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Thread: My cutting diet - Problems/suggestions? - My First post (Also all my past history)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    England - Leeds

    Question My cutting diet - Problems/suggestions? - My First post (Also all my past history)

    Hi there, this is my first post on these forums after finding this website yesterday evening, just wondering if you guys can check out my cutting diet please.

    Here's my current diet - I eat the exact same food and portions each day, everything is weighed/measured:

    Meal 1 – 9am - Consumed 10 mins after waking up:
    100g of oats with water. - (12.1g protein, 56.1g carbs, 8.4g fat)
    7 medium egg whites and 1 whole medium egg in an omelette cooked with PAM. - (32g protein, 4g fat)
    1xvitamin c in water

    Meal 2 – 11am - consumed 2 hours later:
    Plate of spinach with 100g mackerel cooked in olive oil - (50g protein, 25g fat)
    100g of oats with water. - (12.1g protein, 56.1g carbs, 8.4g fat)
    1x Multivitamin tablet
    vitamin c tablet
    2xcod liver oil
    1xvitamin c in water

    Meal 3 – 3pm - Consumed 2 hours later - PWO:
    60g Whey protein shake (two scoops = 50.2g protein, 2.1g carbs, 2g fat, 236 calories)

    Meal 4 – 1pm - Consumed 2 hours later:
    7 medium egg whites and 1 whole medium egg in an omelette cooked with PAM. - (32g protein, 4g fat)
    1x Multivitamin tablet
    vitamin c tablet
    2xcod liver oil
    1xvitamin c in water

    Meal 5 – 4pm - consumed 1 hours later:
    Plate of spinach with 100g smocked haddock cooked in olive oil - (50g protein, 25g fat)
    1xvitamin c in water

    Meal 6 – 6pm - Consumed 2 hours later:
    7 medium egg whites and 1 whole medium egg in an omelette cooked with PAM. - (32g protein, 4g fat)

    Meal 7 – 9pm – Bed time - Consumed 2 hours later:
    60g Casein protein shake (two scoops = 54.8g protein, 1.2g carbs, 0.6g fat, 222 calories)

    Protein = 325.2g = 1300.8 calories
    Carbs = 123.3g = 493.2 calories
    Fat = 81.4g = 732.6 calories
    Calories = 2526.6

    Age = 27
    Weight = 128.6kg
    Height - 6 foot 4 inches.
    BF% = 20%
    BB Experience 3.8 years
    Nutrition Experience 1 year.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 05-14-2011 at 06:40 PM.

  2. #2
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    New Jersey
    Welcome! It's Easter, so ima take the day off... but i'll get you tomorrow. I'm sure by then, some of the other guys here will have you well on your way to getting sorted out anyway. Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Welcome! It's Easter, so ima take the day off... but i'll get you tomorrow. I'm sure by then, some of the other guys here will have you well on your way to getting sorted out anyway. Good luck!
    Yeah cheers, nps.

    EDIT: Decided my first post was too big and had too much information in that people would prob not be bothered to read, so cut all the info out my first post and made it nice and short and then copied what I wrote before and pasted it underneath my first post:

    I've been training 3 years and 8 months...started off at 24 stone (fat guy)...after first two years of basically killing myself with cardio doing crazy 3 hour sessions 6 days a week at gym I got down to 18 stone, at this point I fell in love with bodybuilding, I'd always lifted weights since day one, but the first two years I wasn't as dedicated to the weights side of things until I started to see my body change and then I appreciated how good lifting weights really was. And from then on I fell in love with the sport of bodybuilding and from that point onwards I've mostly done weights and cardio has been on and off. I've been cutting for 2 months now and for 6 months prior to that I was bulking and went from 18 to 20 stone just doing weights with no cardio. For past two months I've done weights + cardio.

    I feel like I am in the best shape of my life right now, in terms of strength, endurance...I can run like forrest gump, and I squat/deadlift 180kg and bench 130kg.

    I'm 6 foot 4 and probably around 19.7 stone today, havent weighed myself since I started cutting but I've been biking to gym everyday which takes 20 mins, then doing an hours HIT with weights and then biking home which is all up hill and takes around 35-45 mins.

    When I was bulking I was eating 8 meals a day, literally every 3 hours from waking up to going to bed. Seemed to work for me. Was eating around 300-350g protein per day and 400g carbs, not sure about the fat, probably 200g.

    Also I'm a pescetarian so my protein sources are egg whites/fish (smoked haddock/cod/tuna/sardines/mackerel) aswell as whey protein and any protein I get from nuts.

    Now that I've got all the background information out the way, here's my current diet - I eat the exact same food and portions each day, everything is weighed:

    Also after meal 2, an hour later I usually go do my workout, and by the time I've biked there, done an hour, biked home, it can be like 3-4 hours before I eat meal number 3 - And no, I havent been having a protein shake after my workout, but after reading the sticky at the top of this page in your forum, I read that even when cutting I should be taking a protein shake after my workout, so from now on I will do that. - I was taking a protein shake after workouts when I was bulking, but for some reason I thought I shouldnt bother now that I am cutting. So I'll add a whey protein shake, two scoops to post workout meal. as soon as I've finished an hour on the weights.

    Also I didnt mention above, I'm currently doing a 4 day split, 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off, every week. Which means I do 5 days out of every 7...I'm kinda thinking because am cutting though maybe I should start doing some cardio on my days off as well, to burn extra calories/fat.

    Even though I've been training almost 4 years, I'd consider myself proper training in bodybuilding for just the last year now, I've come on leaps and bounds since I started learning about nutrition and eating clean. The first few years even when I lost 6 stone, I was still eating some junk food, and the worst part of my diet was the fact that everything I ate came from processed food. I try to eat 99% clean now and hardly any processed food. It's so true that the diet is a big part of changing the body, because since I've changed my diet and learnt about nutrition, I've had the best results.

    I know I've wrote a lot, but it was my first post and I wanted to give you all the background information and explain everything I've done before and currently doing now so you can best advice me on my cutting diet.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 05-03-2011 at 01:59 PM.

  4. #4
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    Also one last thing I have to stress, I eat the same meals everyday, 7 days a week, every week, no exceptions, and I dont have any cheat days or cheat meals scheduled. I just wait until it becomes unbearable and then I allow myself one cheat meal. It usually works out once every 3 to 4 weeks.

    EDIT: Also, the reason I have structured my diet the way I have, is because I've tried to keep the calories low, and to make sure I have a well balanced diet with everything in it:

    Egg yokes
    Egg whites
    olive oil
    semi skimmed milk
    mixed nuts
    baby spinach leaves (fresh)
    low fat yogurt
    multivitamin tablets
    vitamin C talbets
    cod liver oil capsules

    I think my current diet has everything the body needs?
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 04-24-2011 at 02:00 PM.

  5. #5
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    Also this is me but pictures I've got are like 6 months old, but I doubt I look much different, I'll try lend a camera this week and take some more.:

    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 04-24-2011 at 03:05 PM.

  6. #6
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    What time are you eating these meals. You're not eating near enough protien to protect your muscle during your cut. You should be eating 1-1.5 times your body weight in protien. Your calories seem way to low also. How fast are you dropping weight with your current diet?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nephets View Post
    What time are you eating these meals. You're not eating near enough protien to protect your muscle during your cut. You should be eating 1-1.5 times your body weight in protien. Your calories seem way to low also. How fast are you dropping weight with your current diet?
    I've been eating at 10am, 1pm, 5pm, 8pm, and then go to bed at 10pm.

    Not sure how much weight I've been losing because I haven't weighed myself recently, but I'll start weighing myself from today onwards and keep a log book.

    How many calories do you think I need when I am cutting if I am 275 pounds?

    I'll take your advice an up the protein, I guess I must need around 350-400g a day.

    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 04-26-2011 at 06:29 AM.

  8. #8
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    I've edited my diet above to include two protein shakes, one after my workout and one before bed, my protein and calories is still too low tho, think I need to turn my 6 meals into 8 meals and find another 100g of protein from somewhere. Might have to buy some more fish, I can get 5 whole peices of smoked haddock for £5 which is cheapest price in my city, and so if I buy 3 bags, and have 2 extra fish a day, each fish is 25g so that would give me another 50g each day which would get me up to this point I'd be spending around £50 a week on food, and £10 on vitamins, and around £15 a week on protein shake. I was planning on buying 2.5kg of whey isolate for £36 for my PWO and 1800g of casein for bed time which is £20 so all together when adding everything up its going to be around £75 a week for all my food, shakes, and vitamins. And am running low on cash at moment, lol, bodybuilding is expensive haha.

    I guess am going to have to squeeze out one more shake to finish me off so that would be 363 grams of protein and my calories would prob be around 2700 at this point.

    What do you think? 8 meals, protein coming from, 3 egg white meals , 2 from fish, and 3 from shakes? sound ok to you?

  9. #9
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    I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but can you please repost the current/revised diet? I cannot comment in it the way I normally do because it's quoted from another thread.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but can you please repost the current/revised diet? I cannot comment in it the way I normally do because it's quoted from another thread.
    LOL, what? am confused...are you saying you think I've copied this text from somewhere else? I wrote this up myself, word for word, I just put it in quotes for better presentation, lol. This is my diet, unique to me and me alone.

    EDIT: I've taken the quotes away, so not to confuse people haha

    EDIT: I've been a member of another forum for years, and for some strange reason I've always made my post with quotes, just because I thought it made the text clear and stand out and make it more fun for people to read. But after you saying that maybe I'll change my ways haha.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 04-26-2011 at 08:29 AM.

  11. #11
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    Can you give me some numbers gbrice, how much protein, carbs, fat, calories you think I should be on to cut? and do you see any other problems with my diet. Think you told me in another thread to cut out the milk, am gona try some oats today with water, but not looking forward to it.

    Do you think its ok that I put jam in my oats?

    I'm looking to get as lean as possible man, I've been fat my whole life, and I'd love to get proper ripped. I do want to get massive eventually, I decided for this year am just gona cut until I finally see my abs once and for all!! Am hoping to make good progress by december, already been at it around 6-8 weeks, but if I cant see my abs by december, I'll just keep going.

  12. #12
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    see bold =)

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    LOL, what? am confused...are you saying you think I've copied this text from somewhere else? I wrote this up myself, word for word, I just put it in quotes for better presentation, lol. This is my diet, unique to me and me alone.

    EDIT: I've taken the quotes away, so not to confuse people haha
    lol no, not saying that at all - just saying that with it being in quotes, I couldn't work with it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    Hi there, this is my first post on these forums after finding this website yesterday evening, just wondering if you guys can check out my cutting diet please.

    Here's my current diet - I eat the exact same food and portions each day, everything is weighed/measured:

    Then we're off to a great start!!!

    Unfortunately though, you're numbers are WAY off. Here's what you listed as your totals:

    Protein = 263g
    Carbs = 187g
    Fat = 147g
    Calories = 2050.

    263g protein = 1052 calories
    187g carbs = 748 calories
    147g fat (WAY HIGH) = 1323 calories

    Total: 3123 calories

    Not sure how you figured this, because even if you made the mistake of counting fat as 4 calories/gram, that's STILL over 2000/day. First thing you need to do is rework your numbers ASAP. In the meantime, i'll comment on food choices

    Meal 1 - Consumed 15 mins after waking up:
    100g of oats with 1/2 pint of semi-skimmed milk + two tea spoons of jam. - (70g carbs, 16g protein, 8g fat)
    1/4 pineapple - (vitamin C)
    6 medium egg whites and 2 whole medium eggs in an omelette cooked in olive oil + 125g mushrooms. - (34g protein, 26g fat)
    1x Multivitamin tablet
    vitamin c tablet
    2xcod liver oil
    1x vitamin C tablet in glass of water

    Love the oats, but i'd drop the skim milk, jam (use sugar free), and pineapple. That's a bunch of sugar that you don't need. That's also carbs that could be coming from much better sources - and at a glance your carbs can probably come down, so eliminating these all together would be your best bet IMO. Fat is way too high in this meal - I like to make meals predominantly carb or fat based, but not both. Obviously, lean protein in every meal. This being your first meal of the day, i'd keep the oats, drop all the sugar, keep the 2 whole eggs but drop the olive oil (use PAM or something) drop the cod liver oils and save for later meals.

    Meal 2 - consumed 3 hours later:
    100g of oats with 1/2 pint of semi-skimmed milk + two tea spoons of jam. - (70g carbs, 16g protein, 8g fat)
    1/4 pineapple
    Plate of spinach with 50g mackerel cooked in olive oil - (25g protein, 10g fat)
    150g Low fat yoghurt - (4g protein, 12g carbs, 5g fat)
    100g mixed nuts - (18.8g protein, 35g carbs, 32g fat)

    Honestly, this is a terrible meal. It's worse than meal 1, because it has all the sugar, but even less protein. Make this a simple protein/carb meal (pre workout should def. be a protein/carb meal to fuel your workout) - 40-50g lean protein, about 50g complex carbs. Keep the spinach. Keep the nuts but cut the serving size down to 1/4 of what you have.

    Meal 3 - Consumed 3 hours later:
    PWO - Whey protein shake (two scoops, 50g protein + 50g dextrose)

    Good. Drop the dextrose - you're on a cutting diet and it's LOADED with sugar! Replace with 50g of oats. Also, make this your last carb meal of the day

    Meal 4 - consumed 2 hours later:
    1/4 pineapple - (vitamin C)
    6 medium egg whites and 2 whole medium eggs in an omelette cooked in olive oil + 125g mushrooms. - (34g protein, 26g fat)
    1x vitimin C tablet in glass of water

    Drop the pineapple - more useless sugar. Otherwise, good meal - careful with too much fat in one sitting though. I'd cut the oil in half

    Meal 5 - Consumed 3 hours later:
    7 medium egg whites and 1 whole medium eggs in an omelette cooked in olive oil + 125g mushrooms. - (34g protein, 26g fat)

    Dude, you need some meat in your diet. Why does your diet consist of almost completely eggs? How about beef? Chicken? Fish? It would be best to get your protein from a wide variety for a complete amino profile. Also, eggs are very fast digesting and not ideal food all day long. You need something of more substance. Also, add veggies to this meal

    Meal 6 - Consumed 2 hours later:
    Whey protein shake (two scoops, 50g protein)

    Is this right before bed? Either way, make it casein protein. Whey won't do jack for you overnight - it's absorbed in about 30 mins

    Protein = 263g
    Carbs = 187g
    Fat = 147g
    Calories = 2050.

    Fix this ASAP because it's WAY WAY off!!

    Age = 27
    Weight = 125kg / 19st 9.6lb / 275.6lbs.
    Height - 6 foot 4 inches.
    BF% = 18-22%
    BB Experience 3.8 years
    Nutrition Experience 1 year.

    Based on your stats, you should actually be eating closer to 3000 calories, even on a cut. So while your total is off, your macros actually bring you closer to where you need to be. My suggestion would be to up protein to at least 325g, drop fat considerably, and keep carbs as is or try to get closer to 150g. Hope this helps.

    Thanks in advance.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    Can you give me some numbers gbrice, how much protein, carbs, fat, calories you think I should be on to cut? and do you see any other problems with my diet. Think you told me in another thread to cut out the milk, am gona try some oats today with water, but not looking forward to it.

    Do you think its ok that I put jam in my oats?

    I'm looking to get as lean as possible man, I've been fat my whole life, and I'd love to get proper ripped. I do want to get massive eventually, I decided for this year am just gona cut until I finally see my abs once and for all!! Am hoping to make good progress by december, already been at it around 6-8 weeks, but if I cant see my abs by december, I'll just keep going.
    I'd start with:

    325g protein = 1300 calories
    150g carbs = 600 calories
    90g fat = 810 calories

    total 2710

    Now, this is a bit lower than I talked about earlier, but I'd suggest starting here and monitoring your progress closely. If you are very lethargic, weak, etc then you need to adjust your calories until you're dialed in.

    What does your cardio routine look like? Diet is only a piece of the puzzle.

    Oats - I love them with water! Sweeten with splenda and cinnamon, gtg! Yes, you can definitely use jam - sugar free. Hint - I use a bit of fat free half and half to make them creamy - better than skimmed milk!

    Good idea to cut the bodyfat first; then you'll be primed to add mass!

  14. #14
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    Oh sweet, thats the kinda reply I was looking for, haha, cheers mate, I'm actually walking out the door this second to go gym, bike has broken down as well so need to drop that off first at shop too, I'll give this a good read when I get back, cheers for info, I'll reply back laters.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I'd start with:

    325g protein = 1300 calories
    150g carbs = 600 calories
    90g fat = 810 calories

    total 2710

    Now, this is a bit lower than I talked about earlier, but I'd suggest starting here and monitoring your progress closely. If you are very lethargic, weak, etc then you need to adjust your calories until you're dialed in.

    What does your cardio routine look like? Diet is only a piece of the puzzle.

    Oats - I love them with water! Sweeten with splenda and cinnamon, gtg! Yes, you can definitely use jam - sugar free. Hint - I use a bit of fat free half and half to make them creamy - better than skimmed milk!

    Good idea to cut the bodyfat first; then you'll be primed to add mass!
    Cheers for all your input mate, I just read both your replies above, I'm going to take onboard everything you've said and I'll report back in a few weeks and let ya know how its going.

    I'm going to start the new cutting diet on Friday because thats when I go shopping each week and buy all the food for the week.

    I think the diet I put myself on defo wasnt working because I weighed myself today and I was still the same weight I was a few weeks ago when I last weighed myself, and I've been seriously killing myself at the gym and with cardio...I've been doing tabata front squats and biking to gym and back 5 days a week.

    I currently do a 4 day split, 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off, it works out that I do 5 days out of every 7 that way. I got this routine from Dorian Yates...I feel like I'm working out correctly, I dont consider myself a newbie when it comes to working out. I usually do 45-60 mins weights, I know not to do much more then that.

    My schedule is like this:

    rest day
    rest day

    rince repeat.

    Also above you said:
    Dude, you need some meat in your diet. Why does your diet consist of almost completely eggs? How about beef? Chicken? Fish? It would be best to get your protein from a wide variety for a complete amino profile. Also, eggs are very fast digesting and not ideal food all day long. You need something of more substance. Also, add veggies to this meal
    I'm a pescetarian mate, which means I only eat eggs/fish...I dont eat chicken/beef or any other type of meet. So I get my protein from eggs/fish/whey.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and to answer your question, yeah meal 6 is what I'd be having just before bed. Don't worry, I'm going to buy casein shake today.

    I have a question for you actually, you know you said:
    drop the olive oil (use PAM or something) drop the cod liver oils and save for later meals.
    I thought olive oil was the best kinda oil you could use? and I've never heard of PAM, am not disagreeing with you, just wondering whats bad about it, and what is PAM? what do those initials stand for. Also, which time of day should I consume my cod liver oil? because I heard its a really important supplement.

    And should I eat omega 3 as well?

    EDIT: Just out of curisosity, I've always wondered, what weight I'd need to be to be lean and ripped, at around 10% bodyfat or less, because I'm probably around 20% now....I'm thinking I need to lose around 3 stone, what do you think?

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 04-26-2011 at 03:40 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    Cheers for all your input mate, I just read both your replies above, I'm going to take onboard everything you've said and I'll report back in a few weeks and let ya know how its going.
    Great, looking forward to hearing about your progress!

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    I'm going to start the new cutting diet on Friday because thats when I go shopping each week and buy all the food for the week.
    No worries!

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    I think the diet I put myself on defo wasnt working because I weighed myself today and I was still the same weight I was a few weeks ago when I last weighed myself, and I've been seriously killing myself at the gym and with cardio...I've been doing tabata front squats and biking to gym and back 5 days a week.
    With all that work, you should be dropping weight. That's a pretty good indication diet was the problem. It's no wonder though; you were basically on a sugar diet that was also very high in fat - that's a lethal combo right there

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    I currently do a 4 day split, 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off, it works out that I do 5 days out of every 7 that way. I got this routine from Dorian Yates...I feel like I'm working out correctly, I dont consider myself a newbie when it comes to working out. I usually do 45-60 mins weights, I know not to do much more then that.

    My schedule is like this:

    rest day
    rest day

    rince repeat.
    I like it. Would be interested to see your specific routine - i.e. exercises, set/rep scheme, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    Also above you said:

    I'm a pescetarian mate, which means I only eat eggs/fish...I dont eat chicken/beef or any other type of meet. So I get my protein from eggs/fish/whey.
    Understood. If you mentioned this earlier in your thread, I missed it. Now I see it bolded and big! However, your diet has mostly all eggs, and 1 little bit of cod; i'd add more fish, try and do a 50/50 fish and eggs then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    EDIT: Oh yeah, and to answer your question, yeah meal 6 is what I'd be having just before bed. Don't worry, I'm going to buy casein shake today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    I have a question for you actually, you know you said:

    I thought olive oil was the best kinda oil you could use? and I've never heard of PAM, am not disagreeing with you, just wondering whats bad about it, and what is PAM? what do those initials stand for. Also, which time of day should I consume my cod liver oil? because I heard its a really important supplement.

    And should I eat omega 3 as well?
    Olive oil is great, but I wouldn't say it's the best choice. It's high in monounsaturated fat which is very healthy, but i'd go for the omega 3's moreso. Oily fish is your best option here - salmon, Spanish mackerel, herring, sardines, etc. When you need to supplement, fish oil caps are great. PAM is simply a non-fat non-stick cooking spray. It's not that the olive oil was bad, there was just WAY too much fat in that meal and we needed to reduce it. Consume the cod liver oil (salmon oil would be better) in your non-carb meals.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    EDIT: Just out of curisosity, I've always wondered, what weight I'd need to be to be lean and ripped, at around 10% bodyfat or less, because I'm probably around 20% now....I'm thinking I need to lose around 3 stone, what do you think?

    Thanks in advance.
    Assuming your 22% bodyfat right now, you'd need to lose roughly 30lbs of PURE FAT to be in the 10% range. 10% should show a good bit of definition if you have a decent muscle base - no offense, but based on your pic it doesn't appear to me that you do. Maybe it's just a bad pic, because your weight would suggest otherwise. You'd be lean at 10% - I wouldn't call it ripped/shredded, but you'd definitely be nice and lean. I'm about 12% in my avy to give you an idea.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post

    I have a question for you actually, you know you said:

    I thought olive oil was the best kinda oil you could use? and I've never heard of PAM, am not disagreeing with you, just wondering whats bad about it, and what is PAM? what do those initials stand for. Also, which time of day should I consume my cod liver oil? because I heard its a really important supplement.

    And should I eat omega 3 as well?

    EDIT: Just out of curisosity, I've always wondered, what weight I'd need to be to be lean and ripped, at around 10% bodyfat or less, because I'm probably around 20% now....I'm thinking I need to lose around 3 stone, what do you think?

    Thanks in advance.
    I'm thinking when he said save this for another meal is because he is making your first meal a pro/carb meal. With your diet, it is important to not have a lot of carbs and a lot of fat in the same meal as one of them will be stored as fat. So we break them up as best as possible. For the most part a meal is pro/carb or pro/fat, depending on the meal timing and when your workout is.

    As for the pam, its a non-stick cooking spray which is common on this side of the pond.

    As for the body fat%...If you weigh 275 and you think 20% is fat= then 55lbs is fat and 220 is lean muscle.
    To get down to 10% you would have to lose 27.5 lbs.
    This assumes you body fat % is accurate.
    Last edited by Nephets; 04-26-2011 at 07:31 PM.

  18. #18
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    This is the final edited version of my new cutting diet to start on Friday, really looking forward to this, I’ve made a lot of changes, spent about 5 hours today crunching the numbers:

    Meal 1 – 9am - Consumed 10 mins after waking up:
    100g of oats with water. - (12.1g protein, 56.1g carbs, 8.4g fat)
    7 medium egg whites and 1 whole medium egg in an omelette cooked with PAM. - (32g protein, 4g fat)
    1xvitamin c in water

    Meal 2 – 11am - consumed 2 hours later:
    Plate of spinach with 100g mackerel cooked in olive oil - (50g protein, 25g fat)
    100g of oats with water. - (12.1g protein, 56.1g carbs, 8.4g fat)
    1x Multivitamin tablet
    vitamin c tablet
    2xcod liver oil
    1xvitamin c in water

    Meal 3 – 3pm - Consumed 2 hours later - PWO:
    60g Whey protein shake (two scoops = 50.2g protein, 2.1g carbs, 2g fat, 236 calories)

    Meal 4 – 1pm - Consumed 2 hours later:
    7 medium egg whites and 1 whole medium egg in an omelette cooked with PAM. - (32g protein, 4g fat)
    1x Multivitamin tablet
    vitamin c tablet
    2xcod liver oil
    1xvitamin c in water

    Meal 5 – 4pm - consumed 1 hours later:
    Plate of spinach with 100g smocked haddock cooked in olive oil - (50g protein, 25g fat)
    1xvitamin c in water

    Meal 6 – 6pm - Consumed 2 hours later:
    7 medium egg whites and 1 whole medium egg in an omelette cooked with PAM. - (32g protein, 4g fat)

    Meal 7 – 9pm – Bed time - Consumed 2 hours later:
    60g Casein protein shake (two scoops = 54.8g protein, 1.2g carbs, 0.6g fat, 222 calories)

    Protein = 325.2g = 1300.8 calories
    Carbs = 123.3g = 493.2 calories
    Fat = 81.4g = 732.6 calories
    Calories = 2526.6

    Age = 27
    Weight = 128.6kg
    Height - 6 foot 4 inches.
    BF% = 20%
    BB Experience 3.8 years
    Nutrition Experience 1 year.

    I’ve taken your advice and got rid of semi-skimmed milk, jam, pineapple, mushrooms, mixed nuts, and yoghurt. I’ve worked out the total calories by protein x 4 calories, carbs x 9 calories and fat x 4 calories. This diet is looking 10x better now, thanks for all your help, cant wait until about a two weeks into this diet, hopefully I see some good results, I think with all the food I’ve taken away, and the drop in fat/carbs/sugar/calories...there’s no way this cant work, especially when am doing 1 hours weights and 1 hours cardio 5 days a week
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 05-14-2011 at 06:41 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    England - Leeds
    lol, I hope nobody read the thread in last 5 mins, coz I realised soon as I'd posted the post I'd not pasted the correct version of the diet, and the numbers were wrong for fat under the breakdown column, god damn it, it's because I've been working on it all day and made many different versions.

    Everything should be correct now.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    England - Leeds
    By the way, I feel like I am 100% confident with this diet now, but there's one thing that am still concerned about. I bought 5kg of whey protein and 2.5kg of casein protein and both tubs are unflavoured. In the past when I was bulking I just used nesquick to add flavour, but nesquick is full of sugar so obviously I'm not going to use that in a cutting diet. You mentioned using Cinnamon before for protein shakes and oats, but what kind of Cinnamon, what should I look for when I go to supermarket? Is it in a powder form? I really need something to flavour my proteins shakes and my oats.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    England - Leeds
    Update 1:
    Just thought I'd give an update, today is day 8 of my new can see the diet I'm currently on in the first post of this thread, it's pretty strict, I was depressed and had no energy for first 5 days, but then days 6, 7 and 8 I've felt great, so think my body just needed time to adjust those first 5 days.

    The weight I'm lifting at the gym has only gone down a little bit, and my body weight has dropped 10 pounds, but hopefully most of that will be water weight with it being my first week.

    Hopefully by end of this week I'll just have lost 2-3 pounds. I'll post back at the end of the week, very happy with this diet so far! The only thing I miss is my mixed nuts, other then that, it doesnt really bother me. When I tell my friends at the gym all I eat is 4 whole foods besides protein shakes, they're like "omg, thats so extreem!" lol.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 05-06-2011 at 10:05 AM.

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