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Thread: Please critique my possible diet plan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new jersey

    Please critique my possible diet plan

    breakfast: oatmeal/ceral 1cup skim milk 9 egg white
    503cal 51.3prt 67carbs 14fiber 4fat

    post workout: shake OJ
    330cal 46prt 32carbs 3fat

    1hr later: 1/2 canteloup 1 1/4cup skim cottege cheese
    294cal 35.3prt 39.8carb 1fat 2.1 fiber

    3hr later: 4oz banana, 24pz brocolli, tuna
    490cal 68prt 61carbs 2fat

    3 later: 7oz chicken, 1oz peanuts
    503cal 46prt 6carbs 2fiber 15fat

    2hr before bed: 9oz chicken
    431cal 50prt 1fat

    daily totals: 2551cal 295.6prt 266.8carbs 18fiber 26fat

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Northern VA
    What are your stats? Protein intake seems a bit high, but hard to tell without your stats. I would cut the dairy and fruit if I were you, or keep it to one serving each in the first 2 meals. Too much sugar IMO...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new jersey
    im 6ft2 330-340 lbs it fluxuates

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    What is your percent body fat?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new jersey
    dunno. all i know is too fucking much. maybe %40+

  6. #6
    Since your bf% is over 40% you might want to drop the carbs below 100 grams a day (maybe more) and really focus on the cardio. Make sure to calories in don't exceed calories out. Very important!
    I'm sure you realize that you have alot of work cut out for yourself, but there are alot of knowledgeable ppl on this board that are willing to dispense good advice if your willing to put in the work. Remember there's no miracle pill out there...just hard work. Make a plan and stick it! Best of luck...Usualsuspect

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Northern VA
    Over 40 thats alot. But mine was about 35 and now is about 12-13. If I were you, I think 2500 calories is too low for you, maybe 3000 is more reasonable. I would start at 200g of carbs then up 50 each day til day 4 then cycle down. For example:

    Day 1 200g
    Day 2 250g
    Day 3 300g
    Day 4 350g
    Day 5 300g
    Day 6 250g
    Day 7 200g

    Find your BF%. Lets say its 40%. DO this until you stop losing weight or set a mini goal for yourself like to 30%. Once you get to 30%, have day 1 start with 150g of carbs and cycle that. I feel this way allows you to get in that extra carb meal you been craving within a few days instead of carbing up every week and possibly indulging. Before you go on this diet though, start to do cardio 2-3 times for a week, then 3-4 times the next week, then 4-5 times the third week THEN start your diet.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Enough has been said in the above posts. Listen to them. BTW, make sure what carbs you do get come in the form of Veggies, maybe a little fruit, and whole grains. No instant anything, milk carbs, sugars.........


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by painintheazz
    make sure what carbs you do get come in the form of Veggies, maybe a little fruit, and whole grains. No instant anything, milk carbs, sugars.........

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new jersey
    thanx for all the help guys imma get started ASAP and keep y'all posted

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