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Thread: Windex's Cutting Log. From Shredded Wheats to Shredded Abs.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Windex's Cutting Log. From Shredded Wheats to Shredded Abs.

    Not sure if anyone will actually follow this, it's moreso for my own personal benefit. Hoping to go from my 25% BF all the way down to 9%. I'll post updates weekly. My pics are found in my other thread. My diet is in another thread as well as my workout routine, but should I post them here anyways??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Best of luck mate, ya should post all you info and pics in here, it helps people get a bigger picture of whats going on

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Arctic Circle
    Thankya, Take two on posting my info (First time I had a brain fart and closed my window instead of clicking the post button =(. )

    Age = 19
    Weight = 187lbs +/- 2 lbs (Weigh myself in the morning only)
    BF = ~25%
    Height = 5"9.5

    - Reduce BodyFat to 9%
    - "Ripped/Shredded" Physique
    - Maintain and put on more muscle mass
    - My visual motivation and end goal would be to look like a smaller version of Zyzz / Josef Rakich.

    D I E T

    Protein / Carbs / Fat / Total Calories:

    Meal 1: 7:00am

    2 Large Whole Egg 12/2/10/140
    1/2 Cup Broccoli 1/3/0/15
    1 Cup Green Beans 1/4/0/20
    1 Glutamine Capsule
    1 Multivitamin/Mineral

    Total: 14/9/10/160

    Meal 2: 10:00am

    1 Cups Skim Milk 9/12/0/80
    7 Oz Yam 3/35/0/150

    Total: 12/47/0/230

    Meal 3: 1:00pm

    6 Oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 36/0/0/160
    2 Cups Skim Milk 18/24/0/160
    1 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/5/45

    Total: 54/24/12.5/415

    Meal 4: 4:00pm

    6 Oz 100% Lean Ground Beef 53/0/0/206
    1/2 Cup Brown Rice: 8/68/3/320 [Should I find a better brown rice?]
    1/2 Cup Tomato Sauce/Juice 2/5/0/30
    1 Glutamine Capsule

    Total: 63/73/17/556

    Meal 5: 7:00pm (Pre-Workout)

    Myofusion Protein Shake (2 Scoops Myo + 1 cup milk) 59/22/6/374
    5g of Creatine mixed into shake
    1/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites 7/0/0/30 [Added to Shake]
    1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192

    Total: 74/55.5/9.2/566

    8:00 - 9:00 Workout, 9:00 - 9:30 CARDIO

    Meal 6: 9:30pm (Post Workout)

    Myofusion Protein Shake (2 Scoops Myo + 1 cup milk) 59/22/6/374
    1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192
    1/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites 7/0/0/30 [Added to Shake]

    Total: 74/55.5/9.2/566

    Meal 7: 11:00pm

    1 Scoop MuscleMilk 100% Casein [Mixed with Water] : 25/2/0.5/110

    Total: 24/3/1/120

    Grand Totals: 315 / 267 / 43.4 / 2065


    Monday – Chest + Calfs

    5 sets dumbbell bench press
    5 sets barbell incline bench press
    5 sets dumbbell flys
    3 sets pec deck
    4 sets donkey calf raises
    4 sets lying calf raises

    Tuesday – Back + Abs + Obliques

    5 sets Deadlifts
    5 Sets Pull-Ups (Reps = Until Fail)
    4 sets seated rows
    4 sets wide grip lat pull-downs
    3 sets T-bar rows
    3 sets oblique crunches
    3 Sets Incline Crunches
    3 Sets Hanging Leg Raises

    Wednesday – Biceps + Triceps

    5 sets barbell curls
    5 sets incline seated dumbbell curls
    4 sets preacher curls
    4 sets hammer curls
    5 sets seated dumbbell extensions
    4 sets close grip bench press
    4 Sets Skullcrusher

    THURSDAY – Quads + Hams + Calfs

    5 sets squats
    5 sets leg press
    5 sets of leg extensions
    5 sets lying hamstring curls
    4 Sets Standing Calf Raises (12 Reps)

    Friday – Shoulders + Abs + Obliques

    5 sets dumbbell shoulder press
    5 sets lateral delt raises
    3 sets Sitting Row
    3 sets front delt raises
    3 sets rear delt face pulls
    3 sets Knee Ups
    3 sets oblique crunches


    Strictly Cardio - 45 Minutes.

    Sunday - Day Off

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Double Post, Sorry.
    Last edited by Windex; 03-24-2011 at 05:12 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Arctic Circle
    Added Pics:

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Arctic Circle
    Did abs yesterday, very happy with my results, abs killing me like a mofo today. About to do my 45 mins of cardio. Did shoulder dumbbell press for the first time yesterday, last set did 6 reps at 25 lbs. Hopefully will be able to tackle 30 or 40 lbs come next friday. Stomach looks better already. New weight in @ 183.8 lbs, down from 188.5 lbs almost two weeks ago, making progress!

    (Gotta repost pics not sure what happened)

  7. #7
    Good luck with it and hope you get the results your wanting!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given

    Be careful on the progression with the wieghts if you are new to working out. There is no way to increase your strengh more than about 5-7% per week even early on, I say this in reference to your statement about increasing your dumbell press, just be careful as injuries often happen before the CNS and joints have had a chance to adapt to rigorous training and a torn rotator cuff is a hell of a setback.

  9. #9
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    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post

    Be careful on the progression with the wieghts if you are new to working out. There is no way to increase your strengh more than about 5-7% per week even early on, I say this in reference to your statement about increasing your dumbell press, just be careful as injuries often happen before the CNS and joints have had a chance to adapt to rigorous training and a torn rotator cuff is a hell of a setback.
    Thanks for the heads up, but I have been lifting weights for the past 7 months, I Just had some misinformed diet information and unfortunate deaths that spiralled me into depression.

    Current Personal bests worth noting (Even though probably everyone on the board can do better than moi)

    Squats - 265 lbs
    Deadlift - 195 lbs
    Hammer Curls - 35 lbs
    Dumbbbell Extensions - 35 lbs

  10. #10
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    2 Back-to-back exams tomorrow, each 3 hours, not sure how I'd be able to go to the gym tomorrow, if only there were 26 hours in a day. Guess I won't have this sunday off.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    2 Back-to-back exams tomorrow, each 3 hours, not sure how I'd be able to go to the gym tomorrow, if only there were 26 hours in a day. Guess I won't have this sunday off.
    Over the next 5-6 weeks i have major studying and exams to be done to try and get into my final year of college, your not alone mate. Its all about the balance, when you get in the gym it should almost be a release for you from the pressure of life and whats been put in front of you/ Your doing well, keep it up

  12. #12
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    Finished exam earlier than expect, was super easy. Good booster. Went to the gym, great results. Increased my resistance by 1 in cardio for my 30 minute duration, slowly making progress !! 370 Calories burned, new record!

  13. #13
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    Yesterday was pretty brutal, almost vomited, not really sure why, flu has been going around. Toughed it out and just had to take about twice as long as I usually do, still got everything done except cardio, got way to nauseated. Gonna have to do cardio on sunday, no off day for me this week. Two more weeks for first progress pictures.

  14. #14
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    Everything has been running smooth. Friday I should have progress pictures up. I misplaced my camera, still gotta repost original pictures.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Your pics aren't working for me bro. Nice diet and training regime though. I would have thought maybe a bit more cardio then just 1 day if your main goal is reducing BF%?

    All-in-all looks good though man, good luck with your goal!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    These progress threads are usually posted in the diet section. You'll get more traffic/hits there for sure. Do you want me to ask Admin to move it there for you?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markyd View Post
    Your pics aren't working for me bro. Nice diet and training regime though. I would have thought maybe a bit more cardio then just 1 day if your main goal is reducing BF%?

    All-in-all looks good though man, good luck with your goal!
    Sorry I forgot to mention I do Cardio for 30 mins post lifting Mon-Fri.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Good luck

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimJoe View Post
    Good luck
    Thanks chief, pics are up again.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Woot, Deadlift'd 225 lbs last night, unfortunately only 4 sets. Still a great personal best !

  21. #21
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    I wanted to post updated pictures but unfortunately my computer exploded and exams got in the way. These pictures are from 5.5 weeks in (I'm 8 weeks in right now, and should hopefully post Week 12 pictures next for my log). I only have two exams so I should hopefully be posting more in this log. These are the pictures:

    To be honest, I'm not too impressed after 5.5 weeks. I mean, the scale shows I lost 12 lbs, I'm certaintly lifting heavier,i have more energy, and cardio is getting much easier at the gym. However, I notice no change in my physical appearance and I'm also curious if all my exam stress made anything worse ?

  22. #22
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    I assume as well my bodyfat % is still ~25-28% ?

  23. #23
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    New Jersey
    Not to discount your hard work so far - but don't get discouraged, 5.5 weeks is NOTHING bro. Give it a few months before you can expect to see any really appreciable changes in the way you look. I went through the SAME thing - just trust me, you will get there. Remain consistent.

    Bodyfat appears to be in the 20's, but don't even worry about the numbers right now IMO. Just keep hitting the weights and cardio, keep your diet in check, and by the end of the summer I think you'll be very impressed with the way your body is changing.

    Congrats on the 225lb deads - did you mean 4 reps, or 4 sets as you stated? =P

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Not to discount your hard work so far - but don't get discouraged, 5.5 weeks is NOTHING bro. Give it a few months before you can expect to see any really appreciable changes in the way you look. I went through the SAME thing - just trust me, you will get there. Remain consistent.

    Bodyfat appears to be in the 20's, but don't even worry about the numbers right now IMO. Just keep hitting the weights and cardio, keep your diet in check, and by the end of the summer I think you'll be very impressed with the way your body is changing.

    Congrats on the 225lb deads - did you mean 4 reps, or 4 sets as you stated? =P
    I did mean 4 reps heh my bad, and then the following week I managed to tackle 5 reps @ 235 lbs. Forgot to post my new proposed diet in my log (even though I have a seperate thread alreayd for it). Ideally, I'd like to lose 5% more protein and up the fat to 15% with more EVOO. Not sure what I can change though, I can't change the chicken breast consumption since I'm eating 2 breasts a day (450g) and trying to get more exact would be super tricky.

    D I E T

    S T A T S

    Age: 19
    BF: 25%
    TDEE: 2650
    Goal: Cut to 9% Bodyfat, get 16" arms, 170-180 lbs @ Goal BF

    Protein / Carbs / Fat / Total Calories:

    Meal 1: 8:00am

    3 Cups Spinach 3/3/0/21
    1/2 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/7/60
    1 AnimalPak 3/2/0/20
    1 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar 0/4/0/16
    100g Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 24/0/1/100

    Totals: 32/10/8/166

    Meal 2: 10:00am

    7 Oz Yam 3/35/0/150
    225g Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 54/0/2.25/225
    1 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/14/120

    Total: 57/35/16.25/435

    Meal 3: 1:00pm

    125g Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 30/0/1.25/125
    1/2 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/7/60

    Total: 30/0/8.25/155

    Meal 4: 4:00pm

    3 Oz 100% Lean Ground Beef 26.5/0/0/103
    1/4 Cup Brown Rice: 4/34/1.5/160
    1/2 Cup Tomato Sauce/Juice 2/5/0/30

    Total: 32.5/39/1.5/396

    Meal 5: 7:00pm (Pre-Workout)

    1 Scoops Myofusion 25/5/3/147
    5g of Creatine mixed into shake
    1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192

    Total: 33/43.5/9.2/486

    8:00 - 9:00 Workout, 9:00 - 9:30 CARDIO

    Meal 6: 9:30pm (Post Workout)

    2 Scoops ON 100% Whey 48/8/2/240
    1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192

    Total: 56/41.5/5.2/432

    Meal 7: 11:00pm

    1 Scoop MuscleMilk 100% Casein [Mixed with Water] : 25/2/0.5/110

    Total: 25/2/0.5/110

    Grand Totals: 266/167/46/2254

    55% Protein, 35% Carbs, 10% Fat.

  25. #25
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    Gbrice or whoever else, could I get away with adding another 1/2 teaspoon in my meal #3 and simply not count my spinach & tomatoe juce in my totals ?

  26. #26
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    I think I tweaked it and improved it even more:

    D I E T

    S T A T S

    Age: 19
    BF: 22%
    TDEE: 2650
    Goal: Cut to 9% Bodyfat, get 16" arms, 170-180 lbs @ Goal BF

    Protein / Carbs / Fat / Total Calories:

    Meal 1: 8:00am

    3 Cups Spinach 3/3/0/21
    1 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/14/120
    1 AnimalPak 3/2/0/20
    1 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar 0/4/0/16
    100g Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 24/0/1/100

    Totals: 32/10/15/286

    Meal 2: 10:00am

    7 Oz Yam 3/35/0/150
    225g Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 54/0/2.25/225
    1 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/14/120

    Total: 57/35/16.25/435

    Meal 3: 1:00pm

    125g Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 30/0/1.25/125
    1 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/14/120

    Total: 30/0/15.25/215

    Meal 4: 4:00pm

    3 Oz 100% Lean Ground Beef 26.5/0/0/103
    1/4 Cup Brown Rice: 4/34/1.5/160
    1/2 Cup Tomato Sauce/Juice 2/5/0/30

    Total: 32.5/39/1.5/396

    Meal 5: 7:00pm (Pre-Workout)

    1 Scoops Myofusion 25/5/3/147
    5g of Creatine mixed into shake
    1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192

    Total: 33/43.5/9.2/486

    8:00 - 9:00 Workout, 9:00 - 9:30 CARDIO

    Meal 6: 9:30pm (Post Workout)

    1 Scoops ON 100% Whey 24/4/1/120
    1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192

    Total: 32/37.5/4.2/312

    Meal 7: 10:30pm

    1 Scoop MuscleMilk 100% Casein [Mixed with Water] : 25/2/0.5/110

    Total: 25/2/0.5/110

    Grand Totals: 242/167/60/2254

    52% Protein, 35% Carbs, 13% Fat.
    Last edited by Windex; 05-02-2011 at 08:45 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    You had mentioned that you do 30mins of cardio before you lift.

    I was able to drop from 22% to 12% BF in 3 months by doing 1hr of cardio after lifting.

    Even if it's on an elyptical machine. You said that cardio is getting easy.

    Try doing this.

    Day1 -Day 5 of Cardio 1hr after Lifting. Write down your distance and Time.
    Make sure you beat your prior days time.

    IE 1st day you run 60mins on Elyptical machine and your distance is 6miles. 10min/mile pace
    2nd Day Try and get it down to 9:30min pace
    3rd Day 9:25min pace
    4th day 9:00min pace.
    Even if the 5th day is only 8mins 59 second pace

    I noticed a HUGE drop in BF by increasing the difficulty with cardio.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by werms View Post
    You had mentioned that you do 30mins of cardio before you lift.

    I was able to drop from 22% to 12% BF in 3 months by doing 1hr of cardio after lifting.

    Even if it's on an elyptical machine. You said that cardio is getting easy.

    Try doing this.

    Day1 -Day 5 of Cardio 1hr after Lifting. Write down your distance and Time.
    Make sure you beat your prior days time.

    IE 1st day you run 60mins on Elyptical machine and your distance is 6miles. 10min/mile pace
    2nd Day Try and get it down to 9:30min pace
    3rd Day 9:25min pace
    4th day 9:00min pace.
    Even if the 5th day is only 8mins 59 second pace

    I noticed a HUGE drop in BF by increasing the difficulty with cardio.
    I do cardio after I lift, never before. The problem is I cannot do more than 30 minutes of cardio. I have 1 hr 30 mins (1 hr lifting + 30 mins of cardio) alotted for gym time because I am a medical student and have so much work to do I simply cannot afford the extra 30 minutes because it's a huge deal to me. I've just been increasing the intensity of my cardio and monitoring my heart rate to make sure I'm not torching my muscle. I appreciate the suggestion though. What makes it worse is I have no summer break either , School all-year round.

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