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Thread: Weight gain diet... what you think?

  1. #1

    Weight gain diet... what you think?

    Hey all.

    Just after a bit of advice as really wanting to get my diet nailed on the money and then im hoping the gains will follow....

    Below is a rough guide of what im eating...

    6am - 3 x scrammbled eggs on 2 x pieces wholemeal bread, 3 shredded wheat with semi skim milk plus 1 banana

    8.30am - 1 x pro peptide.

    11.30am - 2 x jacket pots with either tuna/turkey with salad, 1 x apple OR 4 pieces wholemeal bread with either turkey/tuna or ham plus salad OR Chicken breast with cous cous or rice

    2.30pm- 1/2 pack of snack a jacks

    5.30pm- either fish/chicken/turkey with new potatoes with mixed veg

    8.30pm- porridge

    10pm- bed.

    roughly working out about 3k cals a day with 1 lower day on about 2600.

    This is just rough at the minute and obviously needs work, just want any tips on what i could/should change and any other helpful tips if you could.

    Currently 5ft 11 and 145 pounds and looking to make some good gains.

    Anyway thanks for reading. Look forward to your replies.


  2. #2
    No takers on this fella's? Would really appreciate some advice.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by banni09 View Post
    Hey all.

    Just after a bit of advice as really wanting to get my diet nailed on the money and then im hoping the gains will follow....

    Below is a rough guide of what im eating...

    6am - 3 x scrammbled eggs on 2 x pieces wholemeal bread, 3 shredded wheat with semi skim milk plus 1 banana Poor protein to carb ratio. You need more protein in this meal. Add a couple of egg whites in there and you are good to go with this breakfast.

    8.30am - 1 x pro peptide. Ok, I guess. I would rather you eat a macro meal here.

    11.30am - 2 x jacket pots with either tuna/turkey with salad, 1 x apple OR 4 pieces wholemeal bread with either turkey/tuna or ham plus salad OR Chicken breast with cous cous or rice How many grams of tuna/turkey/ham and/or chicken is your intake in this meal. You need to specify it.

    2.30pm- 1/2 pack of snack a jacks You should eat some real food here, you need protein and carbs in this time of day, especially if you are looking forward to muscle gain.

    5.30pm- either fish/chicken/turkey with new potatoes with mixed veg Specify the amount of protein here so that we can not know if your protein intake is under or not.

    8.30pm- porridge Very poor choice of last meal. Whether you are gainer or not, your last meal 1.5 hours before bed should not be a carb source, let alone carb source only. I strongly recommend a lean steak with bunch of steamed veggies on the side drizzled with some olive or flax seed oil.

    10pm- bed.

    roughly working out about 3k cals a day with 1 lower day on about 2600.

    This is just rough at the minute and obviously needs work, just want any tips on what i could/should change and any other helpful tips if you could.

    Currently 5ft 11 and 145 pounds and looking to make some good gains.

    Anyway thanks for reading. Look forward to your replies.

    5ft 11 and 145 pounds, you need to eat more and better. Your meals should consist of carbs and protein as much as possible. You should read some of the educational threads on the site about how to diet properly and try to apply some of the valuable tips provided by gurus. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Ok that's a great help thanks for the reply, i will look at those amounts and get back to you. Like i say im just trying to learn at the min and been reading loads but sometimes is better hearing from someone what you need to do, so thanks. Will post back with amounts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    TJ can take this one to the end. Needless to say, your diet needs alot of work and he can get you there.

  6. #6
    Right had a bit of a play about what do you think of this?

    6am - 5 x scrammbled eggs (5 whites, 2 yolks) on 2 x pieces wholemeal bread, 3 shredded wheat with semi skim milk plus 1 banana

    8.30am - 1 can of tuna, (32g protein)

    11.30am - 2 x jacket pots with either tuna/turkey with salad, (30g protein to 50g depending on which meat) 1 x apple OR 4 pieces wholemeal bread with either turkey/tuna or ham plus salad---- is 30g to 50g of protein enough here?

    2.30pm- 160g of cooked turkey breast (47.4g protein) with brown rice or cous cous

    5.30pm- either fish/chicken/turkey (around 70g protein here) with new potatoes/sweet potatoe with mixed veg

    8.30pm- 2 x chicken breast (80g protein) with handful veg

    10pm- bed.

    Is this looking better? Obviously this is rough but working out around 260g protein per day when maybe i could need to get this to around 300g per day?

    Obviously i will try to mix the protein sources up as much as possible with different meats etc....


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hope you don't mind if I step in and add my 2 cents, Turkish. Just wanted to point out a couple things.

    Quote Originally Posted by banni09 View Post
    Right had a bit of a play about what do you think of this?

    6am - 5 x scrammbled eggs (5 whites, 2 yolks) on 2 x pieces wholemeal bread, 3 shredded wheat with semi skim milk plus 1 banana
    With your stats, I'm fine with this.

    8.30am - 1 can of tuna, (32g protein)
    Protein only meals are next to useless. Take Turkish's advice and try to have complex carbs with every meal except before bed.

    11.30am - 2 x jacket pots with either tuna/turkey with salad, (30g protein to 50g depending on which meat) 1 x apple OR 4 pieces wholemeal bread with either turkey/tuna or ham plus salad---- is 30g to 50g of protein enough here?
    I don't know what a jacket pot is so I can't say too much here, however, remember-complex carbs with this meal. If you're going to go with the second option, I would drop the ham. Not as good of quality protein as turkey/tuna and too much fat. With your stats, I would say 40 grams of protein/meal is more than enough.

    2.30pm- 160g of cooked turkey breast (47.4g protein) with brown rice or cous cous How much brown rice?

    5.30pm- either fish/chicken/turkey (around 70g protein here) with new potatoes/sweet potatoe with mixed veg
    I would keep the potatoes to sweet potatoes. I also think 70 grams of protein in one sitting is too much, especially for someone with your stats. Drop 20 grams protein and replace with more sweet potato.

    8.30pm- 2 x chicken breast (80g protein) with handful veg
    Add a fat source here like EVOO to slow absorption of protein throughout the night.

    10pm- bed.

    Is this looking better? yes Obviously this is rough but working out around 260g protein per day when maybe i could need to get this to around 300g per day? I'm significantly bigger than you and I'm right around 300 grams/day. Stay at 260 for now and see how you respond. If you feel you need more cals, I would add more carbs before protein. Also, try to spread out your protein intake evenly throughout the day.

    Obviously i will try to mix the protein sources up as much as possible with different meats etc....


  8. #8
    6am - 5 x scrammbled eggs (5 whites, 2 yolks) on 2 x pieces wholemeal bread, 3 shredded wheat with semi skim milk plus 1 banana

    8.30am - 1 can of tuna, (32g protein) ---- Ok so say i add pasta in here? When you say how much i normally just make a pan, but how much would you recommend?

    11.30am - 2 x jacket pots with either tuna/turkey with salad, (30g protein to 50g depending on which meat) 1 x apple OR 4 pieces wholemeal bread with either turkey/tuna plus salad---- is 30g to 50g of protein enough here? ------Ok sorry jacket pot is meant to be jacket potato. so got rid of ham.

    2.30pm- 160g of cooked turkey breast (47.4g protein) with brown rice or cous cous ------ again brown rice or cous cous normally just make a small pan, how much would you recommend?

    5.30pm- either fish/chicken/turkey (around 70g protein here) with new potatoes/sweet potatoe with mixed veg----- any reason why i should stay away from new potatoes or is it just that sweet potato is better for me?

    8.30pm- 2 x chicken breast (80g protein) with handful veg ----- Sorry i don't know what EVOO is? Could you explain?

    10pm- bed.

    Yeah its i will try and spread the protein better, its just hard with being at work, and trying to make it as convenient as possible too, but who said it would be easy ey!!

    Thanks a lot, Getting there now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    gbrice75: Thank you.

    musclestack: I certainly did not mind you jumping in and helping out with the thread, especially considering that I was not available until now so it was going to be delayed reply on my behalf. You basically did all the modifications I would.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by banni09 View Post
    6am - 5 x scrammbled eggs (5 whites, 2 yolks) on 2 x pieces wholemeal bread, 3 shredded wheat with semi skim milk plus 1 banana

    8.30am - 1 can of tuna, (32g protein) ---- Ok so say i add pasta in here? When you say how much i normally just make a pan, but how much would you recommend? I recommend whole wheat pasta as a complex carb source, 100 gr to 200 gr (1/5 to 2/5 a package) depending on your appetite.

    11.30am - 2 x jacket pots with either tuna/turkey with salad, (30g protein to 50g depending on which meat) 1 x apple OR 4 pieces wholemeal bread with either turkey/tuna plus salad---- is 30g to 50g of protein enough here? ------Ok sorry jacket pot is meant to be jacket potato. so got rid of ham. Sweet potatoes are a better choice of carbs, anyone here would advice you to maintain your personal taste in food, however, replacing ingredients with wiser choices. Go for a sweet potato jacket instead, if you think you can stand by the change in flavor, of course.

    2.30pm- 160g of cooked turkey breast (47.4g protein) with brown rice or cous cous ------ again brown rice or cous cous normally just make a small pan, how much would you recommend? Again, to 200 gr of complex carbs.

    5.30pm- either fish/chicken/turkey (around 70g protein here) with new potatoes/sweet potatoe with mixed veg----- any reason why i should stay away from new potatoes or is it just that sweet potato is better for me?Sweet potatoes are great complex carb source, low GI and full of fiber, meaning that they will keep you full longer and keep your blood sugar levels much more stable than those of other potato varities. Also better for the digestive tract.

    8.30pm- 2 x chicken breast (80g protein) with handful veg ----- Sorry i don't know what EVOO is? Could you explain? EVOO stands for Extra virgin olive oil and needles to say, daily intake of it is certainly one of the major reasons of why Mediterraneans live longer and healthier than the rest. Drizzle it all over your veggies, it replaces carbs in this meal. Again, get some lean steak for the last meal if you can, it is a better choice than chicken for the last meal for various reasons.

    10pm- bed.

    Yeah its i will try and spread the protein better, its just hard with being at work, and trying to make it as convenient as possible too, but who said it would be easy ey!!

    Thanks a lot, Getting there now.
    This is a much better looking gainers diet and frankly, it is a clean and healthy one. Follow this diet and you will start seeing a significant difference on all positive levels such as overall increase in energy, more intense and quality workouts at the gym, increased metabolic rhytm leading to better working digestive system, improved mood, improved sleep quality, stonger immunity system and of course lean muscle gain as the result of what is listed here. In short, you'll feel better and stronger with a greater endurance. Listen to musclestack and stay at where you are with your daily protein consumption. If you get sick and tired of all this protein once in a while, you can decrease the amount of protein you consume in each meal but do not cancel out a meal instead. Make sure you maintain a typical 6-8 protein and complex carb meals a day. Keep us posted in about a month bro, we would all like to know about your progress. Bon apetit!

    Responses in bold.
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 04-11-2011 at 11:27 AM.

  11. #11
    Thanks a lot fella's for all your time and effort with this one, i think its time to start eating! Will give you an update in a months time!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Glad the guys sorted you out, keep us posted with your progress!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Along for the ride, how old are you? Post your exercise program as well with specific exercises/sets/reps/poundages, and where are the pics?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Along for the ride, how old are you? Post your exercise program as well with specific exercises/sets/reps/poundages, and where are the pics?
    I turned 23 in january mate, am i ok to post exercise program here or should that be in workout section? Pics are you joking haha not much to see at the minute fella really skinny and am going to work really hard to get that changed.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    just keep everything here, on one thread, most of us hang out here and will help with the workout routine on this thread too.

  16. #16
    Sorry for the delay on the workout fella's had a really busy week and not had chance to jump on.

    Anyway training is as follows...

    Monday (workout day) Chest, shoulders, abs, forearms

    consisting of..

    flat & incline bench press

    dumbell flies

    peck decks

    shoulder barbell press

    lat raises

    reverse barbell curl

    wrist curls

    and finish with ab crunches and reverse crunches

    Tuesday (rest)

    Wednesday (workout)

    Back, triceps & abs

    consisting of...

    Chin ups

    Lat pull downs

    bent over barbell rows


    tricep pull downs


    tricep extension

    and to finish ab crunches on a machine, and leg raises

    Thursday (rest)

    Friday (workout)

    Legs, biceps, forearms & abs


    Leg Curls

    Calf raises

    Dumbell curls

    Barbell curls

    rev barbell curls

    and mix of abs to finish.

    Now ive not put down weight, as at the min im building so doing little reps about 6 but around 4 sets of the heaviest weight i can take and its varying at the min as im just getting back into it, and on most excercises pushing each weight to failure.

    Any tips on any of the above? Like i say not been back on it for long so just trying to build mass and power at the min and getting my diet nailed.

    Cheers for reading guys.

  17. #17

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Seriously, you work forearms?

    I recommend a total body workout. So if this is M/W/F or Tue/Thu/Sat or whatever days of the week you want that's fine you just want it to be lift/rest/lift/rest/lift/rest/rest.

    This is simple, just be sure you are hitting it hard and heavy, working largest muscle groups to smallest, and getting your body used to performing the basic exercises necessary to build on.

    Warm up - Jump rope for one minute exactly/rest for one minute exactly continue this on and off jump rope for five "rounds" so a total of nine minutes.

    This program is based on a rep range that is muscle group specific, it also is a "range" which means you go to failure on every set, if you can't perform the exercise properly to the bottom number, the weight is too heavy, go lighter, and if you can perform the exercise properly for more than the higher number, the weight is too light, add weight.
    Squats 3 sets 15-20 reps perform these all by themselves, little rest between sets 90 secs
    Stiff legged deadlifts 15-20 reps supersetted with calf raises 3x21 (7/7/7-toes in/heels out-toes out/heels in-toes and heels lined up)
    Pull-ups 3 sets w/bodyweight to failure supersetted with flat barbell Bench Press 3 sets 12-15 reps
    bent rows 3 sets 12-15 reps supersetted with Incline Bench Press 3 sets 12-15 reps
    Military Press 3 sets 12-15 reps Supersetted with Reverse Crunches 3 sets to failure
    Upright rows 3 sets 20-25 reps supersetted with hanging leg lifts 3 sets to failure
    skull crushers 3 sets 12-15 reps supersetted with Barbell Curls 3 sets 12-15 reps

    The entire workout should take 45 mins to an hour and 15 mins.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    ^ ^ this isn't telling us much. Generally I like your exercise choices - you have most of the good compound lifts in there which is great. However, without knowing your sets/reps scheme, it's impossible to comment further.

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