Ok so i'll repost my stats here.

6'3", 26 yrs old, 235lbs, about 11-2%bf, trying to drop to about 9%.

In another post a couple weeks ago I posted up my complete diet with macros and all, now I wanna get a little more strict on my carb cycling. This is what Im thinking as for carbs.

Monday- w/o day 146g carbs
Tuesday- w/o day 146g carbs
Wednesday- cardio day 52g carbs
Thursday- w/o day 146g carbs
Friday- w/o leg day 300g carbs
Saturday- cardio day 52g carbs
Sunday- cardio day 52g carbs

Hows this look.
On W/o days my carbs come from 1cup oatmeal (52g), 40g waxy maize PWO, 1 cup WW pasta PPWO (54g).

On cardio day two meals will have 1/2 cup oats with 26g each both in the am/early afternoon.

Carb up day will be all clean carbs, yams, brown rice, WW pasta, oats.