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current stats:
So here is my current diet: (1.5 - 2 hour gap in between each meal, and water throughout the day)
1) Morning shake - 1 and a half cups of mixed fruits, half a cup of baby carrots, 2 tablespoons of ground flax, half a banana, 1 scoop of whey ISO 25g protein (mixed in a blender)
Drop the fruit and replace with oats, u may also want to put ur egg whites in this meal and also a whole egg or two, the yolk contains half of the protein an many important nutrients.
2) half a cup of almonds
Drop this meal it's pointless
3) same shake as morning shake
Can keep if changes are made to it but a different meal would probably better but not a huge deal
4) half a cup of almonds, 3 egg whites(boiled)
Drop this whole meal. Replace with protein and carb or protein and fat (dependent on ur goals)
5) 2 and a half cups of lean meat(or fish), 1 cup of mixed veggies, 1 cup of cooked brown rice, fat free garnishes maybe a little sugar in them like ketchup for example
No need for 91 grams of protein in one meal, split it in half and use in another meal
(and a protein shake for post workout nutrition)
Put some carbs in ur shake, half a cup of oats will do
I don't eat after 6 and if i get hungry ill eat three more boiled egg whites.
Last meal before bed should be a casien shake (u can also add fish oil to this
Get ur necessary fats from fish oil, people don't tend to get enough omega 3s so fish oil is good to use. Diet needs alot of work tbh
I incorporate at least 25 min of jogging outside after all my workouts.
Can someone tell me if this is okay diet or where things could be fixed, Ill be training intense in the next three months... it would be nice to get down to 11-12% bf if not more... Im dedicated.... please bear in mind I am a college student on a low budget so i cant afford expensive nutrition... thanks guys any help would be great