Hey all! Long time lurker first time topic starter (I'm excited)
I've never ran a Carb in my protein shake for PWO but after reading around I feel like I need to start doing so.
First off, I am trying to cut BF% so is this beneficial or only really necessary for mass gains.
Secondly, I am using 1.5 scoops of Complete Nutrition Whey
35 Pro
4.3 Carb
3 Fat
From what I understand, Oats seem to be a predominantly prefered form of carb addition so I purchased a bag of Hodgson Mill Oat Bran Flour (So I didn't have to grind the oats myself)
1/4c. =
4 Pro
22 Carb (3 Fiber)
2 Fat
Just wanted to know the amount of oat flour I need to add either serving size or ratio pro:carb I need to keep for a "cutting" PWO shake. Thanks for the time!
BTW: I usually use the search function but it wasn't yielding the information I needed, or I am just too stupid to find it
Wt: 220
BF: Gonna hammer myself w/ 23%
Taking shake MWF after 45min Lift/30 min Cardio -- Not taking TTH after 60min Cardio (or should I be?)