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Thread: Egg whites

  1. #1

    Egg whites

    If I separate my eggs whites, how long can I store them in the fridge, I know u can buy whites but I can't store all the cartons. Cheers

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    In a pourable tupaware tub with an air tight seal about 5 days

    I find they go a little funny after that

  3. #3
    Awesome, cheers base

  4. #4
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    In a pourable tupaware tub with an air tight seal about 5 days

    I find they go a little funny after that
    I would say 5 - 7 for freshest; and no longer than 10 days. Only because if your seperating yourself...unpasteurized. Otherwise; the carton kind go further.

  5. #5
    Awesome, was thinking il crack my eggs Sunday night to last me till Friday

  6. #6
    ~5 days sounds about right for freshness though that'd be pushing it for me, i probably wouldn't leave them around for more than 3 days. I prefer the carton whites if I'm not going to use immediately.

  7. #7
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    one time I bought liquid egg whites from international egg whites ( I think ). Each container contains 14 doz egg whites. Dont remember the price.

    Just an option.....

  8. #8
    Ye, I have seen them on eggnation . Com £3.40 for 33 whites, but I dnt have the storage to hold a load of cartons and I can't order as I need as there will be noone home to take the delivery. O well,

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by azizi123 View Post
    Ye, I have seen them on eggnation . Com £3.40 for 33 whites, but I dnt have the storage to hold a load of cartons and I can't order as I need as there will be noone home to take the delivery. O well,
    this could be a rediculous idea, but can u freeze egg whites? i dont see why not. crack all ur eggs for the week and then leave them in the firdge over night to defrost the night before u need each serving? i just crack mine in the morning anyway.

  10. #10
    Yep, u can freeze them. I just dnt have enough space in the freezer but I can store them in a jug in the fridge.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by azizi123 View Post
    If I separate my eggs whites, how long can I store them in the fridge, I know u can buy whites but I can't store all the cartons. Cheers
    you only need to put the carton in the fridge when you open it otherwise they can be stored in a cool, dark, cupboard.

  12. #12
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    OK so everyone is talking bout raw egg whites. I damaging the protein amount by hardboiling them?? I eat about 8 hardboiled egg whites a day.

  13. #13
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honda4life View Post
    OK so everyone is talking bout raw egg whites. I damaging the protein amount by hardboiling them?? I eat about 8 hardboiled egg whites a day.
    No ur not... Dont worry

    As far as cracking eggs i split 30 at a time to last about 4 days.

    I have done 60 once but at the end i was left with what looked like cum in a tupaware tub LOL

    Not sure if it was just the little bits of actuall white in the egg whites falling to the bottom maybe

    HAHA kind if put me off

  14. #14
    Nice base...

    The company said they arrive frozen and once defrosted they only last 1 week in the fridge, think they will last longer than that, o well, I'm just gonna crack my eggs

  15. #15
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    Myprotein egg whites in cartons don't need refridgerating. Cool dark place is fine for them.

    Alternatively, just seperate twice a week. Maybe Sunday and Thursday nights then you should be quite safe.

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