Good newwwws everybody! Today I have started my completely refreshed diet (for which I made a thread, but got no replies). I am going to update this daily for the first week and then weekly for the other 2.
Why 3 weeks? Because after that I will be going to Africa for charity for a month. When I get back I will probably continue
Height: 6ft 2
Weight: 150 (or so)
BF: 12%
Goal: 10lbs or so in 3 weeks (memory muscle hopefully) before I go abroad! Want my shoulders and chest back!?!?
Day 1
"I'm going to be sick"
I got up at 8am today, and had a bowl of oats with some sliced banana mixed in. I put it with semi-skimmed milk today, but tomorrow going to try with water. I also mashed up a few almonds and stuck them in there too.
Was alright, but so dry and boring to eat.
At 9am I had my half-serving of serious mass, and I was so full I nearly brought the drink back up, so refrigerated a bit of it for later.
At around half 11am I hardboiled 2 eggs, lightly toasted some brown bread and put some baked beans on them. This is a meal I enjoyedel classico for the student life!
At half 12 I made my pasta/tuna, put it in a container and set off for the library to revise. My idea was to revise until 2, eat the lunch and an hour later hit the gym. The library was PACKED so I couldn't revise there, so I tried to get into the HUB but then got frustrated due to the fact everywhere even in Uni was shut, less the Library.
Decided to do the gym at 1 and then go home to eat the tuna/pasta there.
The gym session was chest, and my diet hadn't really kicked in yet so my body was still knackered after a set or two. Wasn't the best sesh, but anything is better than nothing! Think Big!
Had as much of the pasta/tuna as humanly possible. Remember I am going up from under-2000 cals a day to about 3000 here. Also finished my serious mass.
Half 5 saw me making my chicken/brown rice combo dinner. Was alright. 2 chicken breasts and 100g rice.
I would usually have had a protein drink after the gym by the way, but it has not arrived yet.
Now I am eating my cottage cheese at 9am before bed. It tastes nice! Don't know what people are on about! I can only complain about it's bizarre texture. Will probably put it on water biscuits tomorrow.
Results: None :P apart from motivationally
Comments: Bloody hard to keep it down and keep eating. Can't wait for my body to get used to the additional intake so I don't feel like being sick due to overeating lol.
Any feedback or support will be really appreciated![]()