I have been cutting up i went from 18% to 12%bf but i seem to be losing more muscle than i like but maybe its just in my head. I would appreciate any advice on tweaking my diet if it needs it. I will be honest i have not been doing cardio like i should.
Goal- Trying to drop my bf to 9% or so while trying to increase muscle obviously.
7:00am> 8egg whites 2whole eggs, 1 cup oats
9:00am> 2 scoops 100% whey, 2tb sunflower oil
11:00am> 3 cans tune=8oz, 1cup rice
12>work out
1:00pm>100%whey right after workout
Then about 30 min later when i get home i will eat 8oz either tuna again or chicken, half cup rice
4:00pm> Chicken/tune 8oz, 1cup veggies
7:00pm> same as ^^
9:00/10:00 right before bed> Either casien shake, 1cup low fat cottage cheese, 1tbl almond butter