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Thread: * * * IF (intermittent fasting) Diets - post your opinions and experience here * * *

  1. #201
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Hmmm... That is a good point.

    Thank you for the replies too.
    You're welcome!

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Today I did reverse order as I ussually have done, with my "breakfast" being my PWO. Today was arms day. Workout honestly felt fine, only 30 minutes in the gym for arms. The workout was at 4:00pm as I got out of work early.

    The only complaint (and its not a big issue) I have for training fasted is that I notice being hungry more. I'm wondering even if it does make a big difference, how much of a difference it makes. If we are talking 1/2 pound muscle difference after like a year that is not really enough of a difference.
    How many hours into your fast did this workout take place?

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Other than feeling the hunger the workout went rather well I seemed to be a bit more aggressive in the gym, and did not have to wait as long between sets.
    Very likely due to epinephrine/norepinephrine (adrenline) ... I find my fasted workouts to be more intense than in the fed state as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    By about 4:40 I was already home (house is only 5 blocks from gym), and onto my treadmil (where I can play playstation during cardio, no boredom factor). 30 minutes cardio, no ill effects. No hypoglycemia or any such issues I would have worried about in the past.
    Fvcking awesome!! How do you deal with the 'bounce' of the treadmill? I don't imagine you're playing any FPS like CoD or anything like that, eh!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Showered off, and ate around 5:30.

    I'm not super clean about what I eat when I do eat, I like to enjoy something each day. 1 cup potato salad, about 480 cals, 1 cup ground beef, about 350 calories, and 8 eggs with cut up tomato roughly 600 cals. SO total is still well within my 1800 daily limit. (about 3200 maintenence).
    Yum. Sounds way high in fat, way too high for me, but yum. With a 3200 calorie maintenance (how did you determine that? That's sounds damned high bro), this isn't your only meal, is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    I feel full as all heck, and do not even want to look at food at the moment. Strong dopamine fix from the food, or whatever the "good feeling" from feeling full is.
    Ahhh, the endorphine rush!!

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Even got the food sweats, where you start sweating a lot right after eating. Crazy feeling, as if I had just ruined a traditional diet. All while being WAY under my maitenence cal intake for the day. That mental thing is what makes this diet work so well. I can go all day without eating, so long as I know I will get my "fix" at some point.
    I get this all the time, because I eat so fvcking fast lol! Make it a spicy dish, and i'm like a fountain!

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    It also is liberating to know that food choices do not have to be as overly clean as I once thought. I still try to keep it reasonably clean, by trying to avoid highly processed crap, but I actually will eat some starchy carbs when I do have my meal, fats, and even eat the egg yolk. So far my fat loss has not stopped, so no metabolism plateau that I have felt yet.
    Agreed - I stick with natural foods as much as possible, and don't pay much attention to white vs. brown anymore. As long as you continue to progress, stick with what your doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Before bed I may even have some popcorn (the kind with just putting seeds in popper, I never mess with the pre-packed hydrogenated bombs) with a movie. That would count as meal 2 for me, which is much smaller than meal 1.
    Meh. What kind of meal is this though? Zero nutritional value.

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Meal 2 is just something in my stomach so I can sleep without waking up with the jitters. I'm not even worried about the low protein content as I now know that some protein sources continue to release protein for many hours after being eaten.
    Understood. Still wouldn't be my choice personally, but to each his own.

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    These experiments are fun. Its like re-learning everything I used to "know" in a positive way. For my evening life with my family, after work, I can actually enjoy my time, relax, and even forget that I am on a diet until the next morning.
    Yep, this is one of the most appealing things about IF, imo. You basically get to live a 'regular' life. Of course, it sucks when there's food in front of you during your fast period, especially when you're out and about, and you can't even have a morsel where normally you might make that allowance. Give and take I suppose.

    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Everyone here has likely been around Bodybuilder on a tradition Bro-science diet. Tiny meals, rarely satisfied, and crabby all the time. Not good for family life at all. IF is great in that family friendly way. If I ever do get crabby while fasting I'm at work anyway. When I get to eat, I'm with my pregnant wife and my kid, and so they notice no behavioral changes either.
    Amen!!! I will have to stick with it a while longer to know whether or not it's really for me, from a body composition standpoint, but I sure hope it is, because I enjoy it MUCH more so than traditional dieting.

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    You're welcome!

    How many hours into your fast did this workout take place?
    Right near the end. I stopped writing down the exact times but it was roughly 18 hours in. Now that I have started incorporating fasted weight workouts, I seem to be addapting to them well.

    Cardio I had done in the past on an empty stomach, but weights was a little new to me. I shocked at how quickly I was able to make the switch. Thanks for that one.

    I like to have ALL my work out of the way for the evening before I eat.

    Fvcking awesome!! How do you deal with the 'bounce' of the treadmill? I don't imagine you're playing any FPS like CoD or anything like that, eh!?!
    No, not FPS, not the fast paced ones anyway or I do end up walking off the treadmill. I like more of the real time strategy types, or old rpg format games where you can really get your mind lost in the games. There will be times when I have done enough cardio, 60+ minutes in, soaked in sweat and all that, and I got to turn off my game.

    Yum. Sounds way high in fat, way too high for me, but yum. With a 3200 calorie maintenance (how did you determine that? That's sounds damned high bro), this isn't your only meal, is it?
    That was really just one that the local trainer at my gym helped me estimate. Had a food log for a week a while back before starting IF, long time ago, and at the time I was around 250 pounds, but a lot of it was fat. MY maintenence may have gone down to the mid 2000's by now, but I'm unsure as my weight is continuing to drop. I try to keep daily intake under 2000, and often do not go above 1600. Most days it is just one meal, once in a while a very small snack before sleeping.

    So my fasting window can vary slightly. MOst days is 23/1, if that's how we count one big meal. Now keep in mind that meal will have me in the "fed" state for a good 5 hours. So its technically more like a 19/5 split most days.

    I almost never have "re-feed" days where I eat 3 meals. I just don't "feel" the need.

    Ahhh, the endorphine rush!!
    So that is what that is? THe lack of that is what keeps 6 small meal method from working for me. Its not that I could not physiologically lose body fat doing so, its that I cannot mentally stick to it. Its not helped by the social pressure, and prep time that goes into that style either. I'm amazed at how some guys manage to do this. Some strong discipline they got.

    I get this all the time, because I eat so fvcking fast lol! Make it a spicy dish, and i'm like a fountain!
    Oh yeah, I'm a spiceaholic too. If I make a chillie its got whole jalapenos for spice. I have to make it different for if I'm feeding family or myself.

    Agreed - I stick with natural foods as much as possible, and don't pay much attention to white vs. brown anymore. As long as you continue to progress, stick with what your doing.
    I know those natural/paleo type diets say no grains at all, but I do sometimes eat a cup of oats with my meal. I figure if you got to eat any grain, oats it is. The main reason being the fiber. -The Porcelain gods punish me if they do not get their daily offering.

    Amen!!! I will have to stick with it a while longer to know whether or not it's really for me, from a body composition standpoint, but I sure hope it is, because I enjoy it MUCH more so than traditional dieting.
    Everything I have read about IF indicates it is FAR more natural for us due to our ancient ancestor addaptations, has stagering health benefits, and very few drawbacks. It even increases growth hormone production.

    Obviously it is not for everyone, but it may be applicable to a LOT of people in how it lowers inflamation better than most medications etc...

    I really think MORE research should be done on this growth hormone related issue too. It should be scientificly studied intensely and tested. When I read about that I was reminded of a close friend who was obese as a child, and who around the age of 16 was the short fat kid in highschool. He did not know anything about "propper" diet, and so his whole family was on him about switching to a one meal a day eating plan. Its so "unhealthy" that he lost the extra fat and quickly shot up to his adult height of 6'5". Which is 9 inches taller than his father, and 14 inches taller than his mother. - suggesting more than just genetics might have been in play. I assumed it was his good hidden genetics that skipped a generation or something that turned him into a lean man-tower, and that it was genetics in-spite of his childhood obesity that did this for him, and that his other 6 siblings were just unlucky ending up short and fat as adults just like his parents.

  3. #203
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    There seems to be a lot of interest in IF lately, so B-U-M-P!!!

    Anybody want this thread sticky'd?

  4. #204
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    I think it should be sticky'd!!!! What about a copy and paste of Leangains? Would that help you think or would it be easier for people to just google it?

  5. #205
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    any suggestions when using IF , especially at the start and my blood sugar takes a nose dive during the fasted state . What would u suggest to take to bring it back up and recover ?


  6. #206
    fatman225 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post

    any suggestions when using IF , especially at the start and my blood sugar takes a nose dive during the fasted state . What would u suggest to take to bring it back up and recover ?

    Are you diabetic?

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatman225 View Post
    Are you diabetic?

    but there has been times in the past 15 years where i thought i might be hypoglycemic. some days i wouldnt take or afford a lunch and half way through the day id get really ill feeling followed by massive fatigue, tired lots of yawning , sluggish, etc.

    i got tested in dec 2011 for diabetes, all good. But i know that not eating can lead me to be very grumpy or similar features of chronic fatigue syndrome. Mind you my GP says chronic fatigue syndrome isnt real...

    just wanna be prepared for the worst.

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post

    but there has been times in the past 15 years where i thought i might be hypoglycemic. some days i wouldnt take or afford a lunch and half way through the day id get really ill feeling followed by massive fatigue, tired lots of yawning , sluggish, etc.

    i got tested in dec 2011 for diabetes, all good. But i know that not eating can lead me to be very grumpy or similar features of chronic fatigue syndrome. Mind you my GP says chronic fatigue syndrome isnt real...

    just wanna be prepared for the worst.

    Well, then I don't think its low blood sugar making you tired so much as you body adapting to the situation of having to use stored fat calories to burn as fuel.

    The human body is very good at regulating blood sugar in people who are not diabetic.

    Likely it is just having to adapt, which can be a drag. Once you get past the first few days it becomes easy and you will feel more energy.

  9. #209
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    what about food como's after eating your first 50% calorie meal ? last two days have been rough to stay active with out passing out haha.

  10. #210
    fatman225 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    what about food como's after eating your first 50% calorie meal ? last two days have been rough to stay active with out passing out haha.
    Oh yeah, that almost always happens to me.

    Soon as I get some food in my body says to relax.

    That is your CNS telling you to relax, its not caused by the blood sugar. Actually, fasting increases insulin sensitivity, so your body can handle the carbs better when you do eat.

    I save my eating time for when all my work is done for the day, because when I eat I also want to relax.

  11. #211
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Experiments with
    Intermittent Fasting Dr. John M. Berardi

    This is free and packed with information on the pros and cons of fasting. Dr. John M. Berardi tried different fasting plans for 6 months. He also included is workouts and eating plan.

    I love the study because he also included blood works before and after is 6 months fasting.

    The con that he noticed is the same i did and its not all cholesterol related either.

    before value after value range

    Cholesterol 3.78 mmol/L 5.0m mmol/L <5.0

    LDL 2.24 mmol/L 2.98 mmol/L <3.36

    HDL 1.15 mmol/L 1.64 mmol/L >1.04

    Triglycerides 0.86 mmol/L 0.95 mmol/L <1.69

    Hemoglobin 154 g/L 140 g/L 135-175

    WBC 4.3 x E9/L 3.1 x E9/L 4-11

    RBC 4.95 x E12/L 4.36 x E12/L 4.5-6.0

    Platelet Count 169 x E9/L 150 x E9/L 150-400

    Thyrotropin 1.62 mIU/L 1.21 mIU/L 0.35-5

    Testosterone 28.9 nmol/L 23.8 nmol/L 8.4 – 28.7

    I noticed that myself last year when i was IF and developed anemia for some odd reason my RBC where around 144 and they drop to 134, i lacked energy, was out of breath when going up stairs or training and more.

    I feel that people should read this whole study before getting into IF. Its great for a short amount of time. And they are a lot of ways to do this.

    Dr. John M. Berardi is a meat eater, he also eats egg and lots of food with iron, also saturated fats cooking with coconut oil, fish oil that all produces cholesterol which produce testosterone. So the diet might not be to blame for the drop in testosterone and thyroid hormone.

    Right now i am still having prolotherapy treatments its very important that i keep all my blood level high also the RBC so that nutrients get to the ligaments and repair them. Platelet Count must also be high and WBC too.

    My best option i will switch from the renegade diet for now to Eat Stop Eat, and fast 1-2 a week for 24 hours.

    I sumble on fasting not even knowing what it was back in 2008 during the holidays after having huge stomach upsets, acid reflux, and liver pains. I had that for a month and yes it was all the crap process foods and all i had eaten 6 months prior to that. I decided to stop eating for periods at a time and drink water. All my digestive problems got fixed within 2 weeks, i was eating twice a day morning and at noon and not eating again til the next day.

    This is where i started doing research on fasting and found Eat stop eat by Brad Pilon.

  12. #212
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    Personal note if you are using steroids , testosterone or GH i am using both but therapeutic dosage there is a good chance RBC count will go up, and testosterone level will also go up, also using T3 will help with the thyroid hormone issue.

    But even then blood test should be done. There seems to be something or a message that the body sends itself after long fasting period that might interfere with the production of theses important hormones and the RBC, WBC and platelet count.

  13. #213
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    Watch the video on intermittent fasting on the "liftingforlife" youtube channel.

  14. #214
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    i have been running the IF diet for about 6 months and love it. i am about to run a quasi-paleo IF. 15-16hr fast with carbs being only oats and fruits (berries and bananas). going to keep carbs at 100g or less and refeed when needed. i am about to train for a half marathon so seeing how my body will respond to this

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Js View Post
    I think it should be sticky'd!!!! What about a copy and paste of Leangains? Would that help you think or would it be easier for people to just google it?
    Meh, i'd rather people google it. We reference it enough here, and it's easy enough to find.

    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post

    any suggestions when using IF , especially at the start and my blood sugar takes a nose dive during the fasted state . What would u suggest to take to bring it back up and recover ?

    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post

    but there has been times in the past 15 years where i thought i might be hypoglycemic. some days i wouldnt take or afford a lunch and half way through the day id get really ill feeling followed by massive fatigue, tired lots of yawning , sluggish, etc.

    i got tested in dec 2011 for diabetes, all good. But i know that not eating can lead me to be very grumpy or similar features of chronic fatigue syndrome. Mind you my GP says chronic fatigue syndrome isnt real...

    just wanna be prepared for the worst.
    Actually was going to ask if you were hypoglycemic. I used to suffer from this too. Years ago, before I really knew about diet and nutrition, and was into the 90's insulin spike fad, my pre and post workout meals looked something like this:

    1 container non-fat cottage cheese with pineapple
    1 dannon yogurt
    1 'slim-fast' type shake (that's about 40g of sugar right there)
    1 muscle milk shake
    1 cup OJ

    Pre and post looked pretty much the same. As you can see, they were shit meals - full of sugar, no appreciable slow burning carbs. My logic at the time was to have readily available glucose to burn up during my workout (meanwhile, my workout was slow and lazy, not at all cardio intensive, so chances of me burning glucose were slim), and a big PWO insulin spike (because that's what we all wanted, right?!?!).

    Well, I got what I wanted. A HUGE sugar spike, followed by a terrible crash - with symptoms exactly as you're describing. That's when I knew simple carbs, at least for me, weren't the way to go. My point here is i'd be curious to see what your meal(s) prior to fasting look like, as it may not be fasting causing your BGL to drop (have you been tested? Are you sure that's what's happening?), but rather the fact that they were too high to begin with and are simply 'leveling off'.

  16. #216
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCL View Post
    Watch the video on intermittent fasting on the "liftingforlife" youtube channel.
    I just did good info, but like the guy said people have to try it and maybe not go crazy with it. It did work for me but i still feel it needs some tweeking.

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Meh, i'd rather people google it. We reference it enough here, and it's easy enough to find.

    Actually was going to ask if you were hypoglycemic. I used to suffer from this too. Years ago, before I really knew about diet and nutrition, and was into the 90's insulin spike fad, my pre and post workout meals looked something like this:

    1 container non-fat cottage cheese with pineapple
    1 dannon yogurt
    1 'slim-fast' type shake (that's about 40g of sugar right there)
    1 muscle milk shake
    1 cup OJ

    Pre and post looked pretty much the same. As you can see, they were shit meals - full of sugar, no appreciable slow burning carbs. My logic at the time was to have readily available glucose to burn up during my workout (meanwhile, my workout was slow and lazy, not at all cardio intensive, so chances of me burning glucose were slim), and a big PWO insulin spike (because that's what we all wanted, right?!?!).

    Well, I got what I wanted. A HUGE sugar spike, followed by a terrible crash - with symptoms exactly as you're describing. That's when I knew simple carbs, at least for me, weren't the way to go. My point here is i'd be curious to see what your meal(s) prior to fasting look like, as it may not be fasting causing your BGL to drop (have you been tested? Are you sure that's what's happening?), but rather the fact that they were too high to begin with and are simply 'leveling off'.
    its been years since i have felt like this, with an exception!! ( a can of coke ) ill drink it and maybe 20 minutes later im ready to pass out?? i spend the first 26 years of my life living off candy, ice cream and such...the fact im not diabetic is a miracle.

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    its been years since i have felt like this, with an exception!! ( a can of coke ) ill drink it and maybe 20 minutes later im ready to pass out?? i spend the first 26 years of my life living off candy, ice cream and such...the fact im not diabetic is a miracle.
    Same here, and ditto!

  19. #219
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I decided to stick on the IF diet, it works amazing its been like 5 days now and my sugar cravings are gone, hell my cravings are gone.... i have to force myself to eat, this is not good but...... i will hope for the renegade diet, quite simple fast for 16 hours, eat for the rest of the time period first few meals are low carb and at night i eat a regular meal. I really like this. Last time i was able to lose a lot of weight in record time with this and i was 34 years old, i am now 40, i have a lot more to lose this time try 40 years old 40 pounds.

    Its also the prefect diet for me on weekends, at least i can go out and eat with friends and family and not hold back, well not hold back, this diet has a strange way of making you eat less, its kind of when you low carb for a while and you eat sugar again, it taste awful and weird.

    I am having prolotherapy treatments right now so my RBC, WBC test and thyroid have to be high, but i am also taking 1IU of GH per day and getting 150mg of suspension in my prolo treatment with 2IU, so my guess is my blood work will not be an issue.

    Most studies i read about awful blood profile following fasting where all by people who did not use steroids or GH. But they did eat saturated fats and red meat and there RBC went down.

    I have to be very careful about this because last year i was anemic. I will get blood works in September to see if everything is in order.

  20. #220
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    i enjoy cutting with IF, for me it has worked so efficiently. I have lots of energy, the fat is just falling off and i am loving it!

  21. #221
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    its crazy though, so much of our country is obese because most people have a diet like this!

  22. #222
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    i like sticking with animal proteins, beef, chicken, etc... i feel i can still gain muscle while i am cutting!

  23. #223
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsn23 View Post
    its crazy though, so much of our country is obese because most people have a diet like this!
    I live in Canada and its not better, i work with some younger people i am 40 now and some of them are 25 others 30, there diet is terrible, they bring all that soda at the job 6 packs of them and drink it all during one shift, they order out at restaurant, eat candy, eat M&M, chips and tones of crap. I have seen some of them gain has much has 50-60 pounds in a year all fat. But people are like this IF for some people is way too much discipline.

    Just not that easy to follow, hell no diet is easy to follow, we are exposed to junk food more then ever. There is no way they will solve obesity in the near future. IF could very well do it, i had sugar cravings that are gone now IF is that magical but people won't put up with it.

    I am done trying to help people out, its always the same thing and i end up wasting my time. Now i need to help myself at 238 pounds something gotta give.

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    I live in Canada and its not better, i work with some younger people i am 40 now and some of them are 25 others 30, there diet is terrible, they bring all that soda at the job 6 packs of them and drink it all during one shift, they order out at restaurant, eat candy, eat M&M, chips and tones of crap. I have seen some of them gain has much has 50-60 pounds in a year all fat. But people are like this IF for some people is way too much discipline.

    Just not that easy to follow, hell no diet is easy to follow, we are exposed to junk food more then ever. There is no way they will solve obesity in the near future. IF could very well do it, i had sugar cravings that are gone now IF is that magical but people won't put up with it.

    I am done trying to help people out, its always the same thing and i end up wasting my time. Now i need to help myself at 238 pounds something gotta give.

    i tend to disagree with you saying this is not easy to follow. eating 2-3 meals is way easier to keep track of, then eating 8 meals a day. don't see why your done helping people out either? you can only show them how and preach, but it is always up to the individual on how/what he/she wants to do. congrats on trying to help yourself!

  25. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsn23 View Post
    its crazy though, so much of our country is obese because most people have a diet like this!
    The only similarity to IF dieting and the diet of an average obese person is the meal frequency. Does this sound like an IF diet?

    Wake up - skip breakfast.

    Lunch (fast break): Cheesesteak with the works, bag of chips, large coke. Or, maybe a trip to McDonalds

    Dinner: Few slices of pizza, soda. Sit on the couch and wolf down a bag of chips or cookies.

    Before bed: Starving due to not eating nutrient dense foods during the day: Pick on whatever's in the fridge. Finish off that pint of Hagan Daaz ice cream sitting in the freezer.

    Note exercise wasn't mentioned anywhere in the equation.

  26. #226
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    i tend to disagree with you saying this is not easy to follow. eating 2-3 meals is way easier to keep track of, then eating 8 meals a day. don't see why your done helping people out either? you can only show them how and preach, but it is always up to the individual on how/what he/she wants to do. congrats on trying to help yourself!
    I see your point but i been training for close to 25 years you need to understand this too, people came to me for help, diet, training program and advise. I gave them all of this for free, did low carb diets for them, training program and has usual they would stick to it for a week and stop doing it to go back to hold habits. Explain to me why i should waste my energy and time worst doing it for free when people slap me back in the face by not sticking with a plan.

    Yes this diet is easy you need to give it some time, or maybe you are not fit to do it. I have major issues with low carb diet, they make me feel terrible, i cannot stand ketosis, yet many people do fine on them. I do not have the patience to cook nor supplement 6-8 meals a day and time myself every 2-3 hours to eat. I am doing the renegade diet 15-16 hours fasting that is pretty much what you need to get almost all the benefits of fasting, that leave me around 8 hours that i can eat up, i can fit 3-4 meals in there easy.

    For people who are asking for my advise i just tell them to read some books or i give them some pdf books i bough from the internet. I don't waste my time making weight training routines anymore. We have learned so much researching things on our own, if someone really wants it they will do the same read, informe search the internet. But like most people they either want everything right now, or they just give up.

    I was very frustrated when i spend a few hours designing a program for someone, just to see that person eating candy and M&M the week after and simply saying well i tried.
    Last edited by yannick35; 07-12-2012 at 08:11 AM.

  27. #227
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    The only similarity to IF dieting and the diet of an average obese person is the meal frequency. Does this sound like an IF diet?

    Wake up - skip breakfast.

    Lunch (fast break): Cheesesteak with the works, bag of chips, large coke. Or, maybe a trip to McDonalds

    Dinner: Few slices of pizza, soda. Sit on the couch and wolf down a bag of chips or cookies.

    Before bed: Starving due to not eating nutrient dense foods during the day: Pick on whatever's in the fridge. Finish off that pint of Hagan Daaz ice cream sitting in the freezer.

    Note exercise wasn't mentioned anywhere in the equation.
    You just described most people at my job, popping a can of pepsi at 8am in the morning. Taking there care to go get coffee at Tim Horton's when its a 10 minute walk.

  28. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    The only similarity to IF dieting and the diet of an average obese person is the meal frequency. Does this sound like an IF diet?

    Wake up - skip breakfast.

    Lunch (fast break): Cheesesteak with the works, bag of chips, large coke. Or, maybe a trip to McDonalds

    Dinner: Few slices of pizza, soda. Sit on the couch and wolf down a bag of chips or cookies.

    Before bed: Starving due to not eating nutrient dense foods during the day: Pick on whatever's in the fridge. Finish off that pint of Hagan Daaz ice cream sitting in the freezer.

    Note exercise wasn't mentioned anywhere in the equation.
    this is freaky... cause shit its what i use to do, the last part especially!! wtf man.... haha

  29. #229
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    For the hunger issue, i am only human and yes i get hunger urges like everyone but i wait them out for 10-20 minutes and it passes. Not sure if everyone is able to do this or not, i have read a lot about IF and some people like my girlfriend could never be on any type of fasting diet. She needs to eat, has soon has she wakes up she needs to have breakfast or she is cranky and pissed off. When she gets hungry she has to eat, or she gets mad even at me. This is very understandable fasting is not for everyone.

    I am a sugar junky i love to eat sugar, fasting a couple of days for 15-16 hours a day just remove this carving for sugar, its not easy at first but if people stick to it, it does get easier at least it does for me. I did low carb for 3 months and i felt like crap all that time, my body never adapted to ketosis, again some will some wont. But low carbing has tones of benefits and i lost a lot of weight during that time, and it was not all water. Combined with IF its a very sick combination for weight loss.

    I just finished training this morning after being fasted for 14 hours, i feel great, wake up have a cup of green tea and hit the gym. I have read a lot of good things about IF and the way it melt the fat off the mid section, i still got love handles and a very small gut i hate them, and at 40 its time to put up or shut up.

    With IF i can still indulge in fast food and not even pay the price, i live the website leangains and its all free. I also want to look into eating for the older athlete. I am not looking to have 20 inches arms, 50 inch chest, at my age i am looking for less fat, and health, feeling younger too and feeling like this for the longest that i can.

    My grandmother is 90 years old and she is very healthy, she feels good for her age, is able to move around alone, she will get winded but she is still active and a great inspiration for me. In all her age on planet earth she know that losing weight means eating less, and skipping meals, IF has been around a long long time.

    I also found that mixing low carb after breaking the fast is also amazing, and eating carbs in my last meal or just after training. Problem is that i train in the morning and i break my fast around Noon or 1pm but that is fine,i can adjuste.

  30. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    You just described most people at my job, popping a can of pepsi at 8am in the morning. Taking there care to go get coffee at Tim Horton's when its a 10 minute walk.
    Most people everywhere! At least in the US...

    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    this is freaky... cause shit its what i use to do, the last part especially!! wtf man.... haha
    Same here bro. My dinner every single night was one of:

    McDonalds, Burker King, Wendy's, or Taco Bell, or
    Chinese Food (General Tso's Chicken, Pork Fried Rice, Egg Roll, Beef on a stick, boneless ribs, etc)
    Pizza (encompassing a pizza, calzone, garlic knots, etc)

    The most I did in the way of home cooking was Hamburger Helper. It's actually amazing that I didn't get much heavier than 255lbs considering this was my daily routine for the better part of 15 years.

  31. #231
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    1 week of IF 91kgs to 87kgs, lows through the week have been as low as 85.8kg.



  32. #232
    Gambolputty is offline Junior Member
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    I loved IF. I have a busy, unpredictable work life and only needing to plan a single meal was a big winner. It was pretty easy to convert to the diet coming from a ketogenic / paleo eating plan.

    the downside was my wife getting worried about my only eating once a day.

    Now I eat breakfast at 0600 and dinner around 1900. Not quite IF, but pretty close.

  33. #233
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    ^^ nice guys!

  34. #234
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    I just started IF and lost 2 lbs in 1 week. I have to say its super awsome !

  35. #235
    fatman225 is offline Associate Member
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    I cannot give enough praise to IF.

    You guys can see my log in this forum.

    My love handles (they should call them "hate" handles, because that's how we ALL feel about them right?) from behind are rapidly shrinking, and the cool part is I get to FEEL really good and FULL at least once a day.

    I can go hungry all day long, so long as I know at some point I can eat good, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Today, I just got done eating 900 calories of pizza, 350 of cooked ground beef, and then a whole lot of asperigus fried in the left over beef fat, educated guess is 200 calories due to the fat content.

    This was not a clean meal, but the overall calories adds up to under my 1600 calorie a day limit.

    1600 is a severe deficit, but I have plenty of fat to lose.

    IF is so far the only diet I can mentally stick to that allows for such a severe calorie restriction, allowing for maximum possible fat loss. Not to mention training while fasted means you are buring straight fat.

  36. #236
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    I jumping on to, lol started Monday, tried the 6 meal day thing. I work nights driving truck day ends up being 14 hr day, then hit gym for 1 1/2 hrs around 4 am. Only problem is I only have 1-2 hrs to eat 2000 cals. Not an easy task. Also on test cyp 250 twice week. Hopefully it stops me from losing muscle o. Restricted diet. Fatman your pictures was big difference. I need to drop another 25 lbs than
    I should be good. Was always in shape till started driving truck 5 years ago, went from225 12% bf to 308 and most likely 45% bf but down to 245 with 22% bf hope to get to 15 soon.

  37. #237
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  38. #238
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    For those running a typical aas cycle, are there any special considerations that would need to be taken into account if doing the IFasting protocol ??

  39. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by cue_artist View Post
    I just started IF and lost 2 lbs in 1 week. I have to say its super awsome !
    Glad you're liking it so far Cue... it gets easier if anything IMO!

    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    I jumping on to, lol started Monday, tried the 6 meal day thing. I work nights driving truck day ends up being 14 hr day, then hit gym for 1 1/2 hrs around 4 am. Only problem is I only have 1-2 hrs to eat 2000 cals. Not an easy task. Also on test cyp 250 twice week. Hopefully it stops me from losing muscle o. Restricted diet. Fatman your pictures was big difference. I need to drop another 25 lbs than
    I should be good. Was always in shape till started driving truck 5 years ago, went from225 12% bf to 308 and most likely 45% bf but down to 245 with 22% bf hope to get to 15 soon.
    Congrats on starting.. keep us posted!

    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    Thx for the bump mock!

    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    For those running a typical aas cycle, are there any special considerations that would need to be taken into account if doing the IFasting protocol ??
    What do you consider typical, and would the cycle be geared towards cutting or adding mass?

    Personally, I wouldn't run an IF diet for a mass cycle. I think you'd benefit better from the frequent feedings as protein synthesis will be elevated, and bodyfat concerns will be lessened somewhat (assuming you're eating right) due to more efficient nutrient partitioning.

    Now for a cutting cycle, it may work VERY well, although I would definitely supplement with BCAA's during the fast.

  40. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    For those running a typical aas cycle, are there any special considerations that would need to be taken into account if doing the IFasting protocol ??
    well you will be anabolic so not much of anything should phase you. Just be sure you can consume your total daily micro's in 8 hours. for smaller diets its east after 2700+ it gets to be hard especially if you only have 1-2 shakes. 3500 calories from whole foods is hard to eat in 3 meals.

    Bcaa before you train, IF YOU work out fasted.

    You need to learn that a skipped meal or not eating for a set amount of hours does not make you lose muscle. IF protocol is a god send. Just know it takes about 14 days for your hormones to adjust, you wont necessarily be a nice person in that time, with elevated testosterone you may be a bit snippy.

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