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Thread: is fruit bad to have when cutting ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Cool is fruit bad to have when cutting ?

    when trying to cut b,f levels from 14-16% down to 8-10% should you avoid eating many fruits ?? like just then i ate blueberris,strawberris & blackberris not even with anything added but feel i shouldt have. what you guys think?? as i really love fruits but should i cut them out to achive my goals ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    i had fruits in my diet the first 5 weeks of my diet in my first meal, i wouldnt have any more than that if ur trying to preserve muscle and burn fat. post ur current diet

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I am not expert, and others with more valuable opinions will post, but I avoid fruit as it is primarily sugar.

  4. #4
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    meal 1:
    1 scoop optinum nutrition gold whey protein (25g)
    3 egg whites
    1 cup oats
    blended with half a pint skimmed milk

    meal 2:
    1 large chicken breast
    1/3 bag mixed green salad

    meal 3:
    post workout ( 50g whey proetin )

    meal 4:
    tin of tuna
    5 boiled new potatoes

    meal 5:
    eather salmon,beef,chicken or turkey
    4 heads of brocoli
    4 or 5 mushrooms

    meal 6:
    cup of cottage cheese


    what you think

    its only sometimes i have a glass of orange juice, or mixed fruit salads.
    Last edited by hillbill78; 04-05-2011 at 02:47 PM.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2009
    I think some fruit in the AM is fine for any cutting diet as it's highly nutritious and low-calorie. However, all sugar, including fruit should be cut if you notice fat loss is stalling and/or you start getting to a very low bf% where all calories need to be pure energy/protein.

    Blueberries are great, so are apples - very low GI but still, a good bit of sugar that will likely not even achieve the goal of replenishing muscle glycogen effectively. Pineapple and Bananas are decent - not good for an ambitious cut though. However, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries have almost no natural sugar - just fiber and water. Eat them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    cheers damien
    wht you think of the diet now then ??

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    meal 1:
    1 scoop optinum nutrition gold whey protein (25g)
    3 egg whites
    1 cup oats
    blended with half a pint skimmed milk

    meal 2:
    1 large chicken breast
    1/3 bag mixed green salad

    meal 3:
    post workout ( 50g whey proetin )

    meal 4:
    tin of tuna
    5 boiled new potatoes

    meal 5:
    eather salmon,beef,chicken or turkey
    4 heads of brocoli
    4 or 5 mushrooms

    meal 6:
    cup of cottage cheese


    what you think

    its only sometimes i have a glass of orange juice, or mixed fruit salads.
    Fruit is a simple sugar and will get used up very quickly so not only will it not be beneficial to reach your goals, you will probably feel like you have less energy in between meals where as complex carbs slowly digest and give you sustained energy. I would NEVER drink ANY juice. It's just as bad as alcohol in my opinion. Juice is simply liquid carbs & calories with no real benefit. In my opinion, cut fruit out entirely, grab a good multivitamin, then when you reach your goal, eat in fruit in moderation, just like everything else.

    If you want flavor instead of drinking juiice buy an orange and slice it really thin and drop a few pieces in a cold glass of water with ice. Tastes great and no cals or sugar.

  8. #8
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    Why should fruit or vegetables be a problem as a carb source if your also taking in protein/fats in the same meal? Fruits on their own can be detrimental, but with PRO/F, I dont think so.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    I think some fruit in the AM is fine for any cutting diet as it's highly nutritious and low-calorie. However, all sugar, including fruit should be cut if you notice fat loss is stalling and/or you start getting to a very low bf% where all calories need to be pure energy/protein.

    Blueberries are great, so are apples - very low GI but still, a good bit of sugar that will likely not even achieve the goal of replenishing muscle glycogen effectively. Pineapple and Bananas are decent - not good for an ambitious cut though. However, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries have almost no natural sugar - just fiber and water. Eat them.
    I missed this before posting about fruits.

    I eat fruits a lot now and more vegetables, replacing some of my carb sources. Feel so much better and getting in so much more in the way of vitamins and minerals.

    A lot of people are shit scared of fruits for one reason or another.

  10. #10
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    ^^ yup - people see it as black and white. I used to also. The fact is, it's not like that - fruit is fine but like anything else, it's consumption must be manipulated based on your goals and fit into your macros. I eat tons of fresh fruit when I'm just maintaining - nobody gets fat that way.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Why should fruit or vegetables be a problem as a carb source if your also taking in protein/fats in the same meal? Fruits on their own can be detrimental, but with PRO/F, I dont think so.
    Agreed 100%

    I get tired seeing people listing GI... as if they've never heard of GL.

    Hardly anyone here consumes fruits or other carb sources alone... so GI matters less.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post

    I eat fruits a lot now and more vegetables, replacing some of my carb sources.
    I eat this way as well. I was never big on a number of starches (as ppl are allergic to a lot of 'em... that, or the lignans in some have unfavorable cosmetic effects). Tubers, fruits, vegetables... rice. Those are my carb sources.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
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  13. #13
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    I do agree about avoiding fruit juice all together. Do you know how many oranges you'd have to eat to get 8oz of OJ? Plus, alot of the time the fiber is removed, essentially leaving you with a glass of sugar and not much more. =\

  14. #14
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    Agreed 100%

    I get tired seeing people listing GI... as if they've never heard of GL.
    Hardly anyone here consumes fruits or other carb sources alone... so GI matters less.
    I hit on this on a thread awhile back. Way too many people get hung up on Glycemic Index and dont pay nearly enough attention to Glycogen Load.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    I hit on this on a thread awhile back. Way too many people get hung up on Glycemic Index and dont pay nearly enough attention to Glycogen Load.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
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  16. #16
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    I have had great sucess cutting while consuming fruits. I normally have 1/2 banana with my 1st meal and 1/2 with my pwo anything else, MOTERATION!

  17. #17
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    2,213 is my typical reference for GI value/load. In most cases, there is a strong correlation, lol.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post is my typical reference for GI value/load. In most cases, there is a strong correlation, lol.
    No offense... but you clearly do not understand what you're looking at.

    Again... from my above post: "Hardly anyone here consumes fruits or other carb sources alone".

    While the site lists the GL of food... it does not list what the GL shifts to when the food being discussed here is combined with other foods.

    i.e. in a typical meal, you won't pound a handful of apples... or a slice of bread... would you?
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

    Published Author.
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
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  19. #19
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    I think you're barking up the wrong tree...

  20. #20
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    Sucrose after a workout while cutting actually will help you as it goes to your muscle to replenish glycogen stores and give the muscles a nice full look.

    Fructose is the main culprit here. Fructose mainly goes to your liver, and after your liver is full, the extra fructose will get converted to fat.

    Most fruits have both sucrose and fructose. Research the fruits that have more sucrose than fructose and eat them.

    As people mentioned above, everything in moderation. A few fruits will not fill up your liver that fast, so you'll be fine.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    No offense... but you clearly do not understand what you're looking at.

    Again... from my above post: "Hardly anyone here consumes fruits or other carb sources alone".

    While the site lists the GL of food... it does not list what the GL shifts to when the food being discussed here is combined with other foods.

    i.e. in a typical meal, you won't pound a handful of apples... or a slice of bread... would you?
    where would we find this info or figure out how it shifts.

    would it just be simple math or is there a more complex formula to figuring it out?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Good debate, I try to have a green apple in the morning and possibly post workout, is this a bad thing? I'm going to sound stupid and I'm a newbie but I used to love orange juice........I guess I will go home and through that away

  23. #23
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    Personally, I prefer berries over fruit, but that's just me.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    I think you're barking up the wrong tree...
    What exactly is that supposed to mean?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    While the site lists the GL of food... it does not list what the GL shifts to when the food being discussed here is combined with other foods.
    Nark, are you aware of any studies that do discuss this shift? I have been researching for something solid, but to no avail so far.

  26. #26
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    just want to bump this thread as i have been eating a lot of fruit as a carb source as well. i cut out all grains and dairy for the most part. and to what GB was pointing at, any good articles? what is this 'shift' that Nark is speaking of, enlighten me?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    just want to bump this thread as i have been eating a lot of fruit as a carb source as well. i cut out all grains and dairy for the most part. and to what GB was pointing at, any good articles? what is this 'shift' that Nark is speaking of, enlighten me?

    Glad you brought this back up, interesting topic. You cut out all grains for fruit? How is this working for you? Energy levels the same?

  28. #28
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    my energy levels are the same as to when i was eating oats. i do notice that i do feel somewhat better by eating fresh fruits, could be placebo or the little extra vitamins. i found in the beginning (start of june) that i was consuming too much fruit and not enough fibrous veggies so i tapered it down some. i am missing the oats and milk though, especially the oatmeal pancakes i would make for breakfast, but eating eggs, meat, and fruit make it up for it. i wasn't totally strict with it on the weekends but overall, no difference in my overall energy level. i have a woman that i know from back home (old high teacher) that never eats any starchy carbs and she is ripped to shreds, and used to teach aerobics. i think it is all a numbers game so if you can fit it into your numbers, then go for it and see how your body reacts. i am still tinkering with it but feel great!

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