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Thread: Looking for a diet to fit me!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    South Carolina

    Looking for a diet to fit me!

    Aight guys ive been looking at alot of diets, I really like the rambo cutting diet but my stats dnt match . Im 28yr 6'5 274lbs 18%BF 1st cycle 13 yrs lifting. Looking to gain strength and lean mass. cycle 600mgs of Test e and Albuteral 13-15wks. Any ideas on what type diet or how to change the rambo diet up to fit my body?? thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida
    Can't seem to find this Rambo Diet you are talking about. Where can I read about it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    South Carolina
    un offically how to cut education thread

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    South Carolina
    Bump Bump Bump

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    if this is your first cycle I would go with a straight 40/40/20 split carbs/protien/fat.

    Google the term TDEE (total daily energy expediture) put your numbers into the equation and that will give you a pretty close figure of your maintenance calories per day

    600mg of test isn't exactly what i'd reccomend for someone trying to cut. It is possible to gain lean mass and cut bodyfat but its difficult and much eaiser to commit to one or the other.

    Cutting is all about the diet and cardio. Plan a diet of 6 meals a day to be between 300-500 calories lower than your TDEE then increase your cardio.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    At 18% you should be cutting first and then do a lean bulk with the test. I don't think you will be happy with the results doing it the way you are suggesting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyRanger1982 View Post
    Aight guys ive been looking at alot of diets, I really like the rambo cutting diet but my stats dnt match . Im 28yr 6'5 274lbs 18%BF 1st cycle 13 yrs lifting. Looking to gain strength and lean mass. cycle 600mgs of Test e and Albuteral 13-15wks. Any ideas on what type diet or how to change the rambo diet up to fit my body?? thanks guys
    Dude you've posted like 10 times asking for diets. Nobody is going to make a diet for you. If you can't put 30 minutes into making a diet for yourself, you will not succeed, whether with steroids or without them. An excellent diet is one that is both healthy from a bodybuilding perspective and one that you can tolerate every day. What if you can't afford to eat lobster every day and I give you a diet mostly of lobster, how much will that help you ? What if your allergic to nuts and I tell you to eat a handful of almonds along with chicken for 1 meal. As well, your BF is way to high to do Test, or any cycle in general. The higher body fat you have the worse estrogenic side effects you will experience, such as gyno. As already said, you need to cut and show dedication to dieting and get the bodyfat % in the area of 13% then consider a cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    South Carolina
    windx, i dnt need anyone to give me a diet 1st off, im asked for opions about diets which works best and so on. Ive read and read about diets. I knw my bf is kinda high but thats not going to stop me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    U seem to be asking for someone to write a diet for you. I gave you the numbers and tools to write your own, so write a diet for yourself meal's 1-whatever with times an macro's and totals for the day and at least throw us a freakin bone here

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