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Thread: High protein in take and body fat loss

  1. #1

    High protein in take and body fat loss

    Lets say you're body burns 3500 calories per day, which includes some form of exercise everyday.

    and you eat exactly 3500 calories per day

    BUT say only 2300 of those calories consist of fats and carbs. (the remaining 1200 calories are from protein)

    Would you still burn body fat?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by jg42058p View Post
    Lets say you're body burns 3500 calories per day, which includes some form of exercise everyday.

    and you eat exactly 3500 calories per day

    BUT say only 2300 of those calories consist of fats and carbs. (the remaining 1200 calories are from protein)

    Would you still burn body fat?
    a) not sure what the point of this question is... very few people are going to burn 3500 calories/day.

    b) the question is impossible to answer because there are too many variables. i.e. what is the subjects current body composition? What is the quality of protein, carbs and fats being consumed? Are we talking 2300 calories of sugar and trans fats, or complex carbs and EFA's?

    I think what you're getting at is if you eat at your maintenance level, will you still burn bodyfat... generally, eating at maintenance is the point where you will neither gain or lose weight (fat, LBM, whatever) although that's also a very general statement as it still depends on the quality of foods, the exercise regimen (weight training, or cardio, or both??).

  3. #3
    a.) Do you think 3500 calories is higher than most people burn on a 7 day exercise regime?

    Even if the numbers were different; burning 3000, eating 3000 with only 2000 being from carbs/fats... Just wondering if there would still be an effect

    b.) I see how you mean by the ambiguity, so perhaps I'll take a shot at specifying a little more and see if there might be a good outcome...

    Lets say the 2300calories were of good carbs and fats; complex carbs and EFAs

    The regimen is cardio and weights. Weights 2x week and cardio 5x week. Generally doing some form of exercise 7 days/week. I jog 5x week, and on the two days I rest I lift weights.
    Last edited by jg42058p; 07-23-2011 at 12:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jg42058p View Post
    Lets say you're body burns 3500 calories per day, which includes some form of exercise everyday.

    and you eat exactly 3500 calories per day

    BUT say only 2300 of those calories consist of fats and carbs. (the remaining 1200 calories are from protein)

    Would you still burn body fat?
    1,200 cals out of 3,500 is not a high protein intake... It's actually lower than normal for most guys.

    Maintenance is maintenance and you won't lose or gain. Lower fat percentages way down and I would imagine there would be a little weight loss but that would be the same thing as lowering your calories slightly as your body has to convert carbs to fat stores which takes more energy.

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