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Thread: Belly Fat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Belly Fat

    Guys i just want to loss my belly fat so looking for some diet suggestion and exercise to reduce fat... so please share diet plan and exercise with me...
    Peninsula Boot Camp
    Last edited by Falkner; 07-02-2011 at 02:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Near Barrie
    Well I don't think there is alot of people going to share there plans, The best thing to do is look around this forum and grab a few and try to make your own.

    But for starters: Look at what you intake as of today, cause if that belly isn't going away then you aren't eating right, cause with a good diet you should be able to lose weight without working out, anyays back to the look at what you eat. Write everything down on paper and take the Cal/Fat/Carb/Protein.. put them into 6 meal or maybe 7. And add them up and post them on here and the PRO will say what you should change.

    And makesure you look at your weight now and try to get atless 1.5-2g of protein per pound. (so if you weight at 200 then you should have atless 300g of protein total a day)

    Now so working out, It is all Cardio for losing the belly, emtpy stomach in the morning at night if you can, you can use weights if you like, all depends on your goals...

    Last edited by strong_web; 07-01-2011 at 04:51 AM.

  3. #3
    cardio , lower ur sugar

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Welcome! Post up what you eat so the members can review and make suggestions. That is the best way to get help here.

    Enjoy the site~
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  5. #5
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Falkner - welcome...belly fat is the last to go for a lot of people. I read women will not show lean six packs unless they are in the mid to low teens of bf% / elite athletes for example. I have a gf, after three children, who has 6 pack and is ripped. She eats correctly and exercises most everyday. She swears by "insanity" which is an intense cardio/plyometric workout. I have never tried this system, nor am I promoting for you or others on this board, but she is the only woman I know who has ripped abs and is in her 30s after 3 kids. She is not genetically thin and works hard at it, although she does carry her weight in the thighs and not the stomach (as do I). AND Of course, she has the diet going for her which is key. I am at 20% BF and I do not have ripped abs. I have hard abs, but can't see em yet. I read your profile and you are in a much better position then me. Your skin is still highly elastic and even if you are over ideal weight range, perhaps you can shed it now and not YEARS/DECADES from now. It is a lifestyle which I am still trying to figure out myself. There is some really useful info on diet. Some in the sticky notes, others that I think should be sticky notes: check out these.

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  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falkner View Post
    Guys i just want to loss my belly fat so looking for some diet suggestion and exercise to reduce fat... so please share diet plan and exercise with me...
    Peninsula Boot Camp
    No outside links to be posted in threads.

  7. #7
    Diet, diet, diet. Be active. Then, and only then, consider using a low-level laser to destroy fat cells. Worth investigating.

  8. #8
    Eating fat-friendly diet would not only stop enlargement of belly but would also help body to fight fat. You must start eating 5-6 mini meals in a day rather than 3 main and larger meals. It would help lose belly fat as we will be eating less during main meals. Cardio exercises these are also very beneficial if you plan to lose belly fat.

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