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Thread: ** Morning weight training - Nutrition **

  1. #1
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    ** Morning weight training - Nutrition **

    Ok guys, for the first time ever I am going to train first thing in the morning 2moro (weight training)

    As far as my food intake I have eaten a large carb meal before bed 1 lb of sweet potato...

    In the morning I plan to wake up and down a shake containing....

    100g oats
    60g whey
    1 bannana
    300mg cafein

    I also then plan to drink a pre-WO drink on the way to the gym containing...

    10g BCAA's
    10g Glutamine
    5g Creatine
    100g dextrose

    I will then eat a normal real food meal PWO consisting of...

    8oz chicken breast
    1 lb White potato

    I wanna start a discussion to we what you guys who trainin in the AM do....

    Input please...
    Last edited by baseline_9; 06-02-2011 at 02:39 PM.
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

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  2. #2
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    to me, it all depends on what i am doing. plus, we have different goals. i use to do the protein pancakes and a pre-workout drink (amino energy from ON) on days i was weight training. on days where i would go run/bike for 1 hour plus, i would eat the protein pancake plus a lot of fresh fruit that are low in fiber(try to keep from bloating) and take in GU energy packets (100cals and has 5g BCAA) every 30-45 minutes. this week i have been adopting this 'paleo' style of eating so i am doing 3 egg whites 1 whole egg with onions, bell peppers, celery, and mushrooms, and 1/2 cup strawberries 1/4 cup blueberries. i drink 25g maltodextrin with amino energy (has 10g BCAA) during the workout. only been doing that this week so i will know a little better after a week or two. energy level has been the same but with out the bloated feeling of oatmeal. for post workout AM, i usually do a whey shake containing 1/2 banana and raisins. for post workout PM, i like to have a meal with real food.
    Last edited by RaginCajun; 06-02-2011 at 02:44 PM.

  3. #3
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    I've been doing it for 2.5 years mate! You might want to consider adding a banana and/or some berries to your morning oats for a bit of immediate energy. It will work synergystically with the caffeine, at least it did for me.

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I've been doing it for 2.5 years mate! You might want to consider adding a banana and/or some berries to your morning oats for a bit of immediate energy. It will work synergystically with the caffeine, at least it did for me.
    Forgot to add that there is a bannana blended into that shake LOL
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  5. #5
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    I dont see a need for some of the Pre-WO shake. Well, it depends on how long your taking your first shake to training.

    Why take in BCAA's when 60g Whey has a boatload of them... I'd ad the CM to your first shake and your done.

    Why 100g Dex? Slin?

    As for Glutamine, its good for immune function, but thats it.

  6. #6
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    I can't train without at least 2 solid meals so I will stay out of this. I can't get full without at least two meals. Pump is important to me and I can't do that without the carbs and hydration.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    .Why 100g Dex? Slin?
    Base is a sucker for sugar... can't help that sweet tooth of his! =P

  8. #8
    Here's what I'm currently eating:

    Immediately upon waking
    -50g whey
    -1 large banana
    -2g vit C

    30min later pancakes made from
    -1 cup egg whites
    -1 cup oats
    -1 large egg

    Pre WO drink
    -5g beta alanine
    -2g aakg
    -300mg caffeine
    -5g L-glutamine
    -5g creatine monohydrate

  9. #9
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    9:30-wake up

    eat:4 jumbo egg whites 1 whole jumbo egg
    1cup oats with a little(ok im lying a lot) of splenda and cinnomon

    9:45- shit, shower(depending on what im working out) shave

    10:15-get to the gym etc.

    that gives me enough time to digest and not be too full to work out

  10. #10
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    Been doing this the past couple of months:

    Meal 1 0800- 5 egg whites, 1 egg, a little deli meat and added tomatoes/mushrooms
    Meal 2 1030- 1 can tuna, 1 cup oats
    w/o 1130- jack3d pre and bcaa during
    pwo-whey/banana shake and sweet potatoes

    Used to do 1 cup oats with meal 1 also, but switched to tomato/ mushroom combo in the omelette.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I dont see a need for some of the Pre-WO shake. Well, it depends on how long your taking your first shake to training.

    Why take in BCAA's when 60g Whey has a boatload of them Good point, it is just a pre-wo habit since I usually drink it intra workout on the evenings... I'd ad the CM to your first shake and your done.

    Why 100g Dex? Slin?No def no slin! Again I always add 40g of dex to my intra drink to spike slin and hopefully prevent further cortisol release..... Added the extra simply to ensure I have an abundance of cho during my training

    As for Glutamine, its good for immune function, but thats it.

    Just got back from the training session and it was fine, felt great....
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  12. #12
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    SO swifto, based on your feed back....

    Upon waking

    100g Oats
    60g whey
    1 Bannana
    5g CM

    Pre/Intra WO

    100g Dex?

    I do Like drinking the Dex durring training. It is the only time I take in simple carbs and IMO it is a better time that PWO for simple carbs..... This is my personal experience
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    SO swifto, based on your feed back....

    Upon waking

    100g Oats
    60g whey
    1 Bannana
    5g CM

    Pre/Intra WO

    100g Dex?

    I do Like drinking the Dex durring training. It is the only time I take in simple carbs and IMO it is a better time that PWO for simple carbs..... This is my personal experience
    I'm just not one for simple sugars any more. I prefer fruit, cant you eat a banana before training? Get all the benefits from the banana and quick acting carbs.

    How long do you go from drinking your first shake to training?

    If you didnt have Whey just before working out, I'm all for adding BCAA's etc... to intra-WO shakes, but thats not the case here.

    VitC pre-WO and PWO is an effective weapon against cortisol. Various steroids will also contribute to lowering COR.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I can't train without at least 2 solid meals so I will stay out of this. I can't get full without at least two meals. Pump is important to me and I can't do that without the carbs and hydration.
    i definitely agree with this statement, as i wish i had more time in the morning to hydrate adequately.

  15. #15
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I'm just not one for simple sugars any more. I prefer fruit, cant you eat a banana before training? Get all the benefits from the banana and quick acting carbs.

    How long do you go from drinking your first shake to training?

    If you didnt have Whey just before working out, I'm all for adding BCAA's etc... to intra-WO shakes, but thats not the case here.

    VitC pre-WO and PWO is an effective weapon against cortisol. Various steroids will also contribute to lowering COR.
    Yeh there was a bananna in the shake....

    I had that shake at 05.40 and trained at 06.00

    I drank the second dextrose based drink during my training session...

    As far as the Vit C I am going to read I to that.... I currently take a Vit C and a multi upon waking, pre WO and b4 bed....

    Not because of the cortisol simple because Those are times that I always will remember to take them...
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  16. #16
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    i am interested in the vit c thing as well.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Yeh there was a bananna in the shake....

    I had that shake at 05.40 and trained at 06.00

    I drank the second dextrose based drink during my training session...

    As far as the Vit C I am going to read I to that.... I currently take a Vit C and a multi upon waking, pre WO and b4 bed....

    Not because of the cortisol simple because Those are times that I always will remember to take them...

    Dump the BCAA's and Dex!! Your going over board.

    I have a small article here on VitC pre-WO and PWO.

  18. #18
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    interested swifto, care to post the link

  19. #19
    There's a ton of info and studies on vit c reducing excess cortisol and improving testosterone/cortisol ratio.

    Vitamin C consumption
    may also be important for sports people. In weighlifters the consumption of
    1000mg of Vitamin C, per day, for two weks, reduced cortisol levels after the
    weighlifting session (Marsit et al., 1998). A number of studies have shown
    positive effects of lowering cortisol in endurance athletes (Nieman et al.,
    2000; Peters et al., 2001a; Peters et al., 2001b). The researchers demonstrated
    that higher intakes of Vitamin C (1500mg) were more beneficial than lower
    intakes (500mg) (Nieman et al., 2000; Peters et al., 2001b). However, lower
    doses were still beneficial. Peters et al., (2001a) found that the consumption
    of 2x500mg of vitamin C, daily, lowered cortisol by 30% post race. In fact just
    200mg, twice daily, may be enough to reduce muscle soreness, and improve muscle
    function (Thomson et al., 2001). Cortisol causes a number of negative effects
    including: increased muscle breakdown, reduced muscle glycogen levels, and
    decreased immune function. Therefore by consuming additional Vitamin C on an
    ongoing basis you may reduce your risk of infection, decrease muscle breakdown
    and increase your rate of recovery.
    Vitamin C
    supplementation (500-1000mg/day) has also been shown to reduce the amount of
    protein oxidation that occurs during exercise (Goldfarb et al., 2003). When
    combined with Vitamin E, it may be even more beneficial to sports persons. A
    combination of 500mg of Vitamin C and 1,200IU of Vitamin E was found to
    attenuate the drop in work rate, compared with the placebo group, during 300
    maximal eccentric contractions (Shafat et al., 2004).

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