How are we?
Well I've been browsing threw this site for a year now and thought about time I sign up!
Well I'm 21 and have been training for a year and roughly a few months!
I'm 6ft4 and 90 kgs! Mind you I used to be that height and around 75 kgs so I've come along way!
Anyway, here's my diet.
5:30am - 6am:
2 packets of oats (not sure if I'm eating the best ones) and 5 eggs!
7am: three scoops of whey protien with milk.
Until 10am I most likely eat a protien bar / eat nuts! ( I am a tradesman so am on the tools constantly so it's abit hard)
10am: 2 cans of tuna (drain the oil) with brown rice and vegetables ( ocassionaly)
In-between Id have the nuts.
1pm. Half - full chicken with sweet potato/salad!
4pm, straight after work a protien shake and some fruit!
5:30pm get home from work and might have a few egg whites with some tuna!
6:30 gym , jack3d and a apple.
7:30 after the gym, three scoops of whey protien and 50gram protien bar!
8 - 8:30, I'll have a steak with some pasta (depending)
9 or so In bed!
In te morning I have three table spoons of omega three and 2-3 liters of water!