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Thread: Help on Tweaking my diet

  1. #1

    Help on Tweaking my diet

    I have been cutting up i went from 18% to 12%bf but i seem to be losing more muscle than i like but maybe its just in my head. I would appreciate any advice on tweaking my diet if it needs it. I will be honest i have not been doing cardio like i should.
    Goal- Trying to drop my bf to 9% or so while trying to increase muscle obviously.

    7:00am> 8egg whites 2whole eggs, 1 cup oats

    9:00am> 2 scoops 100% whey, 2tb sunflower oil

    11:00am> 3 cans tune=8oz, 1cup rice

    12>work out

    1:00pm>100%whey right after workout
    Then about 30 min later when i get home i will eat 8oz either tuna again or chicken, half cup rice

    4:00pm> Chicken/tune 8oz, 1cup veggies

    7:00pm> same as ^^

    9:00/10:00 right before bed> Either casien shake, 1cup low fat cottage cheese, 1tbl almond butter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    At a glance, seems decent. Hard to comment without macros though.

    Do you have any pics? Before and afters would be great. It could very well be in your head. Do you look more defined, or just like a smaller version of how you looked at 18%? Are you just looking smaller with a shirt on (this is to be expected, it freaked me out too)??

    I have your maintenance figured at around 2700, give or take a couple hundred cals. Work out your macros so we can see how much you're eating. It doesn't look like you're at a huge caloric deficit, in which case I doubt you're losing muscle. How is your strength? Gaining? Maintaining? This is another good indicator. Also, how are your energy levels, particularly during your workout? Are you doing cardio? What is the regimen and when are you doing it?

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