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  1. #1
    padster-k is offline New Member
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    how much protein should i consume

    Hi all, new to this so please bear with me
    i have been going to the gym for around 7 years now, been doing ok until recently, i have piled the pounds on as i have given up smoking and indulged in the sweeter things in life!! anyways i have knuckled down and am now back training 4 times a week, my problem is i dont seem to be losing my fat around my stomach, and boobs, no matter how hard i train, i have a hunger like no other due to the no smoking and would like to know what sort of food intake i should be looking at ie how much protein , carbs etc, i have cut the crap out of my diet now.
    im 6"2, and 225lbs, god knows what my body fat is but all my weight seems to be around my torso.
    suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    What's your typical food intake look like?

    General rule is 1.5-2g protein per lb of body weight. Some guys go with LBM as a measurement, others like myself just straight up BW.

    So between 250-500g per day typically. For you, since you're BF is higher I would go with LBM. So if you are 20% BF at 225, go with 270-360g per day.

    Going to want to increase protein and healthy fat intake while cutting down BF, and try to up your cardio to 5-7 days per week for maximal results.

  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Do you have any pics to post up so we can get an idea of your current body fat situation?

  4. #4
    padster-k is offline New Member
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    Many thanks for that, how would i go about finding my bf?

    i have four weetabix for breakfast, 2 tins of tuna with a small helping of rice and some peas for lunch (this looks large in my lunch box but i spread it out over 3 sittings) then 3 standard chicken breasts with again a small helping of rice for dinner, unsure of actual weights but can weigh it out and post back if required, i have cut the fat content big time so have no worries there.

    will be doing as much cardio as poss now as i wouldnt say im over or under eating, my training is going well, 45mins to an hour 4 times a week.

  5. #5
    padster-k is offline New Member
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    will try and sort some pics out later gbrice75, not pretty but will try lol

  6. #6
    Daveman is offline Junior Member
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    Figure out your target caloric intake per day.

    1.5g x lbs = protein intake (multiply by 4 to get calories from protein)
    .5g x lbs = fat intake (multiply by 9 to get calories from fats)

    Once you have your total calories from fats/protein then subtract it from your caloric total. The remaining calories should come from carbs.


    If you weigh 200 pounds and want to shoot for 2500 calories.

    1.5 x 200 = 300g protein = 1200 calories from protein
    .5 x 200 = 100g fat = 900 calories from fat

    Caloric total so far = 2100

    2500-2100 = 400 calories to go

    100g of carbs = 400 calories


    Your macros should be aimed at getting

    300g Protein
    100g Fat
    100g Carb

    Some people arent comfortable going that high on fat, personally I much prefer higher fat diets but to each his own.

  7. #7
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    It all depends on the individual. Some people do very well with higher fat diets, some don't. It's worth nothing that of the 3 macro nutrients, dietary fat is most likely to be stored as body fat. Note I am not an anti-fat type of person. I am also not anti-carb. Alot of people seem to think you have to be in one camp or the other. Both macros have their place. Carbs are non essential to life, but IMO they are essential to this lifestyle. Personally, I get all the fats I need by default from the foods I eat (eggs, beef, fats here and there from protein powders, oats, etc) and then supplement omega-3's in the form of fish oil caps. I don't see a need to ever go over 20% fats, and i'd prefer to keep it at 15% when possible, and never below 10%.

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