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Thread: BF% estimate and diet help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    BF% estimate and diet help.

    Me- I'm 37 and 5'7" tall. This is my first cycle. I'm in week 6 of 300mg/wk Deca and 125mg Sus EOD. I've already been bashed about the drug and dosage choices so let's keep that to a minimum.

    This is day 1. Typical day used to be 2-2.5kcal and 100-150g of protein. Weights 3-4 times a week and 2-2.5hrs of cardio. I was 180lbs.

    This is week 6 of my cycle. Typical day now is 2.5-3kcal and I'm TRYING to go 200-250+g protein but finding eating more than that difficult. It should be noted that I've cut my cardio back to maybe 1hr a week and I've also gone from 60 sec of rest between sets to 120sec.

    Week 6. 196lbs.

    Sorry, if the pics aren't enough to help. I absolutely hate pictures because I hate my body.

    Ok, I work shift work so these times can be AM or PM.

    - Breakfast (2AM or noon) - bowl of cereal, 2% hi protein milk.

    - 5 o'clock - Nutri-system for men meal. Usually 400-500 cal. 20-30g protein, 40-50g carb.

    - 8 o'clock - can of tuna or protein bar. 2 servings of fruit.

    - 12 noon or midnight - another Nutri-System meal. 400-500 cal, 20-30g protein, 40-50 carb.

    - 2 o'clock - casein protein shake. 40g protein.

    On day shifts I'll eat one more meal around 6-7 pm. It's usually chicken or ground beef with rice or pasta. Not super sure of the macros there. And then another 40g casein protein shake right before bed. Coming home from nights I'll have another 40g casein protein right before bed.

    Post workout is 40g of whey right after and PPW is the Nutri System meals above. My workout is after day shift or on the way into work on nights.

    Whew. Sorry for the long post. Let the bashing begin.

    Last edited by Catch; 06-12-2011 at 03:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Im guessing..uhh 14%??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigd89 View Post
    Im guessing..uhh 14%??
    That was my guess too, but I also wanted some more trained eyes to tell me if I'm adding body fat. I feel like I am but that might just be a little bloat or feeling like a hog from eating so much. My typical mindset is staying cut. Trying to put on weight is a new concept for me.

    Also, where can I get some of those BF% calipers? How accurate are those?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    nutri-system??? are you a man on steroids or a woman trying to lose a couple pounds?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GoNoles99 View Post
    nutri-system??? are you a man on steroids or a woman trying to lose a couple pounds?
    Oh, lord. I knew I was going to catch hell for that. It's a convenience thing. I don't know what your lives are like, but mine is busy as shit. I try to cook and prepare solid meals as much as I can, but the Nutri System is a fall back when I need to throw something in the lunchbox in the 5 minutes I have before work. I know everybody is busy and it's no excuse, but damn, I don't even have time to get proper sleep, let alone prepare custom tailored gourmet meals every day.
    Last edited by Catch; 06-12-2011 at 03:59 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Catch View Post
    Oh, lord. I knew I was going to catch hell for that. It's a convenience thing. I don't know what your lives are like, but mine is busy as shit. I try to cook and prepare solid meals as much as I can, but the Nutri System is a fall back when I need to throw something in the lunchbox in the 5 minutes I have before work. I know everybody is busy and it's no excuse, but damn, I don't even have time to get proper sleep, let alone prepare custom tailored gourmet meals every day.
    It's not that hard to prepare bodybuilding meals.

    I can throw some chicken or beef on the stove, heat up some broccoli and throw some almonds on my plate, takes under 10 minutes. If time too pressing of an issue or you are eating at work, cook a bunch of chicken and rice on the weekend or whenever you are free and package it up in individual tupperware containers and store it in your fridge.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I would highly advise pre cooking all of your meals 2x per week....just heat up and you are ready to go. There are all sorts of excuses for everyone, but at the end of the day you are responsible for how many and what type of calories go in your body. I personally am on the road 3-4 days per week so I cook all my meals ahead of time, but them in tuperware, and bring a cooler with me. It's a pain, but I know exactly how much is going in my body and don't have to rely on McDonalds to fill a meal at any time.

    Best of luck the rest of the way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Impossible to tell BF from those pics mate. Need to see your guns and wheels (arms and legs).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Wow bro... all kidding aside... your diet is horrendous as far as BBer standards are concerned. We all have busy lives, but we find a way to make it work, even if it's not ideal. What you're doing is way too far outside of 'ideal'.

    My honest recommendation - drop your entire diet and build a new one from scratch. Read the sticky's, learn how to diet for gains and/or fat loss. I'll post one of my previous diets below - it's kind of old now but should suffice to give you an idea.

    GB's Current Diet:



    Premier protein shake - 30/5/3/160
    1 cup oats - 10/52/5/280
    1 Extra Large Whole Egg - 7/0/5/90
    1/2 cup liquid egg whites - 12/2/0/60
    1/2 cup blueberries - 0/10/0/40

    TOTALS: 60/70/12.5/620

    5:30am - WORKOUT, followed by 1 hour cardio


    1 cup oats - 10/52/5/280
    2 scoops Myofusion - 50/10/6/315

    TOTAL: 60/60/11/600

    MEAL 3

    6oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast - 36/0/2.5/165
    7oz Sweet Potato - 3/35/0/150
    1 Cup Green Beans - 1/4/0/20

    TOTALS: 40/40/2/350

    MEAL 4

    4oz 95/5 Lean Ground Beef - 35/0/7/200
    1/2 cup (a little over) Brown Rice - 5/40/1/180
    1/4 cup tomato sauce - 0/3/0/12
    2 cups baby spinach - 2/2/0/15

    TOTALS: 40/45/8/415

    MEAL 5

    3/4 cup 1% Milk Fat Cottage Cheese, No Sodium Added: 20/7.5/2.5/135
    1 scoop ON 100% Casein - 24/3/1/120
    2tbsp PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter - 4/6/1/50

    TOTALS: 50/15/4/300

    MEAL 6

    6oz Broiled Tilapia - 35/0/3/165
    1 cup broccoli - 3/6/0/30
    1tsp EVOO - 0/0/5/45

    TOTALS: 40/6/8/235

    MEAL 7

    1 cup 1% Milk Fat Cottage Cheese, No Sodium Added: 26/10/3/180

    TOTALS: 26/10/3/180 (could add more fats here but happy with totals as is)

    DAILY TOTALS: 315/250/50/2700

    46% protein, 37% carbs, 17% fat

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