Tell me of your experiences
Is it hard to get the carb loading correct?
How was lifting?
How long were you on it for?
Results/gym candy used??/had you done atkins previous to trying this?
etc etc
Tell me of your experiences
Is it hard to get the carb loading correct?
How was lifting?
How long were you on it for?
Results/gym candy used??/had you done atkins previous to trying this?
etc etc
Did it for 5 days and got sick so i had to stop dieting all together LOL
I may be giving it a go as of next monday to see it it can help me drop a bit of extra fat a bit quicker.... However it will only be for 10 days...
ive experimented with loads of cdk, keto and low carb diets....
from MY point of view they are too expensive and a waste of time for the average person wanting to get in shape....
the last low carb diet i did left me smelling of shit all the time, my breath, my sweat and my clothes smelt of pure cheese, not to mention my gooche lol...
also i think its bad for your digestive system, i got really blocked up and had hard stools for days, this is really bad for fat loss and metabolism in my case...
last but not least you'll have virtually no muscle fullness, nor the energy to complete cardio or weight lifting...
i think low carb is great for short periods leading up to competition, or for short amounts of time to rid the body of stubborn fat like baseline said, but for long term fat loss and general health and wellbeing, i think carbs are essential, they keep you system clean and clear and give you the energy you need to complete hard fat burning workouts...
Ive used them a few times even though I have a body what responds well to manipulation of carbs rather than carb depletion I have ran a few with success. For me the major adjustment was with the refeeds, rather than the typical cheat day or cheat meals I had to prolong these to suit my body, even though it may of knocked me out of ketosis longer my body responded better to slightly longer refeeds than the shorter ones.
My training suffered after the 3rd/4th day but I tried to make sure all my heavy lifting and intense training was done in the first part of the week or just after my refeeds. My strength was good and I could work out adequately except for maybe not as long but in general I dont train for long anyway, its always been counter productive for me.
I would feel the fat being stripped away on certain days during the week and when it was time to load up on glycogen my depleted muscles would become very swollen and week after week I got more and more vascular.
I like them but I if I had to pick I would go with increasing my cardio and using a carb cycling technic other a CKD, I find cutting fat via increasing cardio suits my body better IMHO.
^^ No links to other sites please.
Marcus did you have trouble concentrating or focusing? The one time I tried a keto diet, after the 2nd or 3rd day I couldn't focus or stay on any task to save my life,
Your brain will run on ketones after 4-5 days of no carbs and proper pro/fat ratio scotty. until then, it's still a glucose burning engine with no glucose - i.e. inefficient for focus/concentration.
I knew there had to be a scientific explanation, Really affected my work performance, U worked in the culinary world u know how bad it can be if you're not focused
Trouble concentrating , focusing , lethargy are all potential sides until the body adapts to this type of diet. Take about 2 weeks.
To address what Marcus said re workouts lagging later in the week. I went crazy years ago..rotating body parts being worked to try to minmize this effect. All in all it was a pain in the ass. I also came up with a simialr carb cycling(prime) and workout plan that accomplished the same thing. Another Pain. I used to get way to over the top with stuff like that. Spend hours planning and too much time monitoring what body part what day - for what amounted to imo now - no difference.
Now i simply do this.
sat 5pm to friday 5pm - no carb (as close as possible)
friday 5pm to sat 5pm carb load.
My Carb load :
1st "meal" is immedaitely post depletion workout on friday. Its a high gi carb / hi protein / low fat meal.
All meals following are low gi carbs / protein / low fat (low as possible)
Monday - upper
tues -lower
friday full body depletion
The next week i do:
monday - lower
tuesday - upper
friday full body depletion
and so on.
I didnt "invent" any of the above. My ckd is a combo of many. Duchaines body opus , mcdonalds ckd , palumbos (i eat amost all healthy fats). Only thing i do is swap upeer and lower body workouts week to week. Does it make a diff - prob not - but i do it anyway. BTW for those that may not know this type of diet was around for years before any of the above i mentioned ever wrote about it. Vince Gironda ate like this long before anyone wrote about it. I saw once where it was stated he was never seen eating bread or a potato his entire life!
IME most people have issue with such a diet when they dont get high enough % of cals from fats. Fats are king in this plan. I suggest healthy fats wherever possible. i go around 75% fats in my keto diet.
The diet / workout seems to allow me to preserve muscle mass while rapidly losing fat. I tend to have to be very careful as far as carbs. I suspect i have some insulin resistance issues - so that prob explains why a diet like this works particulary well for me.
Give it a shot..its not for ebveyryone but for me it works very well.
Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 04-01-2011 at 01:34 PM.
woa thanks guys
a tone of useful information here
jimmy im liking that diet plan layout and meal timing you have
Ran a CKD last year, right around this time.
It wasn't for me. I never felt like I really made the full metabolic shift to burning ketones. I stopped doing cardio all together after about a week because my energy was so low. Also, I found the refeeds made it too easy for me to justify cheating. I only stuck with it for about a month before calling it quits. In the end, I was about 10lbs lighter but felt I had very similar bodyfat as to when I started. Obviously lost some water, but I felt some LBM was lost in the process as well.
They work great for some, and not so great for others. I think a lower carb diet (around 100g - 150g) with the carbs well placed and a proper cardio routine are more effective in the long run. I don't feel putting your body through the stress this shift does is worth it when similar results can be achieved without it.
If you're still interested, you should search for a thread in the diet section started by Top - called CKD - the Cyclic Ketogenic Diet - or something like that. There's a TON of useful info on CKD in it, hope this helps.
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