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Thread: rapid stength increase

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    rapid stength increase

    So, I just started bulking about 2 weeks ago after about a 3 1/2 month cut. I noticed this week in the gym that my strength has gone up drastically. I've gained almost 5kg on bench, 5kg on bent over rows, 10kg on squat, and went up a couple reps on military press. Could this be due to the drastic increase in calories?? After all, I was cutting at 1,900 cals; now I'm at about 3,300 cals. I did not cycle carbs before the bulk. Was at about 100 grams when cutting; now at about 340 grams.

    I should also note that I started taking creatine when I started bulking. Could this play a role in the strength gain as well? I guess my most important question is can I expect these gains to keep coming at a steady rate?

    btw-I'm natural. No AAS

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    firstly, not a chance these gains are going to keep coming. i u were on tht extreme of a cut firstly, it is completely unneccesary to have THAT low calories and carbs no matter what, so ur body going from 100g to 340g of carbs if a huge jump, ur muscles will have ALOT more glycogen and ATP at their disposal. creatine also helps in strength gains so i would say it is a compination of both.

    when i started gaining last summer i had the same respone, i went up about 10kg in bench in 3 weeks. it doesnt last unfortunately :P enjoy it while it does! they will be the best gains of your life when u start bulking for the first time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanks, Gucks. The cutting diet actually worked great for me. My TDEE is only about 2,100 cals, so I don't think I overdid the deficit with 1,900. During that time, I actually only lost one rep on my bench; every other lift stayed the same. I kind of figured that the gains wouldn't continue to come forever; chalk it up to wishful thinking I guess

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Gucks View Post
    firstly, not a chance these gains are going to keep coming. i u were on tht extreme of a cut firstly, it is completely unneccesary to have THAT low calories and carbs no matter what
    Absolutely not true!!! How do you know what his caloric requirements are? What if he were a 160lb guy with a maintenance level of around 2300 calories? 1900 calories would be completely reasonable. Sh!t, I was sitting at 190 and ran 1900 calories for a few weeks to kickstart a cut, then slowly bumped calories up.

    Sorry Gucks, I hope it doesn't seem like i'm trying to call you out on everything, but when I see something I find blatantly out of line, I have to call it.

    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    So, I just started bulking about 2 weeks ago after about a 3 1/2 month cut. I noticed this week in the gym that my strength has gone up drastically. I've gained almost 5kg on bench, 5kg on bent over rows, 10kg on squat, and went up a couple reps on military press. Could this be due to the drastic increase in calories?? After all, I was cutting at 1,900 cals; now I'm at about 3,300 cals. I did not cycle carbs before the bulk. Was at about 100 grams when cutting; now at about 340 grams.

    I should also note that I started taking creatine when I started bulking. Could this play a role in the strength gain as well? I guess my most important question is can I expect these gains to keep coming at a steady rate?

    btw-I'm natural. No AAS
    Firstly, enjoy the increased strength, because one part Gucks was right about is that will not keep happening! Gains will level off shortly, as your body adjusts.

    The bold above is what I have a problem with; did you drastically go up to 3300, or gradually? Either way, that's a huge jump. After 3.5 months at 1900 calories, you now run the risk of quickly adding bodyfat at 3300 calories. As I mentioned before, I ran 1900 calories for a few weeks, then bumped up gradually to where I am now (2700). You cannot jump all over the place with calories like that, it isn't the healthiest way to treat your body.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    apologies, jumped to conclusions. im gonna use the fact that i didnt have any body stats to work with as an excuse

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