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Thread: Help!!!!!!!

  1. #1


    Well I thought had a good diet but After looking around I think it sucks. Please help!!
    Typical day Monday - Friday
    Breakfast 1 cup to 1.5 of oatmeal and a cup of fruit
    Or a bowl of cereal and peanut butter bagel

    After gym protein shake mad mass 56 protein and 1000 carbs

    Lunch as much as possible aka left overs (ribs, chicken spagetti ect)
    Or four sandwiches and a protein bar

    Snack mad mass

    Dinner same as lunch

    Bed time mad mass

    Hate veggies eat them when I can but I take one a day for a vitamin
    I try to drink 4 liters a day of water but that is tough for me I'm Probably at 2-3
    I am 28 and 6'3 don't know my body fat???
    I weight 215 I would like to be 230-50
    Just got off a cycle of 500 of sus and 400 deca a week
    Using clomid and hcg for pct

    I do heavy lifting twice a week shoulder and chest then legs and back, 300 work out and crossfit other 2 days
    Basketball once a week and softball
    Please help this skinny mess

    Please help this skinny kid!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    post a pic and someone will tell you your bf%

    No ones gonna help you with this diet till you organize it and figure up your own macro's
    for example:

    Meal 1 , Time
    Item, (protien/carbs/fat/calories)
    item (protien/carbs/fat/calories)
    Item (protien/carbs/Fat/calories)
    Totals (protien/carbs/fat/calories)

    do this for each meal then totals for the day.

  3. #3
    thank you

    so i my first mean is 5:30 am
    oat meal cal: 380, fat 6, carb 60, protein 12
    fruit bowl: cal 70, f 0, car 17, p 1
    milk: cal 110, f 2.5, car 12, p 9
    total cal 560, f 8.5, car 89, p 22

    shake 9 am- 10am cal 972, f 7.5, car 170, p 56

    lunch 1pm
    bread cal 480, fat .9, carb 96, p 18
    ham cal 135, fat 3.75, car 4.5, p 18
    pep cal 260, f 22, carb 0, p 14
    total cal 875, f 26.65, car 100.5, p 50

    mad mas 3pm cal 972, f 7.5, car 170, p 56

    dinner 7pm
    turkey cal 140, fat 2.5, carb 0, p 29
    pasta cal 310, f 1.5, carb 66, p 11
    sauce ???
    total cal 450, fat 4, carb 66, p 40

    8:30 mad mass
    cal 972, f 7.5, car 170, p 56

    cal 4801, fat 61.65, car 765, p 280

    i can get a pic up this weds

    thanks again

  4. #4
    here are some pics
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	photo.JPG 
Views:	101 
Size:	1.19 MB 
ID:	115734   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	92 
Size:	270.7 KB 
ID:	115735  

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