Going to putting a Keto article up on my other thread, wanted to include a sample diet. This is what I threw together (was a long day at work, I have all the macros saved on my phone cause I'm that cool I stop and write down macros as I shop at Costco)
Any mistakes in this diet ? (Aside from including Fish and nuts/nut butter). Let's assume the calories are sufficient for a hypothetical person.
Sample Proposed Ketogenic Diet
Macros = Protein/Fat/Carbs/Total Calories
Meal 1 (Preworkout): 7:00am
3 XL Eggs 18/15/3/210
1 TBSP EVOO 0/14/0/120
1 Cup Broccoli
2 Cups Spinach
150g Egg Whites 15/0/0/75
Totals = 33/29/3/405
Meal 2 (Postworkout): 9:30am
2 Scoops Whey Protein 48/1/6/240
3 TBSP EVOO 0/42/0/420
Totals = 48/43/6/660
Meal 3: 1:00pm
100g Lean Ground Beef 20/0/15/210
2 Teaspoon (10ml) Flax Seed Oil 0/0/9/80
1 Cup Green Beans
Totals = 20/24/0/290
Meal 4: 4:00pm
150g Chicken Thigh Bone-In,Skin-In 24/28/0/360
3 Cups Broccoli
Totals = 24/28/0/360
Meal 5: 7:00pm
110g Smoke Oyster 20/24/4/300
Meal 6: 10:00pm
1 Scoop Casein 24/1/3/120
1 TBSP Flax Seed 4/6/4/80
Totals = 30/7/7/200
Totals = 175/155/14/2155
51% Protein/45% Fat/4% Carbs