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Thread: Sugar Cravings

  1. #1
    Fevershock's Avatar
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    Sugar Cravings

    Hey All ~

    I was hoping that one of the pros on here could help put into perspective what happens when sugar is introduced into a diet for leaning out or cutting. E.g. I'm trying to lean out and have came a good ways, but I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth that loves cupcakes!

    While I know these are poison to my goals, I sometimes can't help myself as we all have our issues. Is there anyway to put into perspective how much of a set back this cheats can be? I mean is there a way to say by eating cupcakes as your cheat meal you are setting your progress back 2 days or slowing down your metabolism by 40% for XX minutes?

    My opinion is that it differs from person to person based on a number of factors. But what is everyone's opinion on this topic?


  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Sugar cravings - join the club, I also have an insatiable sweet tooth.

    Nobody can say how much of a setback eating this or that will create. It depends mostly on how much you eat; i.e. if you burned 3500 calories (1lb) over the course of a week and go nuts on day 8, you can EASILY eat 3500 calories of junk food like cakes. Bakery type foods are the double wammy - high carb/sugar AND high fat. It doesn't get much worse.

    If you can afford a cheat meal, plan it, and have A cupcake or two with the meal - but that's it. Eating a dozen cupcakes goes deeper than just being a bad cheat. It exhibits obsessive behaviors and habits with regards to food. I speak from experience, so trust me on this!

  3. #3
    cue_artist's Avatar
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    ^^ agree with the above. I try to have some sort of sweet once a week on a planned cheat meal too. But what I always do before eating my cheat meal to is drink two large cup of waters and start with some veggies. I found this technique to work best for me because it gets me full very quickly minimizing and decreases my food portions

  4. #4
    Fevershock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Sugar cravings - join the club, I also have an insatiable sweet tooth.

    Nobody can say how much of a setback eating this or that will create. It depends mostly on how much you eat; i.e. if you burned 3500 calories (1lb) over the course of a week and go nuts on day 8, you can EASILY eat 3500 calories of junk food like cakes. Bakery type foods are the double wammy - high carb/sugar AND high fat. It doesn't get much worse.

    If you can afford a cheat meal, plan it, and have A cupcake or two with the meal - but that's it. Eating a dozen cupcakes goes deeper than just being a bad cheat. It exhibits obsessive behaviors and habits with regards to food. I speak from experience, so trust me on this!
    That's a fair statement gbrice. You know this might sound weird, but I can almost tell how many days of a set back it puts me. For instance, I fall into the obsessive personality which you mentioned above, and ate 8 cupcakes in one day!?!?!? If I'm being honest I then ate another 3 the next day. If my defense they were cookies and cream with Oreo at the bottom baked in - lol. Yes, I know. Anyways, I feel like the area around my stomach is now holding more than it was say 2 days prior to this incident and will take workout and clean diet about 4-5 days to make up from this setback.

    Anyways, your point is well made and I'm back on track today. Thanks for your reply gbrice! Any advice on fighting the cravings? i.e tricks for food. I keep some sugar free jello on hand, but it hardly compares to cupcakes ;-)
    Last edited by Fevershock; 07-09-2011 at 08:28 AM.

  5. #5
    Fevershock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cue_artist View Post
    ^^ agree with the above. I try to have some sort of sweet once a week on a planned cheat meal too. But what I always do before eating my cheat meal to is drink two large cup of waters and start with some veggies. I found this technique to work best for me because it gets me full very quickly minimizing and decreases my food portions
    Cue this is a good suggestion and was taught to me sometime back by a trainer buddy. But I'm not always the best at practicing it :-(

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fevershock View Post
    Cue this is a good suggestion and was taught to me sometime back by a trainer buddy. But I'm not always the best at practicing it :-(
    I feel ya... there are SO many good 'practices' that I know I should implement but just can't seem to make a part of my regular routines.

  7. #7
    FreshOatmeal's Avatar
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    Geez, I have the same issue but not with cupcakes... it seems to be with everything else! Filling up with water and some greens sounds like a great tip. Thanks!

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    PK-V's Avatar
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