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If you're really concerned about gaining absolutely ANY body fat, the I would take gbrice's advice and slowly increase over time. I, too, was cutting for about 3 months, then just about 3 weeks ago, I drastically increased cals with the flip of a hat. Went from 1,900 cals/day to 3,300 cals/day. My goal was to shock my body in order to create somewhat the same effect as 'noob gains'. I can tell you that it worked. My flat bench, military press, bent over rows all in increased by about 20 pounds, and my squat increased by about 40 lbs. I'll have to say that I may have put on a VERY small amount of bf, but nothing too significant. And besides, the pros outweighed the cons for me. However, I can tell you that the next time I go from cutting to bulking, I will look more in to carb cycling. I am new to the concpet but have been doing some research lately, and the idea of it really looks intriguing. Maybe look in to it??