Not sure if posted in right spot, so feel free to advice me to another part of the forum if so.
Current status is something within the lines of cant stand what i see in the mirror, unhappy and feeling crap about how i look, on the edge to a little depression almost..and very tired hearing about how much weight ive gained from family and friends when i see them the odd times a year.. Obviously im overweight at the current weight of aprox 97kg nicely put on my 25yo and 180cm tall body.. not quite sure about the body fat %, but close to 25 or more maybe? To top the whole thing up, 3/3 doctors i've visited tells me i got gyno as wall (yay! go me!). Something that deffo doesnt help the selfimage, and im close to give it all up tbh..Cant even sit topless in the garden, cus i hate what i see and feel absolutely crap about it. So deffo no beaches this summer.. I once used to be very active in sports and was rather scarliy thin at times. Good thing (i guess) is that ive been told to lose 2st and apparantly i will look very differently.
Things needs to change..Its either that or rot in front of a computer game.. Think i chose a change!
Most importantly i need to lose about 15kg, but would like to make it 20kg so that im down to 75kg or so.
But in all honestly i dont know where to start.. Trying to wrap my head around diets, what to eat and what not, but seem to fail at it.. And dont know how to count cals and all that really.
And what about all these pills out there that says theyre burning fat etc etc? Any good? Heard about Ephidrine as well, but thats about it..'heard about it'. And keto? Does it really work at this weight and size, or?
Exercise atm is doing a morning run before breakfast 3-4 times a week.. Because of crap shape its not lasting long atm, and high pollen count makes breathing living hell at times, but mapped the round to be 2,6miles. Im planning on joining the local football team as well as i find running around is incredibly boring and feel like im not getting enough 'burn'..
Any ideas of what i could try, to maximise burn etc? Would it be wise to like join classes that does cardio and stuff? or maybe zumba, or some kinda boxing or something? Like i said im completely blank atm on where to start and what to do now..
I've also moved to a completely new place, so dont know anyone around here, so im pretty much in this all alone, without anyone to tag along or help motivate me..
Would be really nice if anyone could point me in the right direction, give some hints and tips, and maybe have some solutions.
It would be nice if the pictures from my sons christening in november would have me in it with a genuine smile and not looking chubby anymore. That would be real nice..