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Thread: Critique this new diet

  1. #1

    Critique this new diet

    Lets critique this new diet i've developed and i want to see if you think this is a decent bulking diet.

    Meal 1: 3 Eggs, whole wheat toast w/PB &J, 1 cup of Oatmeal w skim milk

    Meal 2: Greek Yogurt with fruit, Whey protein drink

    Meal 3: Sweet potato, whole wheat pasta mixed with ground beef/chicken

    Meal 4: Fruit, granola bar and prework drink (Jack3d)


    Post Workout : Optimum Nutrition Mass gain

    1 hour after post work out drink -
    Meal 5: 8 oz lean meat (flank steak, chicken, turkey breast) brown rice and choice of corn/green veggie

    Meal 6: Casein drink with cottage cheese before bed. Fish Oil before bed.

    I'm looking at attempting to consume approx. 3200 calories on a daily basis.
    Stats are 5'7, 160lbs. Would like to bulk up fast to 170-175.

    **Snacking on mixed nuts during day, bake all meats with olive oil.

    Should I have a cheat day with this diet, or should I go with this? This is an example, i'm just trying to get a better idea of what to aim for.

    Also is french toast in the morning (made of whole wheat bread) bad for you? I would imagine if you cut out the sugar added, and just use cinamon it would be a pretty decent meal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    Please post the macro's for each meal. Hard to tell if your having too many carb or protien in any given meal without them.

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