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Thread: how prepare for a 30mile bike ride ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country

    how prepare for a 30mile bike ride ?

    ok so next weekend im doing a charity 30 mile bike ride.

    So my regular ride is about 7.5 miles and it takes me about 40 mins so i think im going to do a couple of 15 milers before the event, thats the training sorted.

    So my question is how can i prepare for this with my diet like ?

    My current diet is

    1. oats, egg whites , scoop of protein
    2 tuna
    3. wholewheat pasta, chicken breast
    4 PWO shake
    5 fish and vegetables
    6, PB and cottage cheese.

    Now iv been cutting for a while and recently putting a high carb day in E3D, so what should i do foe the best possible. the race is sunday so i was thinking about carbing up from friday ie carbs and protein for every meal except the last and keeping calories to mainteance or a bit above, also what about the meal before the race, i was thinking about brown rice and chicken, slow burning and enough to fuel the race?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    I would simply carb up for 3 days b4 the event and then drink dextrose drinks on the day as well...

    No expert on this stuff tho... I would just give it a go...

    Oats, rice, pasta, good breads etc...

    Just maybe double your carb intake for 2-3 days and see how it goes...
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Any cardio after a certain ammount of time (for most it falls between an hour or two when completley carb loaded), will completley deplenish glycogen stores and you body tries to shut down, marathon runners refer to this as hitting the wall. Basically its the transition from burning glycogen to completley burning fat stores.

    The only way to get past this is to train past that point. You're body eventually makes this transition easier the more times you do it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    i am interested in what people have in mind as i am training for a triathlon.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    30 mile mike ride is just a cruze in the park if you have a road bike. If you have a mt bike get a road bike for the day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South
    i saw this on they suggest a diet split like this (55% carbs 25% pro 20% fats) days before the race. basically, doing what baseline said. you also may want to get some gels or a carb/electro mix that you can put in your water bottle for drinking during the ride. camelbacks are also great to have on long rides.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Gods own country
    Quote Originally Posted by VegasRenegade View Post
    30 mile mike ride is just a cruze in the park if you have a road bike. If you have a mt bike get a road bike for the day.
    its a MTB trail mixed with roads so cross i suppose

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    Thanks for all responses bros

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