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Thread: For all you who give advice on whey protein/dairy

  1. #1
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    Mar 2011

    For all you who give advice on whey protein/dairy

    First I would like to start off that this is my opinion and opinions of people in Naturalpathic Science and Eastern Medicine. I really do not understand how someone can give advice on taking these products Whey/Dairy based protein powders they are mass produced and terrible for your overall health. Did you know a majority of people have an allergy to dairy due to over consumption over years and years and also because humans are the only mammal to drink another mammals milk over the age of 3. If you dont believe you dont have an allergy to it get it tested and I bet 95 percent have one without knowing. We are not meant to have these products in our digestive tract and quite a bit of health issues are due to them. How many people reading this have IBS or UC or crones ? The main causes of this are to much sugar except natural sugars occuring in fruit/wheat/dairy. Cut these products completely out and watch and see the effects over a 3 month period. A balanced diet is best I agree but a balanced diet should not have any of these products. The best way to put it in words is that if you rub your arm once it gets a little red do it again it gets a little more red and more more red until you bleed or another problem develops from doing it thats how our bodies work with foods that we have allergies too.It may take some time for some but not so long for others but eventually something will give. It may not be digestive like myself previously but others it may be kidneys or liver or heart and even our biggest organ our skin. So i will make a bet that for the majority of people if you get off dairy/wheat/simple sugars for 3 months you will feel 100x better and you will most likely never go back. Just my two cents. Message me if you want to know more.

  2. #2
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    Nov 2004
    I've heard this from chiropractors here that practice finding allergic reactions and nutrition. I have no reason to dispute this information, actually seems quite logical and sensible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    really disagree with this, i know maybe 30+ people who take plenty of supplements (more then just whey) and i have never heard of anyone having health problems due to it. ur talking about allergys to lactose, when whey isolate is almost completely free of lactose. where do simple sugars come into it? unless some1 is adding dextrose/maltodextrin to their shake then their is a negligible amount of sugar in a whey shake. i would be willing to listen if u had case studys/examples to provide evidence but untill then what ur saying means nothing.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2011
    How can you disagree what do most peoples diet consist of here ill tell ya dairy/wheat/sugars... Why do you think their are so many digestive issues with people especially gas? Well for one we eat to many of these products and to much of anything is never good and it will eventually catch up to you. Just look at alcohol for a quick study a mild amount is alright for a human as long as its moderate but soon as you start going to excessive then you develop problems right. Thats my point on dairy/wheat/sugar to much is a huge base of the problems people have because of excessive amounts. Supplementing a shake twice a day of dairy over a year or two is insane how can that not process in your mind its common logical thinking to much of anything is never good especially something like whey as you speak so highly of i bet if you switch to a whole food base protein you would get better gains and have zero gas and feel 10x better. The cases i am talking about is mine and up to 50+ people i have worked with adjusting their diets accordingly and the results have been simply amazing. The proof will be in yourself if you try a different way of a protein source rather then dairy watch and see the results. People get more than enough sugar with there diets but you can supplement the sugar from your shake with a natural source such as fruit i heard fruit is an excellent source of sugar correct and its way better for ya.

  5. #5
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    Miami, Florida
    I agree here with Gucks! Without any studies or scientific evidence proving this, I can not warrant a response. You have listed zero links towards your remarks. Also this is coming from someone, you, who was and may be still involved in AAS. Now I am not one to talk much, I haven't done AAS, but your sitting here trying to tell the people taking dairy and whey that their health is at risk by doing this, but injecting AAS into your body is any better? I do not see the logic in this, nor do I see the logic in the thread. When one is going to state a fact of this nature, it usually is involved with studies and links to prove your statements. I have many articles that prove everything to what your saying false. One of which that was in the research undertaken by the Universities of Reading, Cardiff and Bristol which has found that drinking milk can lessen the chances of dying from illnesses such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke by up to 15-20%.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2010
    If you want to know more don't bother messaging him, just use your search engine because this is NOTHING NEW, there's plenty of info on the topic. It's some pseudo-progressive movement about not drinking milk. Notice how it hasn't changed diet trends at all and won't.

  7. #7
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    Miami, Florida
    But that's exactly what I'm saying. If someone were to really look into any food, you would find countless stories and studies that show that specific food could harm you. I don't know how many times I have heard statements saying some food is bad, but then a month later they find out it's fine for you. Like I said, I don't see the logic in this thread.

  8. #8
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    Near Barrie
    People say using roids are bad on your health(I have used them not saying you shouldn't), also eating un-washed fruit or veggie can lead to sickest. and allergys I can walk out side and get something. So to me I think there is to much MEDIA!

  9. #9
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    How can you disagree what do most peoples diet consist of here ill tell ya dairy/wheat/sugars... Why do you think their are so many digestive issues with people especially gas? Well for one we eat to many of these products and to much of anything is never good and it will eventually catch up to you. Just look at alcohol for a quick study a mild amount is alright for a human as long as its moderate but soon as you start going to excessive then you develop problems right. Thats my point on dairy/wheat/sugar to much is a huge base of the problems people have because of excessive amounts. Supplementing a shake twice a day of dairy over a year or two is insane how can that not process in your mind its common logical thinking to much of anything is never good especially something like whey as you speak so highly of i bet if you switch to a whole food base protein you would get better gains and have zero gas and feel 10x better. The cases i am talking about is mine and up to 50+ people i have worked with adjusting their diets accordingly and the results have been simply amazing. The proof will be in yourself if you try a different way of a protein source rather then dairy watch and see the results. People get more than enough sugar with there diets but you can supplement the sugar from your shake with a natural source such as fruit i heard fruit is an excellent source of sugar correct and its way better for ya.
    im not gonna get into the fruit as a source of sugar PWO, ive had that arguement way 2 many times on here and i do take 1 piece of fruit PWO.

    and how is 2 shakes a day excessive? the advice they give parents is 2 feed babys on formula milk for as long as possible because its BETTER for their digestive system them solid foods. i used 2 train without any supps and there is absolutely no difference in gains when i started using whey, the advantages of whey for me were that its alot more convenient, its cheaper then eating a chicken breast (a whey shake is only about 40c, a chicken breast is €1.50 for a good size here) and recovery is a bit better. u tell me u know people who train without shakes and feel better for it but i know any amount of people that train using shakes and it works. i have never met a personal trainer who is against shakes. my trainer who is 54 and considered a bit "stuck in his ways" adivces people 2 use whey PWO.

  10. #10
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    New Jersey
    Yea, fruit is an excellent source of carbs PWO. I hear fructose works wonders for restoring muscle glycogen.

    Gimme a break! If you have no adverse reactions to dairy, enjoy it!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Dairy super good for you so western way of thinking just like taking a pill is the answer to everything. How big is dairy in the food industry its huge why the hell would they state that its bad for your health you want to know why $$$$. Why are their so many cases of people having stomach issues compared to the past well first of all our diet consists of sugar/wheat/sugar way different from most of our parents and grandparents which they ate mostly whole foods in their raw state. Let me guess you do not believe you are what you eat right lol. The protein powders are mass produced and you want to see what you drink in a shake here ... oh yeah thats right those effects dont get passed down to us give me a break. ""Gimme a break! If you have no adverse reactions to dairy, enjoy it"" is your quote well sorry most people are having reactions but not in noticeable ways right away it takes time some people more than others. enjoy the video maybe it will show you what people reccommend on here is complete junk. Eat chicken even though it is pumped full of antibiotics so good for you.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by falco21 View Post
    I agree here with Gucks! Without any studies or scientific evidence proving this, I can not warrant a response. You have listed zero links towards your remarks. Also this is coming from someone, you, who was and may be still involved in AAS. Now I am not one to talk much, I haven't done AAS, but your sitting here trying to tell the people taking dairy and whey that their health is at risk by doing this, but injecting AAS into your body is any better? I do not see the logic in this, nor do I see the logic in the thread. When one is going to state a fact of this nature, it usually is involved with studies and links to prove your statements. I have many articles that prove everything to what your saying false. One of which that was in the research undertaken by the Universities of Reading, Cardiff and Bristol which has found that drinking milk can lessen the chances of dying from illnesses such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke by up to 15-20%.
    Here are 2 things for you to WATCH and tell me that these things have no issue on your health and i bet a majority of it is you base for protein ... i am a strong believer in a healthy balanced diet is whey/dairy bad in MODERATION 2-3 times a week i would agree that its not optimum but for most it should have little effect on health. Coronary heart disease is a threat to anybody who is unhealthy and does not exercise or keep active milk/dairy is not going to lessen the chance buddy but nice try. Watch the video and think hey can this be effecting me in any way most logical people would say hey we are what we eat right ..... How can the milk from a cow who is pumped full of drugs to keep its body producing milk not have health issues and to boot after the cow isnt able to produce anymore and has been inactive for a long time its chopped up into hamburger get your head out of the clouds. If you think its all smoke and mirrors after the video then you are to far gone anyways open mind and thinking outside the box is what i have done and my lifestyle and health have never been better.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    If you want to know more don't bother messaging him, just use your search engine because this is NOTHING NEW, there's plenty of info on the topic. It's some pseudo-progressive movement about not drinking milk. Notice how it hasn't changed diet trends at all and won't.
    Pseudo-progressive movement now thats funny. Notice how big most people in america are now guess all those diet trends work lol. Oh thats right there will be a pill one day that will take care of the fat and make it so you can eat anything you want and not gain a pound if you dont want to pfft. Use your search engine and learn about the true facts pal. What is is 95% of packaged food here i bet corn/wheat/soy why is this ever think about it before you stuffed your face? Believe me i could teach you a few things but you already know it all right...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    Pseudo-progressive movement now thats funny. Notice how big most people in america are now guess all those diet trends work lol. Oh thats right there will be a pill one day that will take care of the fat and make it so you can eat anything you want and not gain a pound if you dont want to pfft. Use your search engine and learn about the true facts pal. What is is 95% of packaged food here i bet corn/wheat/soy why is this ever think about it before you stuffed your face? Believe me i could teach you a few things but you already know it all right...
    Yes, pseudo-progressive movement is funny. I never said about current diet trends working or not, all I said is that this zero tolerance milk thing won't ever catch on. This pill thing you're talking about is just a slippery slope argument that is pretty irrelevant to the conversation, it is taking a shot at how people always look for the shortcut that requires no work, and I agree that it does accurately describe the general public, however, in this conversation it's not very relevant. You speak a lot of fluff with facts that may be true, but don't really support whatever point it is you're trying to make. It seems that you like to hear yourself talk and as long as you have something to say it's something worthwhile, but if you'll notice I didn't say anything to disprove what you said. My point was simply that what you're saying is nothing new and not really a big deal. You were speaking of it like it's some sort of profound revelation and with a quite pretentious position if I may say so. Just because someone doesn't agree with you 100% doesn't mean they're trying to offend you, multiple perspectives on any subject is a good thing, relax.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    Yes, pseudo-progressive movement is funny. I never said about current diet trends working or not, all I said is that this zero tolerance milk thing won't ever catch on. This pill thing you're talking about is just a slippery slope argument that is pretty irrelevant to the conversation, it is taking a shot at how people always look for the shortcut that requires no work, and I agree that it does accurately describe the general public, however, in this conversation it's not very relevant. You speak a lot of fluff with facts that may be true, but don't really support whatever point it is you're trying to make. It seems that you like to hear yourself talk and as long as you have something to say it's something worthwhile, but if you'll notice I didn't say anything to disprove what you said. My point was simply that what you're saying is nothing new and not really a big deal. You were speaking of it like it's some sort of profound revelation and with a quite pretentious position if I may say so. Just because someone doesn't agree with you 100% doesn't mean they're trying to offend you, multiple perspectives on any subject is a good thing, relax.
    I respect you having a different opinion but putting me in a movement of something i have never even heard of is not just an opinion its you stating something about myself that i have never even heard of you state your not offending me but putting me in a catagory is offensive. The tolerance to milk will catch on and has in the place i live in currently the health food store has had an increase of over 100% on their products that are not dairy based protein powders seems like something is catching on i work in that field so im just trying to put my opinion out their. So here ill tell you whats in my protein powder first Organic Sprouted Whole Grain Brown Rice Protein 2)Organic Green Pea Protein 3)Hemp Protein 4)Organic alfalfa juice protein 5)Spirulina 6)Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA s) 7)Glutamine 8)Digestive Enzymes those are the base of my protein powder what is in your dairy/whey protein powder? Im saying that if you give advice make sure you are researched in the topic on nutrition and diet and dairy based powders in my opinion is terrible for use in everyday. But most of the things i see on diet on this site is include whey/dairy based protein to your daily diet which should be in my opinion a whole food protein based on the products included in it.

  16. #16
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    Have you seen all the recent options out there in the milk section for example rice milk almond milk soy milk those were never available in abundance like they are now a days. And in my supermarket it takes up just as much room if not more than dairy so the trend it catching on.

  17. #17
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    New Jersey
    ^ ^ there are a lot of different fruits available nowadays too, that I never remember seeing as a kid. Is it because apples and bananas are being found to be no good for us?

    Maybe not the best comparison, but hopefully you get my point. Just because products like almond, soy, coconut, and rice milk are available nowadays has no direct correlation to an awareness of dairy milk being bad for you.

  18. #18
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    ^^^^^ I have an allergy to bananas that i never knew i had until i went to a naturalpath doctor i had them after ever workout with my whey shake i though i was doing the right thing but when i took a closer look when your body is getting something in abundance it develops an allergy to it and having a shake twice a day is a lot of dairy for a person why not switch it up to a whole food protein and i bet your results will be amazing. Its like saying doing the same workout day after day week after week month after month you are gonna hit a plateau you will not get past but once you switch it up you start using different muscles and so on and so fourth you can get through that plateau and start gaining again. It the same philosophy with protein once you start getting a source from whey for example its not optimum for your body its best to try new things and once you do there is serious change right away like their was myself. The milk subs you just said are a awareness to dairy my grandmother will never touch dairy again once she seen the effects once she got off of it same with my girlfriend. Believe what you will im not here to change your mind if your that stuck in your ways with whey then thats the way it. But how many people actually believe that a protein that is mass produced and cant even pronounce the stuff in it and all the artificial stuff packed into this stuff is good for you it makes no sense whats so ever. I had a buddy who looked fantastic great build excellent condition but he died of heart problems he may have looked great from the outside but inside he had issues what im getting at is that even if you have no signs of problems with whey that you can see doesnt mean that their arent problems inside yourself developing. I never had a problem with dairy until i got really sick because of it and once i got educated on the product called dairy, now me or my family will never go near it again and if we do it is in very small quantities.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    ^^^^^ I have an allergy to bananas that i never knew i had until i went to a naturalpath doctor i had them after ever workout with my whey shake i though i was doing the right thing but when i took a closer look when your body is getting something in abundance it develops an allergy to it and having a shake twice a day is a lot of dairy for a person why not switch it up to a whole food protein and i bet your results will be amazing. Its like saying doing the same workout day after day week after week month after month you are gonna hit a plateau you will not get past but once you switch it up you start using different muscles and so on and so fourth you can get through that plateau and start gaining again. It the same philosophy with protein once you start getting a source from whey for example its not optimum for your body its best to try new things and once you do there is serious change right away like their was myself. The milk subs you just said are a awareness to dairy my grandmother will never touch dairy again once she seen the effects once she got off of it same with my girlfriend. Believe what you will im not here to change your mind if your that stuck in your ways with whey then thats the way it. But how many people actually believe that a protein that is mass produced and cant even pronounce the stuff in it and all the artificial stuff packed into this stuff is good for you it makes no sense whats so ever. I had a buddy who looked fantastic great build excellent condition but he died of heart problems he may have looked great from the outside but inside he had issues what im getting at is that even if you have no signs of problems with whey that you can see doesnt mean that their arent problems inside yourself developing. I never had a problem with dairy until i got really sick because of it and once i got educated on the product called dairy, now me or my family will never go near it again and if we do it is in very small quantities.

    Space your posts out.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Thanks tips

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    499 here is an article read up makes sense.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Here is some more links for all the doubters the information is right in front of you lets here the feedback tell me that this makes no sense please all you people who dispute it open your eyes and think its not healthy in the least bit explain how this can be a good thing on health?

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