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Thread: Working on diet.. Input wanted

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality

    Working on diet.. Input wanted

    I have a really hard time eating, especially in the morning. I am under alot of stress and usually feel nautious in the a.m.

    My diet for the past 3 weeks has been(have also had a shoulder and leg injury, been out of the gym for 1 month. Going back next week):

    Wake up @ 8:00
    8:30 1 single shot espresso
    10:00 - Chicken Breast, White rice
    13:00- Chicken Breast, White Rice
    16:00- Vegtables and protein
    20:00- Cottage cheese, banana

    Drink water throughout the day

    5''10 175lbs 12-14% BF
    Looking to lean up and gain lean muscle mass
    I know, Diet is not the greatest.. I want to slowly fix it. I went from eating 2x a day to what I am doing now.. Slowly but surly getting better.

    ** Will be adding PWO shake to the mix
    Last edited by Hard.On; 04-20-2011 at 09:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    You didn't tell us much with that diet... how about macros? Portion sizes? What's up with the white rice? What's with the banana before bed?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    You didn't tell us much with that diet... how about macros? Portion sizes? What's up with the white rice? What's with the banana before bed?

    Macros.. Dont know

    1 Full chicken breast lightly seasoned
    White rice because i find it settles my stomach
    Banana because my mom keeps yelling at me because I dont eat them and they spoil

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    Quote Originally Posted by Hard.On View Post
    Macros.. Dont know

    1 Full chicken breast lightly seasoned
    White rice because i find it settles my stomach
    Banana because my mom keeps yelling at me because I dont eat them and they spoil
    Macros are what each thing your eating is made up of. Carbs, protien, fat, calories. Look on the box of chicken and it will tell you this info, or check on line.

    Change the white rice to brown rice. Your stomach will be fine.

    Eat the banana in the morning, or after a workout. Before bed is not a good time for this food.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    Quote Originally Posted by Nephets View Post
    Macros are what each thing your eating is made up of. Carbs, protien, fat, calories. Look on the box of chicken and it will tell you this info, or check on line.

    Change the white rice to brown rice. Your stomach will be fine.

    Eat the banana in the morning, or after a workout. Before bed is not a good time for this food.
    Wake up @ 8:00
    8:30 - 250 ml of egg whites, banana
    11:00 - Chicken Breast, \Brown rice
    14:00- Chicken Breast, Brown Rice
    17:00- Vegtables and protein(pretty much whatever is cooked for dinner)
    21:00- Cottage cheese or salad w/ 1 scoop of peanutbutter

    Also franks red hot on almosteverything\\
    ** Protein shakes only after work outs.

    THis is what I have changed my diet to over the past week

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    ok, so were getting a little closer, add some oats to your 830 meal and PWO shake, i find blending em up makes go down real easy.

    its a fairly simple diet so macros can easily be worked out. I used and lean mass or getting fat is the difference on whether to work out macros or not.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Still not much info. Hard to help without macros, but it doesn't look like a lot of food.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    Protein- 202
    Carbs- 142
    Calories- 1350
    Fat- 25

    This was todays meals-- total..

    ps . this was a pain in the ass. anyone know a good food calculator

    **** I forgot to add my banana into that macros count(doubt it will add much)
    Last edited by Hard.On; 05-24-2011 at 06:28 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    now that im getting into the "diet thing"
    I realize mine sucks @ss

    I almost need 1/3 more then I am eating.. This is going to be a difficult task..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    175lbs - 5-10


    want to lean gain. What should my day totals be @

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Hard.On View Post
    ps . this was a pain in the ass. anyone know a good food calculator

    **** I forgot to add my banana into that macros count(doubt it will add much)
    google search will help...try

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Gods own country
    or it has a great iphone app too so you can log whatever you eat at that moment.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    I went with MR-FQ320
    I typed what you wrote previously in google but it brought me to a completly different page. So were good now

    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 2,920 Calories / Day
    Carbs / Day 402 g
    Fat / Day 97 g
    Protein / Day 110 g

    Thats what the website says I should do to achieve my goals.... Seems wrong

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Gods own country
    Yeah don't take notice of that macro split, you need at least 200g of protein split into 6 meals, keep fats as low as possible as you will naturally get some anyway, idk say shoot for about 300g of carbs split into the first five meals of the day to go with the protein, now how about a diet plan with macros.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    I will go through the day and use that site and update when completed.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    TOTAL: 2200 calories 257g carbs 62g fat 160g protein

    THis is where I will finish today. I missed a meal. That screwed me,
    I own my own biz and I often get caught up in what im doing.

    Tomorrow I will have to try harder..

    MR FQ.. any easy way to transfer the meals from that site to this one?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Gods own country
    login and left hand side it says track food, click it then at the bottom of the page there is a view full report button, press it, then copy and paste it to this dialogue box, its a bit messy and could do with a bit of editing like this.

    FOODS Calories Carbs Fat Protein Cholest Sodium Sugars Fiber


    Market Basket - Egg White, 198 g 156 1g 1g 22g 0mg 330mg 1g 0g
    Myprotein - Impact Whey Isolate, 1 Scoop 93 0g 0g 23g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g
    Quaker Oats Old Fashioned - Oatmeal - 1/2 Cup Dry, 1 cup dry 300 54g 5g 10g 0mg 0mg 2g 8g

    Meal 2
    John West - Tuna Chunks In Brine (Drained) 130g, 130 g 146 2g 1g 35g 0mg 400mg 2g 0g

    Grilled Chicken Breast - Grilled Skinless Chicken Breast, 6 oz 281 0g 6g 53g 144mg 126mg 0g 0g
    Generic - Brown Rice (Uncooked Weight), 100 g 358 77g 3g 8g 0mg 1mg 0g 3g

    Pwo shake
    Quaker Oats - Oatmeal, Old Fashioned Quaker Oats , 1 cup (40g) dry 300 54g 6g 10g 0mg 0mg 2g 8g
    Myprotein - Isolated, 75 g (1 Large Scoop) 278 1g 1g 69g 0mg 0mg 1g 0g

    Grilled Chicken Breast - Grilled Skinless Chicken Breast, 6 oz 281 0g 6g 53g 144mg 126mg 0g 0g
    Generic - Brown Rice (Uncooked Weight), 50 g 179 39g 1g 4g 0mg 1mg 0g 1g

    Bedtime snack
    Myprotein - Calcium Caseinate, 60 g 224 0g 1g 54g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g
    Natural Peanut Butter - - Crunchy, 2 tbsp 150 6g 16g 7g 0mg 90mg 1g 2g

    TOTAL: 2,746 234g 47g 348g 288mg 1,074mg 9g 22g,.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Gods own country
    or if you go to settings there is a link to your diary, which you could post if you dont mind people reading it, check your user name is not your real name and you will need to change settings to public or put a password on it. like this

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sounds like you are on the right track. Just get all your meals in. You split looks pretty good on the 2200 cal day, just get in another meal and you will be doing great.

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