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Thread: new diet for bulking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Under Marcus's Feet =]

    new diet for bulking

    k so im 21 turnin 22 soon. been training for almost 4 years now. ( barely any cardio maybe 5% of this time period i did cardio... )

    164cm tall... and 71kg.

    ive read there are a few ways to calculate ur total calorie needs but not sure which is the best or most accurate.... but i did a calculation and said i need around 3400-3500 calories to bulk for my weight.. not sure if this is 100% right?

    im thinking of goin 40% carb 40% protein and 20% fats... seeing as most people said that is pretty standard and u cant go wrong with those numbers?

    ive never actually made a diet... so just wondering if everything is correctly set up b4 i start calculating calorie numbers on food for each meal etc...

    any tips or comments b4 i get started ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Nothing wrong with cardio when bulking. 20-30mins low/moderate intensity.

    Those cals seem fine (maybe a little high) for 71kg.

    40/40/20 is also fine. I like to have carbs slightly higher than that on WO days. Remember carbs are protein sparing.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Under Marcus's Feet =]
    when would u do ur cardio? and how many times... low / moderate = 50-60% HR?

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