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Thread: Carb cycling to "cut" but keep full?

  1. #1

    Carb cycling to "cut" but keep full?

    Now conventional methods of typical bulk and cut. Bulk gets me full looking and big looking but then leads to puffy looking and bloated. Cutting up I lose the full look, more definition sometimes go flat/soft looking and generally loss of "Mass". So was going to consider carb cycling to try get a bit of both, basically slowly add on lean tissue whilst at the same time bringing body fat downwards with carb cycle & cardio of course.

    So for example instead of the traditional low carb all days then one day of the week a carb up with cheat meals or what not. And instead of the complicated low/med/high cycling carb day was going to shoot for low and highs. Maybe 2 days low, 2 days high. Or 3 days low, 2 days high. Im not really sure hence the making of this thread, not sure on how to structure things.

    Structure things so I can best attain what I want. Im kind of at that sticking point where I want to lose a little bit of fat, im in no way a high body fat pretty lean (10% I'd say) and 225lbs. Anyway I want to lose a bit of body fat but still keep the gains coming to a certain extent. I know this would be trial and error but what would be a starting point?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    have you considered eating slightly more calories than your maintenance to keep the muscle growth and use fasted cardio in the morning to keep you fat in check.

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