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Thread: Quick Q about PWO Nutrition

  1. #1

    Quick Q about PWO Nutrition

    Hey all! Long time lurker first time topic starter (I'm excited )

    I've never ran a Carb in my protein shake for PWO but after reading around I feel like I need to start doing so.

    First off, I am trying to cut BF% so is this beneficial or only really necessary for mass gains.

    Secondly, I am using 1.5 scoops of Complete Nutrition Whey
    35 Pro
    4.3 Carb
    3 Fat

    From what I understand, Oats seem to be a predominantly prefered form of carb addition so I purchased a bag of Hodgson Mill Oat Bran Flour (So I didn't have to grind the oats myself)
    1/4c. =
    4 Pro
    22 Carb (3 Fiber)
    2 Fat

    Just wanted to know the amount of oat flour I need to add either serving size or ratio pro:carb I need to keep for a "cutting" PWO shake. Thanks for the time!

    BTW: I usually use the search function but it wasn't yielding the information I needed, or I am just too stupid to find it

    Wt: 220
    BF: Gonna hammer myself w/ 23%

    Taking shake MWF after 45min Lift/30 min Cardio -- Not taking TTH after 60min Cardio (or should I be?)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    The main purpose of carbs in a PWO shake is to help restore glycogen and get a bit of insulin in the blood stream, which will shuttle nutrients into the exhausted muscle cells (assuming you've worked out intensely enough to stimulate growth/deplete muscle glycogen to some extent). i.e., speeding up protein synthesis.

    I wouldn't say it's absolutely necessary in terms of a cutting diet, however it's one time where you can 'get away' with eating carbs, and actually it's beneficial.

    Oat flour?? Yuck!!! I don't grind my oats - I buy the 'quick oats' - they're already rolled and broken up smaller so they go down easier, but I don't think I'd wanna swallow a lump of powder, i.e. flour!! Whatever works for you though.

    There is no definitive protein to carb ratio. You need to look at the big picture (24 hour period) and factor these carbs into your diet. I personally go with about 35g carbs PWO (little over 1/2 cup oats). Hope this helps, and welcome to the board!

  3. #3
    Thanks GB was hoping you'd come thru for me

    I'll add 1 serving size to my protein shake after lift days and see how my body reacts and up the ante if I feel like I need it. I'm needing the quick synthesis especially after my legs days as it makes my hour cardio the next day stiff agony. I only do compound movement lifts (Squat/Bench:Chins/Deads/BBrow:Pushpress/Dips) and I go balls out 85-90% 1RM on last set every week.

    And the flour! I got it so I can just dissolve it in warm water with my protein powder and slam it like its going out of style. Or so I think thats how it will go. Now that I think about it, it might be the same viscosity of pancake mix when I try to drink it I'll let you know lol

    Edit: Oh! I'm keeping a food log currently with times and macros for this week, I wanted to get a good starting base to post my diet up here for you to look at if you'd be up to helping me out
    Last edited by Deadication; 08-30-2011 at 01:23 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    ^^ sounds like a plan. I think you'll be switching to regular oats pretty soon.

    Sure mate, post up the diet and we'll help get you sorted. Good luck!

  5. #5
    For the record.

    The organic oat bran flour works great!... Dissolves mostly in the water with the protein powder -- No taste (but I'll fool myself and say it was just like an oatmeal cookie) just a little bit on the chalky side which I don't mind at all. On a side note I will be bringing an extra bottle of water for the car ride home as it did make my mouth a little dry but not unbearable.

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