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Thread: Diet, Low carb.

  1. #1

    Diet, Low carb.

    Have been cutting for 2 weeks, this is my 3rd week, planning to drop my carbs but keep cals the same on the 4th week (i have been on 200g daily).


    Meal 1: 8:30
    1 and a half scoop whey: 42g Protein, 2g Carbs, 4g Fat
    30g Oats = 5.07g Protein, 19.88g Carbs, 2.07g Fat
    Total: 47.07g Protein, 21.88g Carbs, 6.07g Fat

    Meal 2: 11:00
    200g Tuna: 50.5g Protein, 0g Carbs, 15g Fat
    1tbsp flaxseed oil: 0g Protein, 0g Carbs, 13.6g Fat
    Mixed Garden Salad: -----
    Total: 50.5g Protein, 0g Carbs, 28.6g Fat

    Meal 3: 1:00
    200g Basa Fillet: 30g Protein, 0g Carbs, 7g Fat
    100g Broccoli: 2g Protein, 7g Carbs, 0g Fat
    25g Peanut butter: 6.75g Protein, 2.5g Carbs, 13.6g Fat
    Total: 38.75g Protein, 9.5g Carbs, 20.6g Fat

    Meal 4: 3:30 PREWORKOUT
    75g Brown Rice: 3g Protein, 25.5g Carbs, 3g Fat
    200g Chicken Breast: 40g Protein, 0g Carbs, 3g Fat
    Total: 43g Protein, 25.5g Carbs, 6g Fat

    Meal 5: Time Varies POSTWORKOUT
    1 and a half scoop whey: 42g Protein, 2g Carbs, 4g Fat
    30g of Sugar: 0g Protein, 30g Carbs, 0g Fat
    Total: 42g Protein, 32g Carbs, 4g Fat

    Meal 6: 1:00
    200g Chicken Breast: 40g Protein, 0g Carbs, 3g Fat
    100g Broccoli: 2g Protein, 7g Carbs, 0g Fat
    1tbsp flaxseed oil: 0g Protein, 0g Carbs, 13.6g Fat
    Total: 42g Protein, 7g Carbs, 16.6g Fat

    Meal 7: 10:30
    3 Whole Eggs: 19.05g Protein, 2.1g Carbs, 15.45g Fat
    125mL Egg Whites: 12.05g Protein, 0g Carbs, 0g Fat
    100g Cottage cheese: 10.3g Protein, 2.5g Carbs, 7.4g Fat
    Garden Salad: --------
    Total: 41.4g Protein, 4.6g Carbs, 22.85gFat

    Total: 304.72g Protein, 100.48g Carbs, 104.72g Fat
    Calories: 1218.88 + 401.92 + 942.48 = 2563.28 Calories
    Ratio: 47% 15% 36%
    TDEE = 3338

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by lgnorant View Post
    planning to drop my carbs but keep cals the same on the 4th week (i have been on 200g daily).
    How are you planning to compensate for the lost calories?

  3. #3
    I Upped my fats and protein.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    What have your results been for the past 2 weeks of cutting?

    Also dont forget, amount of carbs arent always the problem...

    carb timing can help alot too.

    Breakfast and Preworkout are pretty much only times I have carbs when I cut.

    This way I can still have a boat load of carbs but keep fat burning at a high.

    When I lean bulk and cut, I try to have a carb cut off of around 4pm. (preworkout meal)

    Then lean proteins and healthy fats for rest of my meals until bed.

  5. #5
    8th August = 94.6kg (START)
    15th August = 93.4kg
    22nd August = 91.5kg

    I think im dropping weight too fast... so im upping my carbs to about 200g still and the calories to 2800, seeing as my maintanence is 3300, but i ONLY want to have my carbs Morning, Pre and Post. How would i put 200g carbs between those 3? wouldnt 60g carbs each meal be too much?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Depends on how you respond to carbs.

    If they dont bloat you or fill you up too badly..

    then 60g is nothing. I sometimes have 150g or so while cutting. But my body doesnt mind carbs.

    Try and see how your progress goes. If it slows (which it will no matter the carb timing due to you adding more in anyways) then watch the mirror.

    Just cuz the scale doesnt say what you want it to, doesnt mean the mirror wont. The mirror doesnt lie.

    If you seem t keep leaning out... then go with it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    And those timing are choices are best cuz your body will make the most of the carbs you do consume.

    Upon waking... you are depleted and fasted... theyll get sucked up.

    Pre workout (hour to an hour and half before lifting)... they will be used for energy and burned off.

    Post workout... they will be sucked up and used to transport the hormones and nutrients.

  8. #8
    Appreciate the replies man, i just revamped my whole diet, up to 2851 calories to slow down fatloss.


    Meal 1: 8:30
    1 scoop of Protein Powder: 22g Protein, 1g Carbs, 2g Fat
    80g Oats = 8g Protein, 52.8g Carbs, 3g Fat
    1 Glass Milk = 8.5g Protein, 13.1g Carbs, 0.3g Fat
    Total: 38.5g Protein, 66.9g Carbs, 5.3g Fat

    Meal 2: 11:00
    150g Tuna: 37.5g Protein, 0g Carbs, 11.25g Fat
    1tbsp flaxseed oil: 0g Protein, 0g Carbs, 13.6g Fat
    Mixed Garden Salad: -----
    Total: 37.5g Protein, 0g Carbs, 24.85g Fat

    Meal 3: 1:00
    150g Chicken Breast: 30g Protein, 0g Carbs, 1.5g Fat
    2 Whole Eggs: 12.7g Protein, 1.4g Carbs, 10.3g Fat
    42.7g Protein, 1.4g Carbs, 11.8g Fat

    Meal 4: 3:30 PREWORKOUT
    200g Brown Rice: 5g Protein, 68.8g Carbs, 4g Fat
    100g Chicken Breast: 20g Protein, 0g Carbs, 1g Fat
    Total: 25g Protein, 68.8g Carbs, 5g Fat

    Meal 5: Time Varies POSTWORKOUT
    1 and a half scoop whey: 42g Protein, 2g Carbs, 4g Fat
    50g of Sugar: 0g Protein, 50g Carbs, 0g Fat
    Total: 42g Protein, 52g Carbs, 4g Fat

    Meal 6: 7:30
    200g Basa Fillet: 30g Protein, 0g Carbs, 7g Fat
    100g Broccoli: 2g Protein, 7g Carbs, 0g Fat
    25g Peanut butter: 6.75g Protein, 2.5g Carbs, 13.6g Fat
    Total: 38.75g Protein, 9.5g Carbs, 20.6g Fat

    Meal 7: 10:30
    2 Whole Eggs: 12.7g Protein, 1.4g Carbs, 10.3g Fat
    125mL Egg Whites: 12.05g Protein, 0g Carbs, 0g Fat
    150g Cottage cheese: 17g Protein, 6.3g Carbs, 3.7g Fat
    1tbsp flaxseed oil: 0g Protein, 0g Carbs, 13.6g Fat
    Total: 41.75g Protein, 7.7g Carbs, 35.3g Fat

    Total: 266.2g Protein, 206.3g Carbs, 106.85g Fat
    Calories: 1064.8 + 825.2 + 961.65 = 2851.65 Calories
    Ratio: 49% 36% 13%
    TDEE = 3338

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Just my .02 - i'd drop the milk due to the sugar, but it's one glass so no huge deal. I'd definitely drop the sugar PWO; personally I don't even agree with it during a bulk, it definitely has no place in a cutting diet IMO. I know some will disagree.

    I'd also swap your flaxseed oil for fish oils - flax isn't a great omega-3 choice, despite what most people think.

    IMO the fat macro is high. 13% isn't - but the number itself, nearly 107g fat is. Dropping the peanut butter would be a good start. I know, the only tasty part of your diet!

    Other than lacking in green veggies, the diet looks decent to me.

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