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Hi there, this is my first post on these forums after finding this website yesterday evening, just wondering if you guys can check out my cutting diet please.
Here's my current diet - I eat the exact same food and portions each day, everything is weighed/measured:
Then we're off to a great start!!!
Unfortunately though, you're numbers are WAY off. Here's what you listed as your totals:
Protein = 263g
Carbs = 187g
Fat = 147g
Calories = 2050.
263g protein = 1052 calories
187g carbs = 748 calories
147g fat (WAY HIGH) = 1323 calories
Total: 3123 calories
Not sure how you figured this, because even if you made the mistake of counting fat as 4 calories/gram, that's STILL over 2000/day. First thing you need to do is rework your numbers ASAP. In the meantime, i'll comment on food choices
Meal 1 - Consumed 15 mins after waking up:
100g of oats with 1/2 pint of semi-skimmed milk + two tea spoons of jam. - (70g carbs, 16g protein, 8g fat)
1/4 pineapple - (vitamin C)
6 medium egg whites and 2 whole medium eggs in an omelette cooked in olive oil + 125g mushrooms. - (34g protein, 26g fat)
1x Multivitamin tablet
vitamin c tablet
2xcod liver oil
1x vitamin C tablet in glass of water
Love the oats, but i'd drop the skim milk, jam (use sugar free), and pineapple. That's a bunch of sugar that you don't need. That's also carbs that could be coming from much better sources - and at a glance your carbs can probably come down, so eliminating these all together would be your best bet IMO. Fat is way too high in this meal - I like to make meals predominantly carb or fat based, but not both. Obviously, lean protein in every meal. This being your first meal of the day, i'd keep the oats, drop all the sugar, keep the 2 whole eggs but drop the olive oil (use PAM or something) drop the cod liver oils and save for later meals.
Meal 2 - consumed 3 hours later:
100g of oats with 1/2 pint of semi-skimmed milk + two tea spoons of jam. - (70g carbs, 16g protein, 8g fat)
1/4 pineapple
Plate of spinach with 50g mackerel cooked in olive oil - (25g protein, 10g fat)
150g Low fat yoghurt - (4g protein, 12g carbs, 5g fat)
100g mixed nuts - (18.8g protein, 35g carbs, 32g fat)
Honestly, this is a terrible meal. It's worse than meal 1, because it has all the sugar, but even less protein. Make this a simple protein/carb meal (pre workout should def. be a protein/carb meal to fuel your workout) - 40-50g lean protein, about 50g complex carbs. Keep the spinach. Keep the nuts but cut the serving size down to 1/4 of what you have.
Meal 3 - Consumed 3 hours later:
PWO - Whey protein shake (two scoops, 50g protein + 50g dextrose)
Good. Drop the dextrose - you're on a cutting diet and it's LOADED with sugar! Replace with 50g of oats. Also, make this your last carb meal of the day
Meal 4 - consumed 2 hours later:
1/4 pineapple - (vitamin C)
6 medium egg whites and 2 whole medium eggs in an omelette cooked in olive oil + 125g mushrooms. - (34g protein, 26g fat)
1x vitimin C tablet in glass of water
Drop the pineapple - more useless sugar. Otherwise, good meal - careful with too much fat in one sitting though. I'd cut the oil in half
Meal 5 - Consumed 3 hours later:
7 medium egg whites and 1 whole medium eggs in an omelette cooked in olive oil + 125g mushrooms. - (34g protein, 26g fat)
Dude, you need some meat in your diet. Why does your diet consist of almost completely eggs? How about beef? Chicken? Fish? It would be best to get your protein from a wide variety for a complete amino profile. Also, eggs are very fast digesting and not ideal food all day long. You need something of more substance. Also, add veggies to this meal
Meal 6 - Consumed 2 hours later:
Whey protein shake (two scoops, 50g protein)
Is this right before bed? Either way, make it casein protein. Whey won't do jack for you overnight - it's absorbed in about 30 mins
Protein = 263g
Carbs = 187g
Fat = 147g
Calories = 2050.
Fix this ASAP because it's WAY WAY off!!
Age = 27
Weight = 125kg / 19st 9.6lb / 275.6lbs.
Height - 6 foot 4 inches.
BF% = 18-22%
BB Experience 3.8 years
Nutrition Experience 1 year.
Based on your stats, you should actually be eating closer to 3000 calories, even on a cut. So while your total is off, your macros actually bring you closer to where you need to be. My suggestion would be to up protein to at least 325g, drop fat considerably, and keep carbs as is or try to get closer to 150g. Hope this helps.
Thanks in advance.