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Thread: Im cutting now, decreased cal intake and carb. I feel flat and soft and lost abs?

  1. #1

    Im cutting now, decreased cal intake and carb. I feel flat and soft and lost abs?

    25 yrs old
    10-12% bf

    Currently on prop eod 80 mgs with arimidex at .5 eod about to add eq to the cycle.

    Ahhh im soo annoyed, i do this every year and i dont seem to understand what i do wrong. My goal is to be right at 10% bf or below which i think im at 12 now, also to get my wait down. I looked ripped but my wait seemed to thick for my uper body if you know what i mean. I like the athletic look, i have small bones but very huge uper body so when i get my waist down it makes me look sick. Now my problem is i look too soft right now, i also lost my abs and my veins do not show like they used to. Im way to tired to write out my diet right now but if i have to i will tomm. Im looking for some tricks or anything to stay hard and cut not soft and flat. Im just so confused how is it when i ate more and did less cardio i had abs but loooked too thick and now that i eat little less and do more cardio it all went to shit.

  2. #2
    I prob should add that i recently prob dropped 5 lbs. I dont mind the way i look, specially that i dont wait doesnt look as thick but im just soft and getting flat. Usually when i cross over 210 lbs my face gets little bigger which i absolutley HATE

    I prob consume about 250-350 grams of protien a day
    200-350 grams of carbs but latley it has been prob 150-250 grams
    fat prob 30-60 grams

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    if you are flat a carb up will fix that. The secret to this is to just get the fat off, deal with being flat, and then when you reintroduce carbs you will fill back up. Up your cardio to 1.5 hours per day, and up your carbs a little if you want. Just strip off the fat and get it over with.

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