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Thread: Diet Critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Diet Critique

    First off I want to say thanks to everyone who takes the time to answer questions and post all the articles I have been reading. I initially came to this site looking to learn about hgh but quickly realized I needed to change my diet first and foremost. I've taken components of Milos Sarcev "Diet Secrets of the Pros" and the how to cut thread to make this initial diet. Before I started it, I wanted to run it by people who know way more than I do to make sure I'm on the right track. I'm going for 1.5 g protein/lb, 200-300 g carbs (starting lower), and minimal fat. Fibrous carbs will be added to the meals throughout the day. I'm breaking up the protein equally over all the meals. Is this the correct approach? On paper, this seems like a lot of food.

    235lbs endo-meso
    Estimating 20-25% BF; goal 10-12%
    TDEE based on current activity level is 3456 kcal

    0500 Cardio first thing: Glutamine 5 g prior to cardio
    0600 Meal 1: Liquid egg whites 1 2/3 cups; 1 cup oatmeal; 2 tbsp udo's oil blend; Glucorell-R 2 tabs 44/51/33/690 p/c/f/total calories
    0715 Meal 2: Mixed protein source powder drink 48/10/8/304
    0900 Meal 3: Chicken breast 8.3 oz 43/0/11/282
    1100 Meal 4: (2) mahi mahi fillets; 2 oz (precooked) brown rice; Glucorell-R 2 tabs 49/43/4/404
    1300 Meal 5: mixed protein source powder drink; 48/10/8/304
    1530 PWO (meal 6): recovery drink; Glutamine 5 g 44/88/0/528
    1730 Meal 7: 7.1 oz 95% lean ground beef 43/0/10/277
    1930 Meal 8: 8.8 oz turkey breast without skin 43/10/4/255

    Total: 362/212/78/3044

    What mixed protein source powder drinks do you recommend (brand)?
    Is there one whey protein brand better than all the others?
    Is there a better time to take the 2nd dose of glutamine besides where I have it?
    Is there a place to buy a dextrose/maltodextrin drink?
    On non workout days, should I eliminate the carbs in meal 4 and meal 5 completely?

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to help
    Last edited by sleepy33; 08-30-2011 at 08:54 PM. Reason: adjusting based on recommendations

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    USA and many other places
    Welcome to the Diet forum! Good idea to get your food lined up first before the move.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by sleepy33 View Post

    What mixed protein source powder drinks do you recommend (brand)? Everyone has their own opinion. For protein blends, Optimum Nutrition and Myofusion are popular.
    Is there one whey protein brand better than all the others? No. There are 3 "purities" of whey (hydrolyzed, isolate, and concentrate) but just worry about flavor and price.
    Is there a better time to take the 2nd dose of glutamine besides where I have it? I personally think you're wasting your money with Glutamine and would go with BCAA's or nothing at all and spend the saved money on food.
    Is there a place to buy a dextrose/maltodextrin drink? Why dextrose? There probably is at GNC or something but your paying $50.00 for sugar. I'd go with complex carbs PWO if it were me. Effective, cost-effective, and equally delicious imo.
    On non workout days, should I eliminate the carbs in meal 4 and meal 5 completely? Unsure without macro breakdown of each meal and an overall total. I do not have a PWO meal on rest days which means in my case I lost about 44g of protein and 55g of carbs.

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to help
    In my opinion, you do not need HGH at your age. Someone who disagrees with me though may help you with your diet. Other questions in bold.

  4. #4
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    1) Your diet is painfully low on fats in my opinion.

    2) Glutamine is a worthless supplement in my opinion.

    3) Personally I remove alot of carbs on non-workout days when I'm cutting but thats just personal preference.

    4) I buy all my powders from True (not sure if I'm allowed to post that website bad mods if I'm not)

  5. #5
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    Diet Section
    Your diet can be giving a better critique if we know your macros, TDEE, rough times you consume meal at etc...
    I suggest you get them up first.

    I use Optimum Nutrtion Whey and Scivation xtend for BCAA's. I also take glutamine but only as it was free. Other wise BCAA/EAA are the way to go.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    In my opinion, you do not need HGH at your age. Someone who disagrees with me though may help you with your diet. Other questions in bold.
    Solid critique ^^^

  7. #7
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    KJ, I'll try and get that info up tomorrow. Thanks

    qbrice and windex, why is that? The intent of this thread was not about the HGH, but since it was brought up figured I'd ask.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    I was referring more to the diet critique. However since you brought it up, I agree with Windex on that as well - I have no idea why you think you need HGH, or why you're interested in it particularly.

    How long have you been training? Your currently 20-25% bodyfat by your own admittance; clearly, you don't have dieting down (no offense).

    In my opinion you need to get a solid understanding of the fundamentals before concerning yourself with HGH and the like. Just my .02

  9. #9
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    Aug 2011
    I agree, that's why I'm starting here first with the diet. I initially came here looking to research HGH but realized I need other things first. HGH would only come into play later down the road, but I was interested on why my age matters when it comes to its use.

  10. #10
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    This is what I would change imo

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepy33 View Post
    Cardio first thing: Glutamine 5 g prior to cardio
    Meal 1: Liquid egg whites 2 1/4 cups; 2 tbsp udo's oil blend assuming cardio is before meal one I would take the carbs from meal 2 and have it in the first meal
    Meal 2: Mixed protein source powder drink; 1 cup oatmeal; Glucorell-R 2 tabs
    Meal 3: Chicken breast 8.3 oz
    Meal 4: (2) mahi mahi fillets; 1 cup brown rice; Glucorell-R 2 tabs
    PWO (meal 5): Whey protein 44g protein; 88g dextrose/maltodextrin mixture add the 2nd serve of glutamine into your pwo shake
    Meal 6: 7.1 oz 97% lean ground beef
    Meal 7: mixed protein source powder drink; Glutamine 5 g drop this shake and have the turkey here instead
    Meal 8: 8.8 oz turkey breast without skin get a casien shake to have before bed and look at adding some fish oil supps here

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sleepy33 View Post
    I agree, that's why I'm starting here first with the diet. I initially came here looking to research HGH but realized I need other things first. HGH would only come into play later down the road, but I was interested on why my age matters when it comes to its use.
    Good deal bro, you have a good head on your shoulders. I have no issues with your age.

  12. #12
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    KJ, I edited my initial post to reflect what you asked for

    boxa, I read that having a pro/fat meal after cardio continued the fat burning process. Would adding the carbs to meal 1 offset that? Why add the glutamine to the pwo? Also read that second dose should be added somewhere besides the PWO shake. Finally, is there any particular reason behind your thoughts on me changing meals 7 and 8? I just like to know the why behind anything. Thanks for the critique

  13. #13
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    I know you asked boxa, but I just wanted to weigh in on the carbs/cardio question. Don't worry about having carbs post-cardio. I really don't believe it will affect the cardio 'after burn' much, if at all. Early in the day is a perfect time for carbs, cardio or not. If you're doing the cardio itself fasted (which you are), that's where a majority of the magic is happening anyway. Don't sweat it!

  14. #14
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    ok, thanks again qbrice.

  15. #15
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    Glutamine post work out is said to have increased growth hormone and increase recovery speed. Your body is also able to absorb the most nutrients post work out.

    With meal 7 and 8 I thought it would be wiser adding in a slow releasing protein for before bed instead of turkey which breaks down in 2-3 hours. Casein is said to release over 6 hours which is ideal before bed time.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I know you asked boxa, but I just wanted to weigh in on the carbs/cardio question. Don't worry about having carbs post-cardio. I really don't believe it will affect the cardio 'after burn' much, if at all. Early in the day is a perfect time for carbs, cardio or not. If you're doing the cardio itself fasted (which you are), that's where a majority of the magic is happening anyway. Don't sweat it!
    Good answer bro I agree

  17. #17
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    ok, made those changes. However I put that protein shake at 1300 due to that being the most realistic thing I could eat at that time. Would you eliminate the beef meal, move the turkey up and then do the casein shake for the last meal?

  18. #18
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    1300? I don't understand what you mean.

    Don't eliminate a meal just reorganize them like I suggested.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sleepy33 View Post
    I agree, that's why I'm starting here first with the diet. I initially came here looking to research HGH but realized I need other things first. HGH would only come into play later down the road, but I was interested on why my age matters when it comes to its use.
    Age matters re: hgh for the reason of potentially creating a negative feedback loop while still producing a lot of natural gh. Therefore hgh is not encouraged when under 30 and in reality waiting longer is even a better idea.

    Also with a high BF taking hgh I have heard of people blowing up when their diet is not in check. HAPPENED TO ME! I can tell you that first hand! Some think it is a magic pill/shot which is what I was hoping for.....NOT THE CASE all the time! Yet you will read where some people can take it and eat junk and get by with it but with the cost and risk? something to think you already produce a lot now anyway so try to take your edge while you can.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 08-30-2011 at 09:54 PM.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Glutamine post work out is said to have increased growth hormone and increase recovery speed. Your body is also able to absorb the most nutrients post work out.

    With meal 7 and 8 I thought it would be wiser adding in a slow releasing protein for before bed instead of turkey which breaks down in 2-3 hours. Casein is said to release over 6 hours which is ideal before bed time.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    1300? I don't understand what you mean.

    Don't eliminate a meal just reorganize them like I suggested.
    1300 = 1 pm, I moved my shake to that time due to constraints of work. Therefore I have beef followed by turkey as my last two meals.

    slimmerme, thanks for the insight

  22. #22
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    Windex which part were you questioning?

    Sleepy33 so 1pm meal is a pwo shake? That's fine.

  23. #23
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    No its just a protein shake. I've edited the diet up top if you want to look at it. Just wondering about the final two meals. Should I drop one of them and put in the casein shake as the last meal?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sleepy33 View Post
    No its just a protein shake. I've edited the diet up top if you want to look at it. Just wondering about the final two meals. Should I drop one of them and put in the casein shake as the last meal?
    just re-post it separately

  25. #25
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    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who posted. Have been doing the diet for only a week and I feel GREAT! I'm not tired in the middle of the day for the first time in years. I've lost 9 lbs (I'm sure water weight) and have seen 226 lbs on the scale for the first time in a long time. Will be starting my weight training on top of this diet starting next week.

    one question though, been having occasional diarrhea since starting the diet. Did some research that said it could be related to lower fiber intake. Started taking benefiber and it seems to help but still having it at times. Any thoughts?

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