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Thread: New Diet Critque

  1. #1

    New Diet Critque

    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 250
    BF: Somewhere around 20%

    Need someone to critque this. A friend made it up for me but I think Il die at breakfast time with all that food.

    Meal 1
    Supplement: Fish Oil, 1g Vitamin C
    6-7 egg whites
    6-7oz lean steak portion
    1/2 cup oatmeal *Note: Add Cinnamon Spice, Pumpkin Pie Spice, 1 scoop Protein Powder. Together mix in a bowl with water and microwave for 2-3min
    1/4 cup Raw nuts (Peanuts, walnuts, almonds your choice)

    Meal 2
    12oz Chicken Breast *Note: Add Basil, Sea-Salt, Black pepper, Mrs. Dash, Ground Cinnamon, Mustard
    1/2 cup White Rice *Note: add Cinnamon here
    Supplement: Multi-Vitamin/Mineral

    Meal 3
    10oz Chicken Breast *Note: Add Basil, Sea-Salt, Black pepper, Mrs. Dash, Ground Cinnamon, Mustard
    1 cup Mixed Raw Nuts (your choice)
    1/3 to 1/2 cup Oatmeal *Note: Add Cinnamon Spice, Pumpkin Pie Spice, 1 scoop Protein Powder. Together mix in a bowl with water and microwave for 2-3min
    Supplement: 1g Vitamin C

    Meal 4
    2 Canned Tuna *Note: Drain all the water out, wash it out with water to remove excess sodium. Add Black pepper, Salt-free Mrs. Dash, Mustard, 1 Lemon Squeezed
    5-6oz Sweet Potatoe *Note: add Cinnamon here

    Pre-workout Nitric Oxide supplement
    5g Creatine Mono (Creapure)
    5g BCAA

    10g BCAA (Sip on it until your last exercise set)

    Meal 5 *Post-workout*
    40-50g Whey Protein Shake ( I can recommend one for you)
    5g BCAA

    Meal 6
    Your choice here of 10oz Chicken Breast, 2 Canned Tuna, 10oz Salmon or 10-12oz Tilapia *Note: I think Tilapia is affordable
    1/2 cup White Rice *Note: add Cinnnamon here
    Supplement: 5000 IU Vitamin D-3, 1g Vitamin C

    Meal 7
    8oz Lean Steak, 90/10 or 93/7 Ground beef OR 10oz Salmon if not 12oz Tilapia *Note: Your choice
    1-2 cups mixed steamed veggies
    Supplement: Zinc, Magnesium

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by omgjimmyfricke View Post
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 250
    BF: Somewhere around 20%
    Biggest problem for me here as far as being able to critique, is that you haven't stated your goals. Are you cutting or bulking? I would assume you'd want to cut, given your posted stats, but it looks like a bulk diet, even for someone your size. Hard saying since you haven't posted macros. Please do so, or it will be next to impossible to critique.

    Need someone to critque this. A friend made it up for me but I think Il die at breakfast time with all that food. So would I.

    Meal 1
    Supplement: Fish Oil, 1g Vitamin C
    6-7 egg whites
    6-7oz lean steak portion
    1/2 cup oatmeal *Note: Add Cinnamon Spice, Pumpkin Pie Spice, 1 scoop Protein Powder. Together mix in a bowl with water and microwave for 2-3min
    1/4 cup Raw nuts (Peanuts, walnuts, almonds your choice)
    There's no need for all this protein in one meal, even at your size. I really wish you would've posted macros, but guesstimating all the protein macros together for each meal, you're getting in way more than your body needs. Keep it 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound of LBM. I would keep the egg whites here nad drop the steak. Add a couple whole eggs to compensate for the missing fats of the steak in order to slow absorption of protein. Keep the oatmeal; you don't necessarily need the whey here, but for flavor and a quick dose of protein after a night's sleep, it won't hurt. I would also drop the nuts. You'll be getting plenty of good fats via the whole eggs I added. Also, if you ARE cutting, try to keep carbs and fats separate in meals as best you can.

    Meal 2
    12oz Chicken Breast *Note: Add Basil, Sea-Salt, Black pepper, Mrs. Dash, Ground Cinnamon, Mustard
    1/2 cup White Rice *Note: add Cinnamon here
    Supplement: Multi-Vitamin/Mineral
    Again, I'm sure this is way more protein than you need. Need macros and goals please. Not a bad meal, but switch the white rice to brown, especially if you're cutting. Brown rice is a lower gi carb, and it's a whole grain.

    Meal 3
    10oz Chicken Breast *Note: Add Basil, Sea-Salt, Black pepper, Mrs. Dash, Ground Cinnamon, Mustard
    1 cup Mixed Raw Nuts (your choice)
    1/3 to 1/2 cup Oatmeal *Note: Add Cinnamon Spice, Pumpkin Pie Spice, 1 scoop Protein Powder. Together mix in a bowl with water and microwave for 2-3min
    Supplement: 1g Vitamin C
    I noticed your protein quantities between meals vary greatly throughout the day. Try to take your daily total and divide it evenly throughout the day, giving you a steady stream of aminos all day long. Again, keep carbs and fats separate in this meal. Either drop the nuts or the oats. If you're bulking, keep the oats. Cutting, keep the nuts, imo.

    Meal 4
    2 Canned Tuna *Note: Drain all the water out, wash it out with water to remove excess sodium. Add Black pepper, Salt-free Mrs. Dash, Mustard, 1 Lemon Squeezed
    5-6oz Sweet Potatoe *Note: add Cinnamon here
    I like this meal. Especially since you're keeping it pro/carb right before your workout. Macros?

    Pre-workout Nitric Oxide supplement
    5g Creatine Mono (Creapure)
    5g BCAA

    10g BCAA (Sip on it until your last exercise set)

    Meal 5 *Post-workout*
    40-50g Whey Protein Shake ( I can recommend one for you) Ha! I can see that you directly copied and pasted this from your 'buddy'. Anyways...
    5g BCAA
    Add a complex carb here to replenish glycogen after your workout. Since you're already having the shake, just add oats to it.

    Meal 6
    Your choice here of 10oz Chicken Breast, 2 Canned Tuna, 10oz Salmon or 10-12oz Tilapia *Note: I think Tilapia is affordable
    1/2 cup White Rice *Note: add Cinnnamon here
    Supplement: 5000 IU Vitamin D-3, 1g Vitamin C
    I like the fact that you're changing up your protein sources throughout the day, but try to exchange lean proteins with other lean proteins. The problem with alternating between something like tuna and salmon is that salmon has a lot more dietary fat than tuna. When you constantly change it daily, your also changing your total daily fat intake. Again, change the white rice to brown. If you're cutting, and since it's getting later in the day, you may want to think about making this a pro/fat meal.

    Meal 7
    8oz Lean Steak, 90/10 or 93/7 Ground beef OR 10oz Salmon if not 12oz Tilapia *Note: Your choice
    1-2 cups mixed steamed veggies I like this meal.
    Supplement: Zinc, Magnesium

    Well, I gave you the best critique I could without knowing your goals and macros for each meal. Please repost with macros (pro/carb/fat/cals) for each meal, along with daily totals. At 20% bf, I would assume you'd want to cut, but judging by the food quantities, it's a bulk diet, even at your size. I would definitely recommend a cut right now, bro. You'll appreciate the gains much more when it IS an appropriate time to bulk, and you won't have to worry about the possibility of sacrificing LBM as you will be cutting for a much longer time if you're already at 20% (and it's bound to get higher after running this diet). Just my opinion. Good luck, bro. Looking forward to seeing your macros and goals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    MS gave you a solid critique above. The only addition i'd make at this point is to add veggies - I see none in your diet. Fiberous, green veggies - broccoli, asparagus, brussell sprouts, kale, green lettuces, green beans, spinach, etc.

    Repost your diet with complete and accurate macros as suggested, and it will get sorted out further.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I'd definitely assume cut if he's 250 at 20% - that's a good bit of LBM already.

  5. #5
    Il post macros and stuff alittle later when I get home. I wrote posted that late night and was just seeing what kind of responses I could get. I'm not new to dieting so I could tell this diet looked far from a cutter. I can consume large amounts of food but these amounts this guy suggested seem like something a 300lb body builder would be consuming.

  6. #6
    AnD yes im deff cutting lol

  7. #7
    Ok guys this is what I came up with. Now this guy is telling me dont worry about calories when I tell them theres way too many for a cut, but Im not a complete n00b at dieting and I know even for a guy my size this is WAY too much food. Hopefully your guys can help me critque this diet or develop something completely new.

    Goes Fat, Carbs, Protein

    Last edited by omgjimmyfricke; 03-23-2011 at 02:46 PM.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Well, firstly, stop listening to your buddy; amount of calories are VERY significant in a diet, especially when trying to cut. Second, posting macros of various foods in a list isn't going to get you too far here, bro. Please help us help you--Take the time to rewrite the diet with suggestions listed above with the macros for the foods YOU are eating in EACH meal. By the way, don't assume that everything I posted in the diet critique is written in stone. These are just recommendations off the top of my head, and there are plenty more food choices and different ways of tweaking your existing diet that are just as good as the way I critiqued it. Feel free to do some of your own research and take advice from others to find a diet that is tolerable for you and that you can enjoy with optimal results.

    Example for posting macros:

    Meal 1 (8:00AM)
    1 whole egg
    6 egg whites
    100 grams oats

    Do this for each meal, then add all macros/cals together with a grand total. Remember, 1 gram of protein=4calories, 1 gram of carbs=4 calories, and 1 gram of fat=9calories. From your stats alone, I'm going to put your maintenance calories right around the 3,000 range. As far as making this a cut diet, try to get calories around this number, if not, a bit lower. This will put you in a calorie deficit and allow you to lose fat. Cardio will create an even greater deficit and will optimize fat burning.

    Let's make this simple. Just plug in the macros/cals to your revised diet and post it up. I'll help you sort it out from there. Speaking of cardio, doin any??

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