I'm having trouble to eat the total amount of meals I should daily, and basicaly the problem is in the Oat, i mix oat with my daily two shakes, and to be clear this is a must, i count every single calorie I consume and since Im an ectomorph neglecting those oat is not an option; I have to actually force myself to consume it but after some time it began to be a problem, it always turn into a risk of vomiting from doing that, beside that for what it takes to gain enough weight its not going to be a very enjoyable life knowing u have to force oat in ur daily bases also since oats has alot of fibre and digest pritty slow even after 2-3 hours im not like that much hungry for the next meal; the only time when I'm able to take in those oat normaly no forcing is post workout but on the rest days and the 2nd shake (i usually take it before bed) is difficult; so my question is is their any good technique to boost my hunger some bit more? or any otehr good source of complex carb i could use?
Oh by the way I take 3 cups oat daily (1.5 cup twice a day mixed on my protein shake)