Hello I did 5 month bulk and made some gains, but got fairly high bf % like 18.
I workout 4 days a week and I try to allways work as hard as I can.
My macronutriens are now like this: 300 g prot, 370 g carbs, 90 g fat, 3500 calories daily.
I'm doing also cardio 3-4 times a week , because my gym isn't open on weekends for summer.(20 mins HIIT + 25 mins medium speed.
So I found this calculator for fatloss on oficcial bodybuilding site and did some research on macronutrient ratios for cutting.
I found ratio: 40 % prot, 40 % carbs, 20 % fat to suit me well and macronutrients look like this for fat loss: 294 g prot, 294 g carbs , 65 g fat ,2938 calories.
So my question is that can I drop my first macronutrient amounts to macronutrient amounts that I got from that fat loss calculator? P.S I'm currently natty so don't advice me to bump my protein intake till heaven.