little I have been on keto cut for past 9 weeks. I'm using it to cut down for a show but also using it as a "prime" for my test cycle coming up..I can't answer anything more than what I've done, that being said the keto cut works very well the diet protocol attacks fat and holds muscle surprisingly well. Quick stats I started after clean bulk wich I ended at 205 lbs at 13%bf..9 weeks keto 2 weeks ago I was 195 lbs @ 8.3.% bf..lost very little muscle..strength even increased during keto whem my body started using fat for whole keto diet was great up untill now (1 week out) I'm just hungry and on calorie deficit of 2000...I am starting my test prop cycle in 3/4 weeks in which I plan to do carbs in morning& pre-post workout stopping carbs at 4-5 pm, I will post results. Good luck to you whatever you decide, sticking with it is the key.

  9. #9
    Being a person who has experimented a fair bit with keto diets i can say that running some form of tkd diet could be beneficial if you dont want to look like a 'skinny' bastard. A ckd diet however left me feeling like mr burns from the simpsons lol. from what ive read if you do run a form of keto diet during cycle though i think the AAS would help in preserving muscle although i haven't cycled personally while running a keto type diet

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