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Thread: Jonesys Transformation Progress Diary :D

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Jonesys Transformation Progress Diary :D

    Good newwwws everybody! Today I have started my completely refreshed diet (for which I made a thread, but got no replies ). I am going to update this daily for the first week and then weekly for the other 2.

    Why 3 weeks? Because after that I will be going to Africa for charity for a month. When I get back I will probably continue

    Height: 6ft 2
    Weight: 150 (or so)
    BF: 12%
    Goal: 10lbs or so in 3 weeks (memory muscle hopefully) before I go abroad! Want my shoulders and chest back!?!?

    Day 1
    "I'm going to be sick"

    I got up at 8am today, and had a bowl of oats with some sliced banana mixed in. I put it with semi-skimmed milk today, but tomorrow going to try with water. I also mashed up a few almonds and stuck them in there too.

    Was alright, but so dry and boring to eat.

    At 9am I had my half-serving of serious mass, and I was so full I nearly brought the drink back up, so refrigerated a bit of it for later.

    At around half 11am I hardboiled 2 eggs, lightly toasted some brown bread and put some baked beans on them. This is a meal I enjoyed el classico for the student life!

    At half 12 I made my pasta/tuna, put it in a container and set off for the library to revise. My idea was to revise until 2, eat the lunch and an hour later hit the gym. The library was PACKED so I couldn't revise there, so I tried to get into the HUB but then got frustrated due to the fact everywhere even in Uni was shut, less the Library.

    Decided to do the gym at 1 and then go home to eat the tuna/pasta there.

    The gym session was chest, and my diet hadn't really kicked in yet so my body was still knackered after a set or two. Wasn't the best sesh, but anything is better than nothing! Think Big!

    Had as much of the pasta/tuna as humanly possible. Remember I am going up from under-2000 cals a day to about 3000 here. Also finished my serious mass.

    Half 5 saw me making my chicken/brown rice combo dinner. Was alright. 2 chicken breasts and 100g rice.

    I would usually have had a protein drink after the gym by the way, but it has not arrived yet.

    Now I am eating my cottage cheese at 9am before bed. It tastes nice! Don't know what people are on about! I can only complain about it's bizarre texture. Will probably put it on water biscuits tomorrow.

    Results: None :P apart from motivationally
    Comments: Bloody hard to keep it down and keep eating. Can't wait for my body to get used to the additional intake so I don't feel like being sick due to overeating lol.

    Any feedback or support will be really appreciated
    Last edited by Jonesyy; 05-02-2011 at 02:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South
    you need to post your complete diet with macros (pro/fats/carbs), then we can better assist you. and do some research on here about bulk dieting. i think twist had some sample of bulking diets in of the threads in the past few weeks. if i run across it, i will link in here for you to look at.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2011
    I did, it is a bit further down this bored
    Like I said it didnt get the replies I was hoping for

    Day 2:

    8:20am - 100g oats, sliced banana with semi-skimmed milk

    Went down a bit easier today!

    Had to go into Uni for 9:30, ended up staying until 12pm doing revision. Had 2 tuna sandwiches from the shop. Tuna on brown bread.

    Did the gym, wow, what a change! I had so much more energy. Today was back day but it was an immense workout. I also feel a lot more motivated now! The added energy is having a great effect.

    Got home, had my half serving of serious mass and 2 egg whites (hard boiled).

    Went back into Uni to revise. Bad planning meant I had to stay until 6 for a meeting about my Kilimanjaro climb, so didn't get back until 7pm ish. Was so hungry, this diet has already made my body want far more food.

    Got home and straight away made some pasta in sauce, a cod fillet and a chicken breast. Odd combination I know but whatever. Was only full after, so big change here. I'm hungry again, hopefully now I can eat enough to put on the lbs.

    About to have my cottage cheese on cracker bread and fish oil tablet. Very happy today, see how leg day goes tomorrow!

    Cheers guys
    Last edited by Jonesyy; 05-03-2011 at 02:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    i just saw your other thread. patience is a virtue. i am trying to find the thread where twist posted some sample diets.

  5. #5
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    Day 3
    Has been good. Not quite as energetic as yesterday, but a lot more than before still. Feeling better about myself too, and already feeling my muscles tighten a bit.

    8:30 - Out of bed. Oats nana water multi vit, you get the drill. Assuming since you haven't replied to my diet thread it was either far too much, or just about right. I hope it is the latter :P

    10am - Half serious mass - almost out of this now. Won't buy any more though, too expensive for a 3 week 'trial'.

    11 - Mate comes round, we revise for the exam later in the day.

    12 - 2 eggs, beans on toast. Struggled to finish, still a lot for me to intake during the morning but I feel a LOT more hungry through the day now.

    1 :30 - Exam time. Went well if anybody is wondering, I think, I hope. A lot of people were not so happy with it I don't think :P

    2pm - Pasta in dolmio sauce before gym.

    3pm - ME and my mate do the gym. Leg day. Was really good, took it easy as first week but next week I should be good.

    5pm - Protein drink, banana. My protein came today. unflavoured instant whey. Takes like shit, makes me gip. Cheaper though as unflavoured. Down the hatch!

    7pm - Chicken/rice curry. The sauce makes it a curry and the labelling seemed to suggest it wasn't so bad - tasty!

    10pm - Crackers and cottage cheese - really growing on me now.

    Can't wait for tomorrow! Shoulders!
    Last edited by Jonesyy; 05-04-2011 at 03:18 PM.

  6. #6
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    Day 4

  7. #7
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    Day 5

  8. #8
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    Day 6

  9. #9
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    Day 7

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Week 2

  11. #11
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    i hope you know that being a baby about will not get you anywhere in life, unless you want a pacifier.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Week 3 and Results

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    i hope you know that being a baby about will not get you anywhere in life, unless you want a pacifier.
    Excuse me?

    God knows what you're on about, but if it is about the posts it is obviously so I can edit them later. This way they stay organised on the front page and therefore, easily accessible for anybody keeping track.

    If it was to do with how I said it was hard to keep it down and wasn't meant in the tone it came out as, I can't really help it lol. I put things in my mouth and I gip, I eat too much I feel sick. I keep it down but it happens either way. Sucks really, maybe I should get my tonsils taken out or something. On the other hand, when I do get more calories down me my appetite is naturally raised because my body wants the extra calories, and I can physically eat more. Can't wait for that to happen!
    Last edited by Jonesyy; 05-02-2011 at 03:37 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Day 2 is up Good changes already!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonesyy View Post
    Day 2 is up Good changes already!!
    Good for you!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    No offense, but it's hard to invest in a thread that's going to last all of 3 weeks that you will probably continue when you return.

    Also, I don't want to discourage you, but adding 10lbs in muscle in 3 weeks just isn't going to happen, I don't care HOW good your memory is lol! That doesn't mean give up or don't do your best; it just means be realistic. 3 weeks is not enough time to look any different from how you do now. Come back from your charity work, get serious, put the time in, and you will get there.

  17. #17
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    You don't have to invest anything, I'm actually enjoying being at the gym and I feel a lot better for the diet. Just hope it gives me some results, I've gained them quickly before, you never know. I guess we will find out after the 3 weeks, although I agree it may be optimistic. No other way to be though, me being realistic is like saying it will never happen from my past troubles lol.

    Please though do keep watching and commenting if you notice anything interesting

  18. #18
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    3 weeks in is 3 weeks ahead of the game......instead of being 3 weeks lost.....

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonesyy View Post
    You don't have to invest anything, I'm actually enjoying being at the gym and I feel a lot better for the diet. Just hope it gives me some results, I've gained them quickly before, you never know. I guess we will find out after the 3 weeks, although I agree it may be optimistic. No other way to be though, me being realistic is like saying it will never happen from my past troubles lol.

    Please though do keep watching and commenting if you notice anything interesting
    By 'invest', I meant follow. We get excited when we see members transform, but it always sucks when they suddenly disappear and we never hear from some again.

    I will stick it out though, I have faith you'll be back with us after your charity work. Stay optimistic, good luck!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    By 'invest', I meant follow. We get excited when we see members transform, but it always sucks when they suddenly disappear and we never hear from some again.

    I will stick it out though, I have faith you'll be back with us after your charity work. Stay optimistic, good luck!
    Thanks man really means a lot, and I think I will be! I've learned so much I've even got my friend to try it (with a slight variation as he is a bit bulkier than me, so he is going to cut down a bit). Don't know if he is registering here though.

    Day 3 up

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    nova scotia
    May I suggest changing the format to your log. Putting all your days at the top like that makes it kind of hard to follow as you get down the page. You should just add your new days log to the bottom of the page so it acts like a back and forth converation, so to speak. How is the weight gain going. I noticed your last meal on day 3 was cottage cheese and crackers. I'm not sure what the crackers are for, but you may want to try almonds. If you have to eat something you may as well get a nutrisional benifit from it. The nuts will add some good fats into your diet. You should also add your current diet into this thread so all your info is in one spot. You may be getting the proper amount of calories but your food choices may need some work.

  22. #22
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    ^^^ I agree. Many members are not going to want to keep returning to the page with all of your logs since being here can have a very short attention span! So you might re-format. my 02 ...too....

  23. #23
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    ok, I took a quick look at your posts and couldnt seem to find a posted diet with the macros for you. I could have missed it. I noticed your diet seems to change from day to day. This is fine as long as it fits the macros you have worked out for yourself. Its not fine if you are eating this way do to lack of planning. Planning out your meal ahead of time will make sure you are eating what you should, when you should. Just keep this in mind as you plan for your next day. Food prep is key.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nephets View Post
    ok, I took a quick look at your posts and couldnt seem to find a posted diet with the macros for you. I could have missed it. I noticed your diet seems to change from day to day. This is fine as long as it fits the macros you have worked out for yourself. Its not fine if you are eating this way do to lack of planning. Planning out your meal ahead of time will make sure you are eating what you should, when you should. Just keep this in mind as you plan for your next day. Food prep is key.
    MY CHALLENGE and the TRUTH....and the best advice. Get this down? And it all works out~

  25. #25
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    Thanks a lot Nephets, my diet is on another thread at the bottom of the first page I believe. I will write it out here.

    Meal 1
    150g Oats with slices banana in water + multi vit tablet.

    Meal 2
    Half Serving Serious Mass Shake

    Meal 3
    2 Hard Boiled Eggs on the side, with Beans on whole grain Toast

    Meal 4 - Pre Workout
    Tuna and Pasta

    Meal 5 - Post Workout
    Instant Whey and an apple or banana

    Meal 6
    Chicken/Fish/Beef and brown rice 100g

    Meal 7 - post 6pm no carbs
    Protein Shake

    Meal 8
    Cottage Cheese and crackers to help it go down. May now be adding a couple of almonds into the mix. Fish Oils tablet ( omega 3/6/9)

    Very roughly 230g protein (I weight 155)
    400g carbs (hardgainer)
    70g fats (mostly essentials)
    3200 calories a day (beats by 1500 from before)

    Generally all meals are roughly 1.5 hours after the last. Meal 6 must be at or before 6. Roughly sticking to this everyday with a few alterations based on appetite/time restraints or discipline. I feel as I get used to this diet more I will find it easier, as I am almost doubling my intake on some of these foods while cutting out all the nice ones instantly. I am already growing fond of the oats though :P

    I will post Day 4 below this, following your advice. Thanks for replying!
    Last edited by Jonesyy; 05-05-2011 at 03:27 AM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    nova scotia
    ok, glad you got your diet up. One quick thing before I go to work. You should not have a protein only meal like in meal 7. Add something too it. Complex carbs or good fats. As for your PWO meal, I would replace the banana with oats, but thats just my personal preference.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nephets View Post
    ok, glad you got your diet up. One quick thing before I go to work. You should not have a protein only meal like in meal 7. Add something too it. Complex carbs or good fats. As for your PWO meal, I would replace the banana with oats, but thats just my personal preference.
    I was under the impression carbs before bed was a bad idea? May well be misinformed mindst.

    You think the rest is ok? And the amount? Feel like I should be closer to 4000 in calories, not sure where from though!

  28. #28
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    If you just went from 1500-3200 then i would give it a couple weeks to see if your gaining. If you are getting stronger and heavier with no noticeable fat increase, then stay where you are at. If your not gaining weight or getting stronger then slowly increase the calories. The goal here is to gain muscle. If you just want to get heavy then you can eat 10000 cal per day and you'll be there in no time flat. As for the carbs, if your trying to gain I wouldn't worry about them at 6pm just yet. If you don't feel comfortable eating carbs late then get some good fats into ya. A protein only meal is useless.

  29. #29
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    Glad I heard this early on :L
    I know simple carbs are a no-no before bed because you end up buzzin' your tits off till 3am. Pasta probably simplest/tastiest option.


    Day 4 BoooooM

    Got up a wee bit later today, half 9. Had my oats, nana, same old same old. Just realised I need some photos before I start looking at changes so you know where I stand atm.

    Before I left I made my pasta/tuna/2 hardboiled eggs and had my half serving mass. Couldn't eat the eggs so put them in the lunch with the tuna/pasta for later.

    Ate that meal at about half 1pm after I handed in an assignment and then hit the gym about half hour later. Shoulders today. Was a decent sesh, still much better than I was a few weeks ago. Energy wise I am seeing great gains, which is buffing my strength back to it's potential.

    Got some and made pasta/chicken/sausage kind of... meal lol. Just always trying to vary this particular meal slightly every day. Next time I go shopping I'll probably buy a fillet of fish.

    Now again, Cottage Cheese, crackers and some of the pasta I failed to eat.

    I'll weight myself at Day 8 and see if there has been any form of development. My muscles already feel... fuller. Can tell due to my shirt feeling stretched. COuld be water weight. Either way happier.

  30. #30
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    Day 5

    Approaching the one week now, and I have finished my gym-week so to speak. The only odd thing I have noticed is that my body (back especially) is still aching from Tuesday. Odd. Like I worked it out yesterday.

    You get the idea about my diet now so I will just post it in meal numbers:

    11am - Meal 1
    Had a wee lie in today

    12:30 - Pasta and Tuna

    2pm - Protein drink, now out of serious mass.

    3pm - Doctors appointment for Malaria tablets for my Kili climb.

    4pm - Arms day, went well.

    6pm - Meal 6

    7:30 - bowl of pasta, and some beans as out of cottage cheese.

    8:30 - Protein drink and slice of brown bread

    10pm - Bed

  31. #31
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    This is me currently (aka 1 week into new diet so I doubt there is much change from a week ago). As you can see 150-155 on a 6'2" body has made me desperate to sort my life out. My goal is 20-30Lbs, to give me a lean but built look..

    Main areas of focus are:
    1. Chest
    2. Shoulders
    3. Legs
    4. Back
    5. Arms

    Abs would come 3rd but currently these will see hardly any change until I am done builking and go to cutting. I will be working them twice a week though. Monday and Thursday.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  32. #32
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    Hi......To me you have an advantage. Many members have to cut first to get rid of a lot of BF. So keep up your good attitude and before long you will start seeing REAL results. We had a transformation challenge here from Jan thru March and the link below will help to show you an example of one of our members.....

    check out specifically post # 30 and this was done in 12 weeks....before/after photos
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    THanks for the link slimmer, post 30 was interesting as he is similar to me, although I would have thought 20lbs would have had a bigger appearance change, but he does seem to have bigger legs than me as well. Some of the posts are really inspiring though.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonesyy View Post
    THanks for the link slimmer, post 30 was interesting as he is similar to me, although I would have thought 20lbs would have had a bigger appearance change, but he does seem to have bigger legs than me as well. Some of the posts are really inspiring though.
    He put on 20 pounds of clean clean clean mass. And now he has a great base to work with which is coveted here. Building that natural solid base will get you to where you want to go. Shedding BF first is another challenge in itself. You are ahead of the game not fighting BF. Give yourself time. You will be a different person in 6 months if you hang here and absorb what the guys are telling you to do. I promise.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  35. #35
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    PS: Dpump came in 4th in the challenge behind 2 pros who compete. So that should tell you something about how the judges viewed his progress.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    PS: Dpump came in 4th in the challenge behind 2 pros who compete. So that should tell you something about how the judges viewed his progress.
    Hopefully I can make the same kind of progress then.

  37. #37
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    Day 6

    Woke up a bit late today. Can't let that become a habit.

    11am - Meal 1

    12pm - Meal 3

    1pm - Meal 4

    No Gym today
    2pm - Instant whey

    4pm - Meal 6

    6pm - Meal 8

    8pm - Oats + Protein drink

    Almost a week in now and noticed over past few days my protein intake has dropped due to running out of my serious mass. Going to keep my eye on it more now.


    Ok, now I am a week into my new diet I feel it is a good time to start looking for results. Due to this, I will be weighing and recording my body weight while taking more photos for a comparison.

    Also, I have come into a slight crisis. I don't know whether this is due to the new huge amount of carbs, or whether it is just me analysing my body and noticing what the past year of laziness has done, but I am getting fat. And not the arms/shoulders/chest fat that I can use, but fat on my stomach. I've never noticed my stomach look this... bloated... if that is the right word. Going to keep going for the next week with my current plan, but if this keeps up I have no idea what is going on and I will pull down the carbs levels.

    I can only conclude if this keeps up that I am not as ectomorphic as I originally thought, and when I was training before it was just the fact I never had the protein I needed to gain muscle mass.
    Last edited by Jonesyy; 05-08-2011 at 02:46 PM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Sorry you feel like you do....

    What are you eating? To help the members help you figure out all of this, you need to post the actual foods instead of simply meal 1, 2, 3, and so forth.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Sorry you feel like you do....

    What are you eating? To help the members help you figure out all of this, you need to post the actual foods instead of simply meal 1, 2, 3, and so forth.
    Well I eat the same thing everyday, or I specify if I deviate. Maybe the bloatedness is from the additional food? I must have sort of shocked my body lol.

    Day 7

    1 week in, yaaay.

    10am - Oats, Banana, Protein Drink, Multi Vit

    11:30am - Beans on 2 slices of brown bread (whole grain).

    1pm - Pasta and Tuna

    2pm - Gym, Legs and Abs

    3:30pm - Protein drink and an apple

    5pm - Dinner. Went for Beef this time, with rice and a fish oil tablet

    7pm - Handful of almonds and a cup of oats

    9pm - Cottage cheese and crackers

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    nova scotia
    At 3:30 I would dump the apple and get some complex carbs in there. What is the point of the 7 pm protein. You still have room for improvement in your diet. So you can look into that if your still getting fat.

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