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Thread: Latest Diet

  1. #1
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    Latest Diet

    Hello All,

    I am a 55yr old male 6'1" 215lbs on home TRT but currently doing a Cyp/Deca blast, with slin PWO. I started getting back in shape about 4 years ago and started lifting semiseriously about 6 months ago with major changes to my diet. Anyway for the past month I have started training very hard 6 days a week and trying my best to eat very clean. Here is what I have been eating the past few days unfortunatly the store was out of Ezekial bread so I have been substituting "Healthnut" anyway diet is below.

    Sorry about the formatting on the chart it all got lost when pasted in, the totals are at the bottom.

    protein carbs fats

    meal 1
    oatmeal 28 95 5

    meal 2
    Chicken&bread 53 40 9

    Pre WO 2 51 1

    PWO Whey&
    Carbogain 75 100 0

    meal 5 53 40 9

    meal 6 62 60 9
    chicken lentils
    banana 2 51 1

    meal 7
    lentils 62 60 9

    2 oz almonds,
    through day 12 12 24

    Totals 349 509 67

    What do you all think of the macros? I generally eat approximately like this except sometimes the protein is fish other times like now its chicken.

    PS I do always include at least some salad (no dressing), peas, or other mixed vegetables I just forgot to include them sorry.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 04-03-2011 at 07:21 PM.

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Without knowing your current LBM or what your goals are I am not really sure what you want commentary on? I know it's over 4000 calories a day and I know I would get fat eating it myself.

  3. #3
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    Fireguy, Thanks for the reply.

    I am not sure of my LBM I will see if I can find someone at the gym to take some calipers and measure me so I can come up with a number. If I had to guess I would say I am probably around 15% bf. I know this is still high but it was a whole lot worse LOL last Oct I wieghed 235 with a 13.5 bicep and now am at 213-15 with a 15.5 bicep.

    My goals are to continue to gain muscle mass as quickly as possible while continuing to loose body fat. I have just joined the gym 2 weeks ago ( prior was lifting in my basement) so I am doing a lot of work on my legs as at home I did not have any leg machines so for this reason I thought I would probably need a good amount of protein to facilitate growth of the wheels?

    Anyway if that is enough information to help you, do you feel that the amount of food I am eating is too great or should I drop a say the amount fo fat or carbs?

    Thanks in advance and if the information is insufficient I understand.


  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    The only way to really know for sure is to run the diet for a month or so and chart your body composition. At first glance I would say you are going to have a hard time losing bodyfat eating that many calories unless you are doing a ton of cardio. The fact you are 215lbs with 15 1/2 inch arms and have not been training legs tells me your bodyfat is more than likely more than 15% as well. Post a pic if you can for a better conditioning assessment.

  5. #5
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    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
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  6. #6
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    I think FG scared FFM back to the lounge, lol!

  7. #7
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    That's close to the truth Gbrice,

    Sadly my delusion was much deeper as the though of posting a pic seemed great and I could not wait to show you guys how good I looked for 55. So I took his suggestion and after sitting at the computer for a couple of hours I took a pic to post...well obviously at the end of the day is not the best time to take a pic LOL. So I took one the next morning with pretty much the same result, somehow the camera was distorting my appearence making me much fatter than I had convinced myself I was LOL

    So anyway BIG THANKS to the prick FireGuy ;-) and the rest of you for traumatizing me into changing my diet and starting my cardio up again. I have reduced my intake substaintially I have not done the math yet but approximately 250-280-50.

    I have also started a new workout routine I got of another site which is incorporating a hell of a lot more sets and variations than my old routine. As far as the no legs routine I raced cycles for many years as a young man and thought my legs would come around pretty quickly and so far they are responding very well. I have also just started incorporating LIGHT deadlifts into my routine ( at 32 ruptured several discs) and I have been wieghing myself every day at the gym on a real scale and my wieght is holding right at 214 with pretty substantial increases in overall strength.

    Once again thanks to all that helped, hopefully in a couple of weeks I will be able to post up a pic without causing anyone to smash their monitor or flame me to death LOL.

    Your humble buddy,

    FFM or at least Far from Massive in a good way....
    Last edited by Far from massive; 04-10-2011 at 01:37 PM.

  8. #8
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    ^ ^ congrats on seeing the light. Just a little extra advice - i'd lower carbs and up fats ASAP. 280g carbs seems like an awful lot while cutting bodyfat.

    Don't feel too badly bro, I haven't been consistent really since the holiday's, and refuse to post any pics either.

  9. #9
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    What would you advise as far as macro's.

    I am 55 on home TRT 200mg cyp a week but currently in the last 3 wks of a 800/600 cyp/deca blast with 15 IU's slin PWO. I know I am a dumb ass running that much gear and slin but I see no point in lying about it if I am seeking nutritional advice. The slin is one reason for the high carbs since from all I have read I need to run 100 gms of carbs PWO to balance out the slin (7 gms simple carbs per IU of slin). As far as the fat I am probably way low in my estimate as I cook my chicken and fish with olive oil and forgot to add those in the equation so with the two spoons of olive oil that would add 30 gms for a total of 80 gms of fat does this sound adequate?

  10. #10
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    The hell with it, I may as well get it over with.

    Here is one from Oct of 2010 for comparison.

    Last edited by Far from massive; 04-10-2011 at 06:01 PM.

  11. #11
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    Bump for bodyfat estimate in top photo ? 18%...20%...more?

  12. #12
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    18-20% imo.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I agree with the 18 - 20. Nothing to be ashamed of, you do look pretty good for your age, and you appear to have a body/build that will do well with the above stated changes (if consistently implemented). I'd like to see your specific exercise routine with exercises/sets/reps/poundages. If you look at Baseline9's thread about calories it should be a great starting point for you macro needs.

    Keep this thing posted daily, we're here for you.

  14. #14
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    Thanks a lot for the estimates and comments.

    Also Fireguy if you are reading this I hope that when I said that prick Fireguy you know that I was making a joke because when I took the picture and looked at it it became apparent that I was not 15% by any means. Anyway if that comment came off wrong please accept my apology.

    I had read Baseline9s thread on diet after hearing Fireguys feedback that I was probably eating too much. I found the guide very straightforward and easy to understand, I also really appreciated Baseline taking the time to put in all the different variables for body fat etc.

    I only started lifting in the gym about a month ago so this is why I had not done legs in the past as in my home gym I had no leg equipment. The past 6 days I have started a new routine that was the winning entry from a workout contest at another site. Its a 6 day routine where each body part is hit twice a week, this may sound strange but this is just what I have been looking for as I seem to be unable to hit a muscle group hard enough where I feel like I need a whole week for it to recover, of course this may be because I am not very strong on lifts like bench or curls and try to be cautious on any lift I am not comfortable with. Anyway so far its been hard but I have felt great with no feeling of overtraining (either mental or by waking/resting heartbeat) of course I am only in the first week so who knows what the future holds. I think one thing that makes this doable for me is I am currently not working so all I am doing is sleeping, eating, training, juicing and slinning so recovery is pretty easy right now, however I think I will be back at work soon and will have to slow down. Anyway here is the routine, so far I have not written down any poundages because a lot of these excersizes are new to me and I am going pretty light but I will start recording pounds and reps next week so you will have something to go by.

    Monday: Chest/Delts/Triceps Workout A.
    ________________________________________ DATE:
    ________________________________________ TIME:

    ________________________________________EXERCISE ________________________________________DURATION
    ________________________________________ WEIGHT:
    ________________________________________ LOCATION:

    Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.
    EXERCISE Set #1 Set #2
    Incline dumbbell press - 6-8 reps
    Dips - 6-8 reps
    Machine bench press - 6-8 reps
    Dumbbell flyes - 6-8 reps
    Seated overhead press - 6-8 reps
    Tricep pressdowns - 6-8 reps
    Smith-machine upright rows - 6-8 reps
    One-arm dumbbell overhead extensions - 6-8 reps
    Side dumbbell laterals - 6-8 reps

    Tuesday: Legs workout A.
    ________________________________________ DATE:
    ________________________________________ TIME:

    ________________________________________EXERCISE ________________________________________DURATION
    ________________________________________ WEIGHT:
    ________________________________________ LOCATION:

    Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.
    EXERCISE Set #1 Set #2 Set #3
    ATG Squats - 6-8 reps
    Stiff-legged deadlifts - 6-8 reps XX
    Leg extensions - 6-8 reps XX
    Lying leg curls - 6-8 reps XX
    Smith-machine lunge - 6-8 reps XX
    Machine calf raises - 6-8 reps XX
    Seated calf raises - 6-8 reps XX
    Seated calf raises - 6-8 reps XX XX

    Wednesday: Back/Biceps/Forearms Workout A
    ________________________________________ DATE:
    ________________________________________ TIME:

    ________________________________________EXERCISE ________________________________________DURATION
    ________________________________________ WEIGHT:
    ________________________________________ LOCATION:

    Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.
    EXERCISE Set #1 Set #2
    Deadlifts - 4-8 reps
    Incline dumbbell rows - 6-8 reps
    Lat pulldowns - 6-8 reps
    Seated cable rows - 6-8 reps
    Hyperextensions - 6-8 reps
    EZ bar curls - 6-8 reps
    Incline curls - 6-8 reps
    Dumbbell preacher curls - 6-8 reps
    Dumbbell wrist curls - 6-8 reps XX
    Dumbbell wrist extensions - 6-8 reps

    Thursday: Chest/Delts/Triceps Workout B.
    ________________________________________ DATE:
    ________________________________________ TIME:

    ________________________________________EXERCISE ________________________________________DURATION
    ________________________________________ WEIGHT:
    ________________________________________ LOCATION:

    Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.
    EXERCISE Set #1 Set #2
    Incline Smith-Machine press - 10-12 reps
    Dumbbell pullovers - 10-12 reps
    Flat dumbbell press - 10-12 reps
    Cable crossovers - 10-12 reps
    Seated barbell overhead press - 10-12 reps
    EZ bar lying tricep extension - 10-12 reps
    Seated cable rear delt rows - 10-12 reps
    Reverse-grip two-arm cable pressdowns - 10-12 reps
    Cable side-laterals - 10-12 reps's Workout Log

    Friday: Legs: Workout B.
    ________________________________________ DATE:
    ________________________________________ TIME:

    ________________________________________EXERCISE ________________________________________DURATION
    ________________________________________ WEIGHT:
    ________________________________________ LOCATION:

    Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.
    EXERCISE Set #1 Set #2 Set #3
    Front barbell Squats - 10-12 reps
    Stiff-legged deadlifts - 10-12 reps XX
    One-Leg extensions - 10-12 reps XX
    Seated leg curls - 10-12 reps XX
    Split-squat - 10-12 reps XX
    Donkey calf raises - 10-12 reps XX
    Hack machine calf raises - 10-12 reps XX
    Reverse calf raises - 10-12 reps XX XX

    Saturday: Back/Biceps/Forearms Workout B
    ________________________________________ DATE:
    ________________________________________ TIME:

    ________________________________________EXERCISE ________________________________________DURATION
    ________________________________________ WEIGHT:
    ________________________________________ LOCATION:

    Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.
    EXERCISE Set #1 Set #2
    Deadlifts - 8-10 reps
    Machine rows - 10-12 reps
    Wide-grip chin-ups - 8 reps
    One-arm rows - 10-12 reps
    Lying torso raise - 12-15 reps
    Seated alternating dumbbell curls - 12-15 reps
    Concentration curls - 12-15 reps
    Cable one-arm curls - 12-15 reps
    Cable wrist curls - 12-15 reps XX
    Wrist extensions - 12-15 reps XX

    Sunday Off,
    If I am feeling good I usually do some light cardio 4-5 miles walking with a 100 yrds of running every 1/8th mile or so.

    In addition to this workout routine, I try to do outside cardio which consists of intervals of walking 90% and running 10% for an hour three times a week. I always try to separate this from my gym workout by at least 4 hours.

  15. #15
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    I am a big fan of the six day split, not sure I agree with the exercises and order/grouping, but mostly just personal preference, going from non-lifting to this you should enjoy very good results. I definitely am not going to agree with the wrist/forearm exercise, but if it works for you I'll be happy to hear about it. I know with the amount of workout the forearms get from the other exercises you might not like how this is going to feel, but hey, my forearms are burning just from typing this paragraph after back night at the gym.

  16. #16
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    No offense taken at all FFM, I knew it was all in fun. Glad to see you are back and getting the diet and workout squared away.

  17. #17
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    Good to hear FireGuy you are one of the more knowlegable guys on the board so I always value your input.

    tbody66 I agree with you completely on the forearm workouts, I have no desire to look like popeye and I also powdered my left wrist in a motorcycle accident so I see no reason to tempt fate with wrist curls. Plus it seems like a good way to create microtears in the extensor carpi radialis which I want to avoid like the plague.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Good to hear FireGuy you are one of the more knowlegable guys on the board so I always value your input.

    tbody66 I agree with you completely on the forearm workouts, I have no desire to look like popeye and I also powdered my left wrist in a motorcycle accident so I see no reason to tempt fate with wrist curls. Plus it seems like a good way to create microtears in the extensor carpi radialis which I want to avoid like the plague.
    So drop those and perform the rest of the workout as written as intensely as you can. Shoot for sticking with this program til June 1st and then we'll change it up, depending on how you've gotten along with it, if that's okay with you.

  19. #19
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    Sounds like a plan T body I will update this post with stats and pics from time to time.

  20. #20
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    Good luck FFM, keep us posted!

  21. #21
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    if for no other reason than that of GB having something/someone to post after since he is running for Post-Ho King!!!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    if for no other reason than that of GB having something/someone to post after since he is running for Post-Ho King!!!!
    At least my post was relevant, positive and reinforcing! You've now hijacked FFM's thread under the guise of wanting to bash me - but we both know you were post whoring yourself!

    FFM, I apologize on behalf of tbody - he cannot help himself! I guess getting a custom title with less than 3000 posts wasn't enough! Lmao!!! *hugs*

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    At least my post was relevant, positive and reinforcing! You've now hijacked FFM's thread under the guise of wanting to bash me - but we both know you were post whoring yourself!

    FFM, I apologize on behalf of tbody - he cannot help himself! I guess getting a custom title with less than 3000 posts wasn't enough! Lmao!!! *hugs*
    Oh is this FFM's thread, they all look the same because every other post is GB...GB....GB.....GB!!!! I agree all of your posts are relevant, positive and reinforcing...........TO YOUR POST COUNT!

    On a serious note, I would never ever bash you. I love and respect you too much. FFM is going to impress us with his program and dedication, I am confident of this. FFM, I apologize for myself and hope you find our posts humorous and appreciate that your thread post count is going up as well and we are people who are here to support and encourage you along your way.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Oh is this FFM's thread, they all look the same because every other post is GB...GB....GB.....GB!!!! I agree all of your posts are relevant, positive and reinforcing...........TO YOUR POST COUNT!

    On a serious note, I would never ever bash you. I love and respect you too much. FFM is going to impress us with his program and dedication, I am confident of this. FFM, I apologize for myself and hope you find our posts humorous and appreciate that your thread post count is going up as well and we are people who are here to support and encourage you along your way.
    Was only kidding with you too brotha, lol!

    FFM - in an effort to keep it light around here, we hijack sometimes. Apologies bro, you know we're here for ya. Hey, at least this banter keeps your thread bumped! =P

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  26. #26
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    Believe me I will never be offended by any kind of joke or highjack or comparing me to a lightskinned Ronnie Coleman. I am a member of a car racing site, yellowbullet and we are a lot less politically correct than most anyone here. I have actually pissed off a few people here saying stuff in jest that they took seriously, I am glad to see you guys are a jocular bunch so that won't be a problem.

  27. #27
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    bump for progress!

  28. #28
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    Well I know its been a while but I have finally hit sub 14% bf for my 57th birthday present to myself. In the picture unfortunately I am absolutely stuffed since its Sunday and I eat and lift heavy both of my days off to try to max gains, plus there are a couple of slice of B-day cake inside me LOL.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Webimage3.jpg 
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ID:	124763 Click image for larger version. 

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    PS for those unfamiliar with what happened, right after the post in 2011 I started having some fatigue issues. Eventually they progressed into full blown exhaustion so bad I was falling asleep at traffic lights etc. During July to Sept they told me everything from chest colds to walking pneumonia..around Oct Nov I started having digestive problems so they switched up to intestinal flu then the next time they said parasites LOL..well in Dec I was in crippling pain and they pulled out my appendix only to find it was full of goblet cell this explained the whole half year of sickness and probably bloating prior to that as my oncologist says it was probably developing for 8 months or so.

    Anyway all is well now, I left the hospital in Jan a skinny drained 190 lbs probably still over 20% bodyfat. Since then I have been doing well in the gym, eating about 300 below maintenance and finally feeling good and getting the results I had been missing out on for the past year. Just got the CNS and core to the point I can squat again so I am starting to see some good changes in mass due to finally being able to include a full lower body workout in my routine. So hopefully by spring next year I will be ready for my first comp if all goes well between now and then.

    Comments, criticisms, questions are welcome.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	3682 
Size:	55.9 KB 
ID:	124863  
    Last edited by Far from massive; 07-26-2012 at 08:43 PM.

  29. #29
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    IMPRESSIVE!!!!! Nice work FFM.

  30. #30
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    Amazing work!!! You should be very proud of yourself brother!!! You owe yourself a reward.

    FG - i'm liking your new figure as well. Much better than your usual bumpy self.

  31. #31
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    Thanks a lot guys, means a lot coming from the two of you.

  32. #32
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    57? Damn man, and that's after a lay off!!! Dude, I doth my cap, amazing!

  33. #33
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    Thanks a lot Stem,

    Just hope the results continue to come along. Gonna try tweaking diet and moving calories toward maintenance and S-L-O-W-L-Y increasing wieghts and sets ( injuries and time off have been a results killer in the past) and cardio and see where it leads.

  34. #34
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    I am so encouraged by your acheivements so far and absolutely know you'll show us even more in the weeks to come. Keep us a little more updated if you don't mind, some specifics about your diet and workouts would be awesome. Happy belated B-day, props and respect!

  35. #35
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    Protein Carbs Fats

    bagel 10 60 10
    creamcheese 1 1 4
    coffee 6

    shake 80 40 0
    Bluberries 1 21 0
    90/10 beef 100 20 43
    Bread 15 75 6
    sams 20 120 15

    Grams 227 344 78

    Calories 908 1376 702 Total Cal 2986

    Here is an average days meal, when I am at home and eating 90/10 beef . I always start my day in a hurry and pickup a bagel with cream cheese on the way to the gym. Then I have a PWO shake, then the rest of the day I will just eat hamburgers and uncle sams and something like blueberries.

    At work I eat chicken instead of beef so the fats are less but the rest is about the same.

    I know this is less than ideal and I need to add something like almonds in place of the meat fat, and some sweet potatoes would be a good carb source on my chicken days...yes? Anyhow no point in lying this is an honest look at my usual daily intake.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 07-24-2012 at 05:24 PM.

  36. #36
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    Bump for second photo with obliques

  37. #37
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    lol... are you bumping for more compliments on your pics!!??

    Obliques - you have em', I don't... die!!

  38. #38
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    Thanks Gbrice,

    Actually I was hoping you would provide some input on my diet. This is one area where I don't know too much and could use some help. Do you have any threads where you have posted up what you eat ( or if not your own, any other threads that you feel contain a well constructed diet) so I could compare my quick and easy deal to a well thought out approach.

  39. #39
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    Man, I'm proud of you.

    Bumping this again for additional updates.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

    Published Author.
    Owner of :
    Apollo Fitness Barbados etc

    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
    **No Source Checks**
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  40. #40
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    WOW!!! thats all i can say. thats what hard work and dedication will get you. job well done

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