I'm here in this forum and this thread to build a diet for myself. My needs are not of a body builder but of a martial artist. I need to lean out as I compete in weight classes and I have too much body fat on me at the moment. Will following the guide lines and following the theory of this diet work for someone with an average body type looking to lose fat? Or is this more body builder specific?
You talk about not mixing fats with foods that will spike your insulin. Can you link me to any relevant articles about this? I would like to have a better understanding of how to control insulin levels to prevent from storing fat. As well which foods spike insulin levels.
When you say protein shake is this referring to a shake with 2 scoops of protein and water?
My high intensity workouts are usually later at night. I usually consume my PWO shake as my last meal of the day. Is there anything wrong with this?
Thanks for this thread. It provides me with a starting point in this vast ocean of knowledge.
Age 29
Weight 200
BF 20%
Height 5'10"