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Thread: New Diet high on the protein

  1. #1

    New Diet high on the protein

    6 egg whites one egg yolk scrambled _ breakfast

    grilled skinless chicken breast - snack

    tuna salad with half cup of mixed veggies - lunch

    pure lean beef burger patty grilled x2 -snack

    lean meat/ chicken skinless with mixed veggies and a protein shake straight after training

    please note i am diabetic so i can't really eat more than that ...oh well i don't wish to eat more than that

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Hi SM... not sure what you're going for here... is this supposed to be a keto diet? You have no carbs other than a few grams from veggies. What are your intentions? What are you goals?

  3. #3
    my intentions are to cut carbs completely but i was told it is not good for me .. i wanna burn some fat .i have 33% body fat and since i am 20 years old and my height is 5.10 i was told i am suppose to be at 21% body fat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by singing master View Post
    my intentions are to cut carbs completely but i was told it is not good for me .. i wanna burn some fat .i have 33% body fat and since i am 20 years old and my height is 5.10 i was told i am suppose to be at 21% body fat
    There are specific diets (ketogenic diets, like atkins) which cut out carbs almost completely. This causes your metabolism to switch from using mainly glucose (carb) as it's primary energy source to ketones (fats). There are plenty of people who have had success on these diets, so I don't knock them. My personal opinion is that your body doesn't need to be put through these stresses when bodyfat reduction can be achieved just as efficiently with a diet that has carbs present.

    Don't worry about what people tell you your bodyfat percentage is 'supposed' to be. I would be more concerned with what I see in the mirror, how clothes fit etc. vs. being fixated on numbers. You want to lose bodyfat, that's the goal.

    I would suggest a diet that has you eating moderately high protein, moderate fats, moderate carbs. Basically, protein/fat for every meal except for pre/pwo (you are working out, right?), and possibly your first meal of the day.

    Damien will probably chime in soon too as he's had success in helping females with their diets. Start by laying out your day - time of day for each meal, and where your workout and cardio fits into the schedule. We can help you from there.

  5. #5
    8.00am breakfast

    11.00am snack

    1.30pm lunch

    4.30. pm snack

    6.30 pm gym

    8.00pm supper

    i posted my work out in the work out section toning while losing .. cause i don't wanna b flabby when i the weight is off

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    see bold - and btw, I need your stats in order to provide some numbers to work with.

    Quote Originally Posted by singing master View Post
    8.00am breakfast


    11.00am snack

    protein/fat + veggies

    1.30pm lunch

    protein/fat + veggies

    4.30. pm snack

    protein/carb (veggies if you want)

    6.30 pm gym

    workout plus cardio?

    8.00pm supper

    This meal depends - could go either way. What time do you go to bed?

    i posted my work out in the work out section toning while losing .. cause i don't wanna b flabby when i the weight is off

  7. #7
    i do cardio gym as well as swimming in the morning , i only go to bed around 3.00am

  8. #8
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by singing master View Post
    i do cardio gym as well as swimming in the morning , i only go to bed around 3.00am
    So you eat at 8pm, don't go to bed until 3am, and don't eat anything in between? Also, you have your first meal listed as 8am - you're only sleeping around 4 hours? Why? Can't you go to bed earlier?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    That is definitely not enough sleep to keep your body functioning properly.

  10. #10
    i have been sleeping like that for awhile i just can't fall asleep

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Gbrice has you sorted out. The layout he provided is excellent. Here's the diet I'd run:

    Sample diet to be coupled with intense lifting and daily cardio:


    Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup sliced strawberries - 25/35/4/260

    Meal 2: 4 oz. chicken breast, 1 cup broccoli, 1 tablespoon EVOO - 25/4/16/240

    Meal 3/pre-workout: 4 oz. tilapia filet, 1 small-medium sweet potato - 25/30/2/225

    PWO: 1 scoop whey isolate, 1/2 cup oats - 20/30/4/220

    Meal 4: 4 oz. chicken breast, 1 tablespoon EVOO, 8 asparagus straws - 25/4/17/230

    Meal 5: 4 oz. flank steak, 3 tablespoons organic guacamole - 25/5/16/260

    Totals: 145/110/60/1450

    Based on your stats, that should yield ~ 1.2 - 1.5 lbs. of fat loss per week. Doesn't sound like a lot but consider the initial water loss and the potential for building new lean body mass even at a caloric deficit* and you'll look like a different person 6-8 weeks into the diet.

    Now, read the info below - it's very important. It will teach you what changes can be made to the sample diet based on your preferences/availability of foods. There are interchangeable options for all macro-nutrients - protein, carbohydrates, and fat. It will also give you the math for calculating your specific BMR and TDEE based on lifestyle and allow you to tailor changes accordingly:

    *The initial shock factor of a clean, high protein diet will likely provide noob gains in the initial phase. At 30% body fat and with sufficient carb intake, gains will likely be noticeable until the diet's potential has been reached and body fat becomes a less readily accessible energy source.

    Now, if you're dead-set on a no carb plan - PM me. I will show you the way. It goes against the conventional wisdom in that it requires a high-fat diet to work. Fat loss will be slightly faster and distorted by a lot of water weight reduction. Workout intensity and the ability to gain muscle will suffer as well as short-term damage to your glucose metabolism. That said, I can guarantee 2 lbs. per week of fat loss if you follow the right protocol for the first 4-weeks. I don't recommended it but as a means to an end for someone with a high dedication level, ketosis is a powerful tool.

  12. #12
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    The sleep is a serious issue. It's messing up hormone secretion and general CNS function - both of these factors dictate physique changes beyond anything else, even a proper diet and workout routine (yes, I said it). Show me someone who looks incredible on 4-hours of sleep and I'll show you a genetically gifted individual.

    5-HTP is a great herbal supplement to be taken at bed-time to aid in producing drowsiness. Television is the enemy and books are your friend. If you have to, an OTC sleeping pill is a better route than insomnia. Also, eating a small protein/fat meal before bed is a good idea for both sustained amino acid absorption throughout the night and a deeper sleep.

  13. #13
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    The sleep is a serious issue. It's messing up hormone secretion and general CNS function - both of these factors dictate physique changes beyond anything else, even a proper diet and workout routine (yes, I said it). Show me someone who looks incredible on 4-hours of sleep and I'll show you a genetically gifted individual.

    5-HTP is a great herbal supplement to be taken at bed-time to aid in producing drowsiness. Television is the enemy and books are your friend. If you have to, an OTC sleeping pill is a better route than insomnia. Also, eating a small protein/fat meal before bed is a good idea for both sustained amino acid absorption throughout the night and a deeper sleep.
    All SO true IMO. Take me for example; I work my ass off in the gym, have my diet and cardio in check (most of the time, lol) but get 6 hours of sleep per night, TOPS. This is due to my schedule and there's not much I can do to change it. My point is I KNOW I haven't made as much progress as I would have had I been getting even just another hour/night.

    Singing, 4 hours isn't nearly enough. You need to find a way to bump this up to 6 hours at the very least, ASAP.

  14. #14
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    Singing you get hyped up around 10-11 PM? curious....this could be a sign of high cortisol at night which is not supposed to happen and this will keep you up until about 3 am......I have fought being a night owl for years and have to force myself to bed and what I do is take a Gaba pill around 10 which helps to start winding me down and then a melatonin about 20 minutes before bed....

    the main thing is to break this cycle....sleep is crucial and there have been studies showing that weight gain occurs with little sleep. I did not sleep for a long time for one reason or another and man-o-man I wish I knew then that I was messing with my endocrine system; because sleep is when you bet your heaviest growth hormone pulse and repairs all hormones as mentioned earlier...and if you do not have your growth pulse which occurs somewhere around 2 hours after falling asleep then just getting only 4 hours really cheats you of what mother nature wants you to have.

    Gotta break the cycle somehow....

    Look into getting your cortisol and adrenals checked out too. Please.

  15. #15
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    When I worked nights as a bartender, I'd get off work wired regardless of how tired I should have been. Kinda like those who work 9-5 may get a "2:30 feeling" but are generally pumped to get home and chill, eat, socialize at around six. Once you break it though, you're good.

  16. #16
    Let me inform you that egg is the most pure form of protein and should be use by whom want to add more protein to his diet..
    I hope you buddies would like this information...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Am I smelling a troll...???

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