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  1. #1
    WEF2F2 is offline New Member
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    I Think I know a lot but......

    Okay here is the deal 5 years ago i was 210 lbs all gut ( im 5-8 on a good day)
    I lost weight and got all the way down to an unhealthy 155 lbs. three years later I am at 185 lbs according to the Bod Pod I am 13 percent BF. My issue is when I eat clean I maintain my weight well it seems if I eat like shit on the weekend I add 5-7 lbs litteraly. I used to believe it was just BS weight cause as I go in the gym for the week it would all go back down. Now it does not. I am being a bit of sissy about this as I have a fear of getting fat again but yet I am on TEST C and want to be bigger ?

    here is my typical diet:
    7:30 am shake with 30grms whey two huge spoons of nat pb, banana and OATS.

    9:00 - almonds and a shake (sometimes Ill get eqq whites instaed)

    10:30 I hit some type of lean meat

    11:30-12:00 Gym for an hour and half

    1:30-1:45 a shake and nuts

    3:00 a shake

    5:00 lean meat

    7:30 nuts

    10:00 Shake

    Im afraid im not eating enough however I want my BF arround 7-9. I know the simple answer dont eat like shit on weekends but need some balance. (when i say like shit i mean chips and salsa, maybay a cookie nothing real crazy but also some whiskey and cokes occasionaly some pizza. I still make sure I get 250 gr of prtien.

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome to the diet forum!

    Here is the deal: I remember our well respected Fireguy once saying something along these lines and I am paraphrasing:
    If you are not committed over the week-end then that is 30% of your time not spent on trying to change your body. And it is hard to change with 30% of time not dedicated.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    WEF2F2 is offline New Member
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    Okay so is that the only hole you see? Cause if thats it I can def make the change. I was worried that I am still eating like i am trying to loose weight. I def know how to loose fat I had great results and helped many people but that was before i found this wonderful addiction of lifting.
    Last edited by WEF2F2; 08-24-2011 at 02:29 PM.

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Could you try to eat some more real food? and do you have your macros? This would help a lot. Just listing Lean meat is not specific enough. What lean meat? and how much?

    Have you read some of the other threads here with similar goals to see what members are eating?
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  5. #5
    WEF2F2 is offline New Member
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    Yeah I read them they I saw the same maybee get one more meal aday in. I usually eat one chicken breast or hunk of turkey or fish for those lean meats.

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    SM is right - Mon-Friday is the 'week', and Friday evening through Sunday evening is the weekend for most people. So you basically have 4.5 days of a week, and 2.5 days of the weekend. That's alot of time to forget about your diet.

    There's only one word in this game that sorts people who make progress and people who dont: consistency. Nuff said.

  7. #7
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Well, I really don't like your 'midweek' diet.

    Too many shakes. Not enough carbs. Not enough/any veggies.

    Possibly too many meals!

    Can you list the macro's for each meal and then total them?

    What does your 90 minute workout look like?

    Balance is all very well but, as SM & GB say, the weekend is a loooooong time when dieting.

  8. #8
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    I was the same with the weekend thing, but eventually it got to me, wasting my time during the week dieting, why bother ? Just to put it back on at the weekend. Have a cheat meal with a glass of wine ( if alcohol is your thing) as a treat, do it religiously for three months, you'll never look back after that.

    It's called the twelve week rule.

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