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Thread: 70% of the food you eat today was unknown to cavemen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Arrow 70% of the food you eat today was unknown to cavemen

    So the question remains have we evolved to support the introduction of our relatively recent addition of grains, pulses and dairy products?

    So is the paleo diet a solution to optional health?

    The european journal of clinical nutrition seems to agree that going 'paleo' can help with blood sugar and cholesterol.

    So does this do anything for your physique?

    Some people seem to swear by it performance, mental focus an concentration improved.

    Whats your take on this?

    It theory it makes sense that eating what you were build to consume is going to allow you to preform at peak performance.

    Have you tried it?

    But it bares the question of weather were taking two steps backwards to go forward?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    To me, the argue about what we were 'built to eat' is a redundant one.

    This too applies to the statement about our predecessors not consuming "X%" of the foods we do today.

    Life expectancy is much higher today... So it's a narrow argument.

    That being said, let me address this statement:

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    The european journal of clinical nutrition seems to agree that going 'paleo' can help with blood sugar and cholesterol.
    ^^Common sense would dictate that any eating style which reduces and/or eliminates processed crap will "help with blood sugar and cholesterol". Does that make each individual style of eating 'optimal'? Not unless the definition of 'optimal' has changed (so as to facilitate multiple options).

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    So does this do anything for your physique?
    Depends on one's definition of 'anything'.

    Anything that can positively impact health, can positively affect body composition.

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Some people seem to swear by it performance, mental focus an concentration improved.
    Some people swear by fasting...and intermittent fasting.

    Some people swear by veganism.

    Some people swear by shooting HCG and following an indefinite VLCD.

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Whats your take on this?
    It's a style of eating which may be helpful.

    Again, there are numerous other minimalistic eating styles... Who is to say which is 'best'?

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    It theory it makes sense that eating what you were build to consume is going to allow you to preform at peak performance.
    What were we 'built' to eat?

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Have you tried it?
    I don't see the point of doing so personally.

    I already eat clean, minimally processed and nonprocessed foods... and I already cut out foods to which I may have even the slightest allergic reaction to (be it something as minuscule as bloating/flatulence). IMO, that makes more sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post

    But it bares the question of weather were taking two steps backwards to go forward?
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Always an interesting topic that gets resurrected from time to time around here.

    Life expectancy is much higher today, but we also have access to medicines that we did not have X amount of years ago. I'm not arguing in favor of the 'ancestors' diet, only bringing up another point to consider.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    How about a different approach not involving evolving, "the Maker's diet", limiting your food choices to those mentioned as created by God for consumption by original man?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    If you can hunt it, pick it, grow it, eat it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    First, remove every and each processed food from your diet. Second, do your best to get your meat from grass-fed antibiotic and hormone free animals. Third, shop organic veggies & pesticide-free fruits. Conclusion: your diet will be much better off then both cavemen and today's men.

    ''70% of the food you eat today was unknown to cavemen.''

    ''Humans are the only known mammals who will continue to consume milk beyond infancy.''

    These titles are provoking at first sight, however, they are not worth intellectualizing over. Just speaking from experience...

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