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Thread: Upcoming lean mass gain diet...need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Upcoming lean mass gain diet...need advice

    I'll be starting another 'bulk' cycle in a month or two

    Have been trying to work on a good diet for me to gain lean mass.. need a bit of help.

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 86kg (190 LBS)
    Bodyfat: prob around 18%
    Cycles: 3 Previous

    I'm a easy gainer, can put on weight very easily.

    Meal 1: 100g (cup) rolled Oats + 48g Protein WPI Shake
    Meal 2: 300g beef Steak, 50g Almonds
    Meal 3: 95g Tuna in olive oil
    Meal 4: 4 whole eggs with 4 slices multi-grain bread (pre - workout)
    Meal 5: 48g Protein WPI Shake + 75g Dextrose (post - workout)
    Meal 6: 6 Whole eggs/Kangaroo steak/sausages
    Meal 7: 48g Protein WPI shake + handful almonds

    As you can see I only want to consume carbs 3x a day, Breakfast and before and after training...

    Will that be enough carbs for me? roughly gets me just under 200g of carbs a day, with around 300g protein and 50g fat...

    This will be done while on a cycle of:

    Dianabol - 40mg ED (4-6 weeks)
    Test Enanthate - 600mg pw (12 weeks)

    Any help much appreciate, thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    You need more than 200 gr of carbs in a bulking diet. Healthy fats alone won't do it. You are getting carbs from a complex carb source only x2 a day, and the rest is coming from 75g of Dextrose PWO. That is indeed not a healthy ratio of simple carbs to complex carbs IMO. Do you really think a 190 lbs guy needs 75g Dextrose for PWO? As is, 48g Protein WPI Shake alone will cause a significant insulin spike... I would suggest dropping the Dextrose to 40g and adding some complex carbs to meal 3. You wanted to bulk, right? Protein + CHO + fats will do it for you, without a question.

    As for meal 7, I would rather go for Casein for obvious reasons. 2 scoops will do it for you. If you won't drink Casein for your own reasons, than low fat low sodium cottage cheese is the greatest natural alternative at that time of the day.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    You should focus all of your energy into loosing as much bodyfat as you can over the next 12 weeks and then re-assess where you stand...

    At 18% BF any weight you gain will not be seen... You will simply look like a bigger version of the current you...

    Trust me... Get your bodyfat down and then start from a clean slate

  4. #4
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    Oct 2008
    Currently in a CKD Cut, been doing this for 12 weeks, and will continue to do so until satisfied I'm ready for cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anyone else? Gbrice, Marcus??

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Baseline said it all.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigp87 View Post
    Anyone else? Gbrice, Marcus??
    Agreed with Damien, Baseline already gave you the best possible advice. I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but you'll thank him for it later.

    Trust me, I started a bulk at 15% bodyfat and regret it BIGTIME. I will never bulk again unless i'm 10% or under. Actually, I won't bulk at all - just make slow and steady clean gains with zero to very little bodyfat. No need to get fat to add muscle.

    LoL good luck getting Marcus here for diet advice!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    good advise.

  9. #9
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    GB the word 'bulk' or 'bulking' is now banned in the diet forum unless...

    You are <10% BF

    You are <20 years old

    Your a serious ecto
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  10. #10
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    I will continue to drop bodyfat % for the next few months untill I feel I am ready, however, in a diet perspective, would the following diet be optimum in achieving slow lean muscle gains?

    Meal 1: 100g (cup) rolled Oats + 48g Protein WPI Shake
    Meal 2: 300g kangaroo steak/sausages with 20g Almonds
    Meal 3: 100g (cup) rolled oats + can of tuna (pre - workout)
    Meal 5: 48g Protein WPI Shake + 50g Dextrose (post - workout)
    Meal 6: 6 Whole eggs/Kangaroo steak/sausages with two slices multigrain bread
    Meal 7: 48g Protein WPI in milk / 48g casein protein shake

    This roughly gives me 3000 calories at 200g carbs, nearly 300g protein and 50g fat

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Where the sun don't shine
    Newbie here,

    Age: 27
    Weight: 235
    Chest: '46
    Biceps: '19
    Waist: '38
    Quad: '28
    Calf: '17
    Forearm: '14
    Bodayfat: 9%

    Just came off of a low carb diet mixed with muscletech hydroxy cut. I was leaning out but after going to a competition over the weekend I'm looking to get bigger. I'm natural (no cycles). I started creatine again and beta-alanine with animal stak. I'm currently taking in 425-650 carbs a day and shooting for at least 315g of protein and 4000 overall calories. I'm gettin my carbs from oatmeal, brown rices, pancakes, orange juice, veggies, whole wheat bread, ritz crackers, oven pizza(sometimes). I just need to know if I'm on the right path? I have put cardio sessions down to twice or three times a week, is that too much or too little? Also I routine is back/chest, bi's and tri's, legs and shoulders and abs and forearms everyother session. I dont want my waist growing too much but I know it comes with more caloric intake. Any ideas or suggestions would help alot. Thanks everyone

  12. #12
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigp87 View Post
    I will continue to drop bodyfat % for the next few months untill I feel I am ready, however, in a diet perspective, would the following diet be optimum in achieving slow lean muscle gains?

    Meal 1: 100g (cup) rolled Oats + 48g Protein WPI Shake
    Meal 2: 300g kangaroo steak/sausages with 20g Almonds
    Meal 3: 100g (cup) rolled oats + can of tuna (pre - workout)
    Meal 5: 48g Protein WPI Shake + 50g Dextrose (post - workout)
    Meal 6: 6 Whole eggs/Kangaroo steak/sausages with two slices multigrain bread
    Meal 7: 48g Protein WPI in milk / 48g casein protein shake

    This roughly gives me 3000 calories at 200g carbs, nearly 300g protein and 50g fat
    An optimum slow gaining diet would simply be a diet that is not mich different to a diet that would help you too loose weigh... The only difference being your energy intake ( carbs and fats) will be increased to just put your calories just over TDEE

    I would reccomend sticking to a strict diet that allows you to loose some bodyfat and hen simply add carbs and fats back into your diet (slowly) untill you reach the sweet point where you are gaining around 0.5-1lb per month...

    And yes guys, that is not a typo... 0.5-1 lb of clean LBM gains per month would be excellent progress....

    Expect more, forcw the weight gain and you will end up adding more bodyfat than LBM....

    Keep it tidy and in the long term you will be better off...
    Quote Originally Posted by Buddhabody View Post
    Newbie here,

    Age: 27
    Weight: 235
    Chest: '46
    Biceps: '19
    Waist: '38
    Quad: '28
    Calf: '17
    Forearm: '14
    Bodayfat: 9%

    Just came off of a low carb diet mixed with muscletech hydroxy cut. I was leaning out but after going to a competition over the weekend I'm looking to get bigger. I'm natural (no cycles). I started creatine again and beta-alanine with animal stak. I'm currently taking in 425-650 carbs a day and shooting for at least 315g of protein and 4000 overall calories. I'm gettin my carbs from oatmeal, brown rices, pancakes, orange juice, veggies, whole wheat bread, ritz crackers, oven pizza(sometimes). I just need to know if I'm on the right path? I have put cardio sessions down to twice or three times a week, is that too much or too little? Also I routine is back/chest, bi's and tri's, legs and shoulders and abs and forearms everyother session. I dont want my waist growing too much but I know it comes with more caloric intake. Any ideas or suggestions would help alot. Thanks everyone
    Create your own thread m8...

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    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  13. #13
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    It is wort mentioning that while on AAS you can expect to gain more LBM than 1lb per month....

    Obviously calorie adjustments will need to be considered here...
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

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